The Divine Feminine
We must find ways to heal the wounded feminine in our own hearts and souls. m. starbird
For over 2000 years, the symbol of the trinity has been represented by a male deity. And it is through this trinity that many women have looked for direction in their spiritual lives, not knowing of any other way. But recently, another tradition has re-emerged-one that predates the patriarchal view of the spiritual journey by thousands of years. This ancient tradition is that of the Great Goddess, whose three aspects-maiden, mother, crone-represent the natural cycles of the Earth and all its creatures. Many women seeking a spirituality that embraces and honors the feminine principles of creation and natural balance have claimed the Goddess for their own. D.J. Conway
The Egyptian Goddess Maat is often depicted as a giant bird who holds the entire world in perfect balance, while at the same time holding a feather with which she could tip the scales to one side or the other. Unfortunately, over the last four millennia on our planet, the scales have been tipped in favor of the masculine, causing the equilibrium to be destroyed at all levels. In this new era, perhaps the water-carrying principle, the feminine, will have enough influence to put out the fires kindled by two thousand years of male Logos orientation and to begin to heal the desert.
The imbalance of our fundamental institutions reflecting a father God at the peak of an all-male trinity, has had a devastating influence on the Western world. With the accelerated pace of events due to scientific advances in the last three hundred years, and especially in the last fifty, the fracture in Western society and in the human psyche has become more and more apparent. The pollution of our planet Earth and the flagrant abuse of her children are closely related to this fundamental flaw.
The feminine might have been established from the beginning as an equal partner of the male deity. Feminine preferences and attributes would have been honored equally through the centuries, and the resulting integration in the psyche of individuals would have spread to their families and communities. The denial of the feminine as partner and friend has robbed us of ecstasy. The wounded male, seeks his lost ecstasy in all the wrong places-violence, power, materialism.
Our worship of an exclusively male image of God is both distorted and dangerous. Male preferences and male domination cause society to form institutions based on a "male" model, with power concentrated at the top and the exploited masses imprisoned at the bottom.
Where the feminine is not valued, a man has no real intimacy with his counterpart. Deprived of his equal opposite because the feminine is viewed as an inferior object, the frustrated male causes burnout:"where the sun always shines, there's desert below." Forests wither, streams dry up, the earth cracks. The wasteland ensues.
The hierarchical model of patriarchal institutions, where all decisions and power rest with the autocratic ruler or oligarchy at the top, is losing its vitality in the wake of the powerful feminine consciousness being expressed in our modern world.
This resurrection of the feminine has allowed the things that women traditionally care most about - the education and nurturing of children and the enhancement of the quality of life - gradually to become visible on the agenda. Under the influence of this resurgent feminine principle, there is hope that the peoples of Earth may yet become enlightened, cherishing the unique gift of life of which this "water-carrying" planet Earth is custodian.
Long forgotten in Western civilization, there was a mandala honored in the oldest cultures of the world. It was based on the archetypal symbols of male and female.
From their sacred Cosmic Dance of the Opposites, which symbolizes the interplay of the positive and negative forces of energy, harmony spreads into all aspects of the life of people. This harmony is reflected in the wellbeing of the community and in the fertility of its crops and herd. Margaret Starbird
The Divine Feminine
"To speak of God as She in today's society is regarded as either brazen feminism or the deliberate reformation efforts of religious liberals. However, the tradition of the feminine aspect of divinity has a long history. From Ameratsu and Cannon in Japan, to Quanyin in China, to Tara in Tibet, to Shakti in India, to Akua'ba in Africa, to Isis in Egypt, to Ishtar and Astarte in the Middle East, to Demeter, Aphrodite and Venus in Greece and Rome, to the Great Goddess of Willendorf and Laussel, to Freya in Scandinavia, to Spider Woman and Ixchel the Weaver in North America, the Divine Mother has a long tradition in the history of the planet's consciousness. It appears that from approximately 40,000 BCE to approximately 5,000 BCE the Goddess was the primary deity figure. Over 90% of the figurines found from this period appear to be of a female goddess.
Our planet has a need to reinstate a sense of the "Goddess" within its understanding of the divine; the nurturing principle of the female is needed to help guide our way through the maze of accelerated change which surrounds us. I would submit to you that many of our problems arise as a result of looking at God only as He , the He who appears to initiate holy wars and conquest. As the Taoist, Buddhist or Hindu would tell you, without the Divine Feminine Principle incorporated into one's concept of the Godhead, you have only told, at best, half the story regarding the divine nature; you have fallen short of a full appreciation of the divinity within and without.
The "feminine principle" is viewed by the traditions of the East as the principle of birth, transformation and rebirth, the nurturing and sustaining influence in the universe. In the Taoist world view, the feminine principle is the responsive nature of the universe in juxtaposition to the "male principle" which is the proactive and initiating nature of the universe. The male principle initiates action and movement; the female principle nurtures and is responsive to those actions and movements.
