by Brian Habit
July 15, 2003
The Significance of Retrogradation
What does it mean when a planet is retrograde in your natal chart?
When a planet is retrograde, the person’s developmental process that is associated with that planet often has some timid-ness or backwardness to it, but it also often has a particular sensitivity and depth to it. At least some of a natal planet’s energy is always directed toward outward expression, but when the planet is retrograde, part of its vitality is directed inward, away from the world. To a great extent, the person’s expression of that planet develops away from the influence of society and social interaction, more independently from it than planets that are not retrograde. It’s as if that function is spooked into hiding, wary of how the world will treat it if it came out into the open. The planet expresses itself more quietly, but it could still express itself powerfully.
An Example: Jupiter Retrograde For example, with Jupiter retrograde, a person may develop an internal sense of faith in herself or life in a way that is relatively independent of her environment. This might happen, say, if she is surrounded by pessimistic naysayers or overly strict Saturnine people while growing up. At the same time, she may present herself in a relatively serious way, turning much of the Jupiterian optimism or exuberance inside…maybe expressing itself in relatively private ways.
Planetary Functions The greater the number of planets that are retrograde in a chart, the more all of this is likely to apply. Many of the person’s functions are involved, possibly including his or her: -thinking, intellectual self-expression or use of the five senses (Mercury) -creativity or social gracefulness or sense of attractiveness (Venus) -expression of an active demeanor or asserting oneself (Mars) -faith in oneself and life (Jupiter) -self-discipline or self-sufficiency (Saturn) -individuality or autonomous thinking (Uranus) -psychic sensitivity (Neptune) and/or -expression of one’s personal power or speaking the truth as one sees it (Pluto).
Additional Considerations
If a retrograde planet is stationary (meaning, if it turned retrograde soon before the person was born or if it turned direct soon after the person was born), then that planet’s function is supercharged. Its expression is likely to predominate in the person’s life.
Another point to consider: If a planet that is retrograde in a natal chart will turn direct by secondary progression during the person’s lifetime, this is likely to mark a shift toward more outward or open expression of the planet. For example, if Mercury is retrograde but it will turn direct within 70 days or so after the person was born, then by the day-for-a-year method of progression, it’ll turn direct by the time that he or she is about 70 years old. (The easiest way to check this is by looking at either a hard copy or an electronic copy of an ephemeris.)
Also, it’s worth bearing in mind that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde almost half the time, so not too much should be drawn from any of them being retrograde unless it is reinforced elsewhere in the chart or it is part of a larger pattern (such as one of several retrograde planets).
Each planet in your natal chart represents the way in which you use a certain energy. For example, Mercury is the mind, your ideas, mental energy. Venus in your chart describes what you value and how you reach out to others in love.
When a planet in your chart is retrograde, you experience the energy of the planet in a more subjective, internal way. Thus your experience and expression of the planet’s energy is very unique to you. There is also a link to the past, or a concern with the past. Some karmic astrologers believe that retrograde planets indicate a link to a past life.
With Venus retrograde in your natal chart, your concept of beauty is different, comes from a different place, than those around you. With Mercury retrograde, your thinking is different. With Jupiter, planet of philosophy, your ethics, morality and religion may differ from your family’s.
Usually the planetary energies flow outward “in the pursuit of” the various energies represented by the planets. But with retrograde planets the energies are turned back inward on the person & no longer is the fulfillment of this planetary pursuit to be found “out there” but within ourselves, contrary to what we may observe in others having the same planets direct.
With retrograde planets you have a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the areas signified by the retrogrades & at the level indicated by their signs.
The retrograde effects usually register on the plane of activity that is represented by the element that contains the retrograde planet. If it’s an earth sign, the physical plane. Air, intelligence, mental activity. Water, emotions. Fire, passion, ideals & motivation.
Most important: When the retrograde planet is angular, or in the same sign as the sun, or if the retrograde planet is already in high focus or the ruler of the chart: It can dominate the personality.
The retrograde will affect most noticeably the house containing the retrograde planet. It will also have an effect on the house it rules, & on the houses containing planets that aspect the retrograde planet.
While retrograde planets do not deny, they do delay events in our lives. People with many retrograde planets in their chart have to “go the long way” to find their path. People with zero retrograde planets tend to be the ones who decide what they are going to “be” in childhood, and actually do it.
The Sun & Moon never turn retrograde. The Moon’s Nodes (mean) are always retrograde. The true Node is usually retrograde, but occasionally direct.
While older astrology books may suggest that retrograde planets in the birth chart are debilitated in some way, modern literature has mostly dropped this. At most, a suggestion that a retrograde planet may denote delayed development of factors relating to that planet. Many astrologers barely mention the retrograde status of a planet in the natal chart.
Modern astrologers do pay attention to retrograde planets in their transit. Again, the tendency is to view periods of retrograde as being negative. The most popular planet to watch is Mercury. When Mercury goes retrograde, astrologers believe that many of the everyday affairs ruled by Mercury are disrupted. When Mercury is retrograde, mental mistakes abound. Travel plans are often messed up. Misunderstandings occur. Diehard believers will refrain from making any sort of contract when Mercury is retrograde.
Perhaps the greatest impact of retrograde planets can be felt when the outer planets turn retrograde while forming a transit aspect to one of your natal planets. If, for example, transiting Neptune has formed a conjunction with your natal Sun position, the interpretation might be:
"T Neptune conjunct N Sun on the positive side tends to increase your sensitivity and compassion for others. You may be much more inclined to set aside your own ego and lend a helping hand to those in need of your assistance. Neptune causes the ego drive of the Sun to diminish. It is from this aspect of the contact that the negative influence of the conjunction emerges. A common reaction to this transit is fatigue and an attitude of being defeated. You are likely to feel disappointed or especially sorry for yourself, as well as for others. This is not a good aspect for anyone who has a problem with drinking or drugs. The body is extremely sensitive to external influences and less able to resist strain of any type. Another result of this transit is that you may be inclined to deceive others, as if your ego energy is trying to make you appear as something other than what you really are. You are likely to be unusually idealistic under this transit. It's necessary to insure that these ideals are rooted in reality and are not merely a device for escaping it."
Now if Neptune were to go slow to a stop and start to slowly travel in reverse for a while, this aspect might stay in orb for a number of months. The potential for a negative impact would be significant. If you were predisposed to a drinking or drug problem, this lengthy transit aspect could be devastating. At a minimum, you would feel very tired and somewhat confused as to why.
Thus, some of our longest runs of good luck and of bad luck can be traced to an outer planet in transit forming aspects to planets in the natal map.
© Michael McClain 1996-2006. Permission is granted for unlimited noncommercial use. All other rights reserved.
Some astrologers put more emphasis on retrograde planets in the birth chart than others. I have found that they add an important depth to the overall interpretation. The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes the individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that planets energy is held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider the consequences, so that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way. At other times, the outward behavior becomes exaggerated in an attempt to reconcile the inner doubts. Here are some examples of how retrograde planets may manifest in a persons chart. Below are some interpretations for retrograde planets found in the natal chart. With discernment, you may use these ideas as a basis for figuring out how the current retrogrades may "act" on the general public.
Mercury Retrograde * reconsiders before speaking * lots of inner conversation and thoughts * expresses self better in writing * feels misunderstood
Venus Retrograde * reconsiders before expressing love or affection * relates awkwardly to others* doubts the love others offer * can become obsessed in relationships * feels let down by the commitment level of others
Mars Retrograde * reconsiders before expressing anger * finds competitive situations hard to handle * tends to repress and so .... * can become depressed
Jupiter Retrograde * has doubts about what they deserve and so ... * finds it easy to settle for crumbs * feels superior in some way inside * abundance is felt on the inside * looks inside for answers to religious questions
Saturn Retrograde * feels they're never good enough inside * indulgent outward behavior may mask inner feelings of inadequacy * hides fears
Uranus Retrograde * reconsiders outward expressions of rebelliousness * feels different inside * outward conformist behavior masks inner feelings of non-conformity or ... * goes out of their way to upset others apple carts * has a difficult time finding their niche in society
Neptune Retrograde * feels guilty inside and so .... * tends to blame themselves when things go wrong * super sensitive inside and so ..... * puts on a tough skinned mask
Pluto Retrograde * keeps their chin up during crisis because ..... * they want to keep inner upheavals private * they get what they want by acting like they don't care
Retrograde Mercury: These people absorb thoughts & ideals through osmosis rather than careful, deliberate study. Own best teacher. Tendency to question what others accept as gospel. More capable of dealing with abstractions & impressions than those with Mercury direct.
Retrograde Venus: has unique ideas regarding pleasure, beauty & love, & less concern for the social amenities. They tend to put those they love to the acid test: “If I do x & y, will you still love me?” Can lead to some form of antisocial behavior. They may seek unconventional women.
Retrograde Mars: Work in its more conventional, mundane sense can be very painful for these people. Work best when it has some sort of “cause” associated with it. Less competitive than usual Mars energy—often in competition with themselves. Mars retrograde women are often attracted to men who are dependent, irresponsible, handicapped in some way, or social misfits.
Outer planets are retrograde roughly five months of the year. Thus they’re often found retrograde in a birth chart.
Retrograde Jupiter: These people are capable of taking advantage of opportunities that others ignore or pass by. They prefer to “take another crack” at things others have tried & failed. Their moral & ethical code, religion & philosophy are their own. They seek answers from within rather than subscribing to the standard dogma. They seek abundance in new, untried & unproved areas.
Retrograde Saturn: These people nearly always grave doubts about their worthiness as human beings. Can be very childlike in their behavior & fearful of taking chances. This is an ego-reducing kind of situation. There is usually a subconscious fear of rejection & of loss. Their limitations & responsibilities are self-imposed. This is probably the most difficult retrograde.
Retrograde Uranus: Here is a natural born rebel. Strong reformer instincts—for everybody else. These folks have a strong inner need & desire to persistently test their personal abilities against those of others. They must constantly prove themselves to themselves. In seeking greater freedom for themselves, they may limit the freedom of others.
Retrograde Neptune: These people are frequently confused inwardly as to whether they are “virtuous” or not. Persistently seek to help others, whether their help is wanted or not. They are more susceptible & more easily taken in by others.
Retrograde Pluto: Nearly half the world’s population has this retrograde. Its effect is hard to determine except to say that these people generally have a harder time integrating themselves into the mainstream of society. When Pluto is very strong, these people find themselves doing things without understanding why.
Retrograde ruler of the rising sign: These people doubt their personal worth as individuals & are very concerned with their self-image. Late bloomers.
1 Thanks to my teacher Lance Ferguson, his teacher Dona Shaw, and the many teachers before them who passed along much of the information in this article.
Traditionally Traditionally, in the birth chart, retrograde planets have been treated as being somehow weakened, more difficult, or more introverted in their expression. I can't and don't buy that.
Erin Sullivan, another approach Another very interesting (more recent) approach toward retrograde planets in the birth chart is proposed by archetypal astrologer, Erin Sullivan. In her book, Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, Sullivan (in my own oversimplified, nutshell) treats retrograde planets as being maverick energies in the birth chart which have a tendency to be rebellious and unpredictable in nature.
Third Approach I take the approach that was used by archetypal astrologer Richard Idemon. I generally don't pay that much attention to retrograde planets in the birth chart. Frankly... my rule of thumb - regarding any astrological concept which is debated, contested, and generally up for grabs - is that I try not to become too dogmatic and/or hung up about whatever particular stance I'm taking at the time.
However... Fourth Approach? However, there's a fourth possible approach I'm currently playing with and this approach tentatively seems to have some merit... This fourth approach was mentioned by Idemon in the mid 1980s and has now been proposed by another astrologer.
In his book entitled Exploring Jupiter archetypal astrologer, Stephen Arroyo, describes a fourth alternative way of looking at retrogrades in the birth chart. It's not the direction (direct or retrograde) of a planet that matters. It's the (apparent) speed of the planet which may have significance. According to Arroyo, a planet is the most powerful when it appears to be stationary in the sky. He (Arroyo) applies this theory to planets in the birth chart and (of course) also to transiting planets in the sky. A planet is stationary during those times when it's changing direction in the sky (as viewed from the good old earth) and about to go either retrograde or direct. So... if a planet is stationary in the birth chart, rather than being weakened or stunted, it may have added significance (i.e. stronger than normal influence) in the overall interpretation of the chart.
In the ephemeris, planets which are in retrograde are denoted by an R after the degree and minute designation. A retrograde planet may denote delayed development of factors relating to that planet rather than any negative influence as was suggested in ancient Astrology. A capital S alongside the planetary degree in the ephemeris stands for the word stationary and will occur when the planet is slowing down and has virtually stopped moving. The capital letter D is sometimes used indicating that the planet is in direct motion and is written when a planet changes from a backward direction or retrograde to a forward direction or direct. Perhaps the greatest impact of retrograde planets can be felt when the outer planets turn retrograde while forming a transit aspect to one of the natal planets.
Retrograde planets are thought to be weak in their effect, which is true for the personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars but it is not so with the outer planets which stay Retrograde for up to six months.
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