Our current world view is out of balance, and the world scene reflects that lack of balance. The patriarchal world view has dominated Western Culture for the last seven thousand years. The aggressive concepts of a Patriarchal God have been responsible for tremendous initiative in the history of the West, but they have lost the respect of many for not inspiring a greater sense of responsibility and nurture for our planet earth.
The traditions of the West have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not ecologically responsive and responsible. They have at best tolerated, and at worst espoused, political and social behaviors which have violated the planet. The results are all around us: the polluted skies, earth, and ocean attest to this gross lack of responsibility, along with the absence of an attitude of care necessary to heal our sick planet. The Goddess, in contrast, is the caretaker, and by neglecting her within ourselves and the cosmos, we have moved into a state of disequilibrium where our relationships to ourselves and to the planet are in disarray. People who have been guided by the defensive and exclusive characteristics of a jealous Patriarchal God have promoted the distinctions and differences amongst the people of the world. Such distinctions and differences can lead to disastrous results if not balanced with the promotion of sensitivity and understanding that leads to a celebration of differences, an appreciation of distinctions. Two North American traditions -- Ixchel and Weaver from the Mayan culture, and Spider Woman from numerous American Indian cultures, -- attempt by their efforts as weavers to bring integration to the great diversity of life.
Within the analytical tradition of Carl Jung and the work of mythologists such as Joseph Campbell, there is much evidence to support the existence of the feminine principle (anima) within the human psyche alongside that of the male principle (animus). Jung's definition of spiritual growth within the individual in large part relates to the development and integration of those male and female components of the human psyche.
The Eastern religious traditions have for millennia observed that if you fail to show respect to the female principle within and without, the results can be awesomely destructive. The figures of Kali and Camunda personify that sense of danger. With vast arsenals of nuclear weaponry at our fingertips, it is past time for the female principle to re-emerge and take her position as coequal along side Yahweh, Allah, and the Lord God.
The Goddess image surrounded the planet for well over 35,000 years to about 5,000 BCE, when her position descended like the goddess Peresephone into the deep earth, the home of Hades. Around that time we observe the ascendancy of the male gods -- Zeus, Indra, Yahweh, and Thor. There are numerous theories as to why this shift in religious tradition occurred. I choose not to speculate about these theories. Rather, I choose to ask whether in that shift something of value was lost to humanity? In Greek mythology, not until the goddess Peresephone was returned from the kingdom of Hades did the earth restore her health. It was the winter of the earth's history according to the myth. We are still caught as a planet deep in the winter of our history. We should seek after the lost Peresephone and restore her to her Divine Mother so that our planet may find its wholeness, following not only the guidance of the Great Father, but also the Great Divine Mother Spirit.
I invite you to welcome the feminine image of God, the Goddess, back into your life. Feel her presence within you, allow her to turn the winter of your existence into a creative and life-sustaining spring. As we allow the Goddess to re-emerge in consciousness, her compassion and wisdom will begin to enfold us. She will gradually reveal herself in all of her simplicity and complexity. As we spend time recognizing and worshiping the Divine Parent who embodies and integrates both the feminine and masculine aspects of reality, we will come more and more to embody this unified wholeness in our consciousness and action. The Sacred Feminine is capable of greatly assisting in the fulfillment of our existence as a people and as a planet.
May the holistic reality of this Divine Parent within you bless you, sustain you, and create new life within you. "
The Goddess by Gard Jameson
Searching for the Divine Feminine:Looking for Aspects of "Her" Between the Linesby Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
May The Blessing of God Go Before YouMay Her peace and grace abound.May her spirit live within you.May her love wrap you ‘round.May her blessing remain with you always.May you walk on holy ground.~Miriam Therese Winter, Life Prayers
I always had a sense that if there was a God, there had to be a Goddess. Host-Hostess. Steward-Stewardess. Actor-Actress. In my heart I knew there had to be a yin to the yang I grew up knowing as the Divine source of all that is. I just did not have a clue as to how to find Her.
It wasn’t until I was in seminary school that I began to truly see the many feminine faces of God, known as Goddess, as she exists in so many of the world's religions and traditions. My path included many bumps, questions and doubts along the way. I share my insights with you because I suspect that many people raised in our traditional religious culture may find it hard to believe--and perhaps even sacrilegious to consider--that the male God of the Bible is one of many interpretations of divine presence that exist in the world’s religions.
Fortunately, I was trained by a seminary that encourages free thinking and exploration. Its motto is "Never instead of, always in addition to." In order to embrace all faiths we were taught that God is one source and yet that source manifests in many ways, through many paths, religions and spiritual practices. And that God is represented by a wide-range of deities with different names.
Nevertheless, the fear of acknowledging a feminine face of God grabbed hold of me in the middle of seminary school. I was doing what seminarians are supposed to do... grappling with God. As I studied comparative religion, I was trying to reconcile the belief system I was raised with--God is a man, no two ways about it--with the new belief systems I was learning--The Divine is neither male or female and/or The Divine is indeed both male and female. One day I was praying to a feminine deity...and I became panic stricken: What if the Male God gets mad at me and cuts me off? What if he’s saying, Oh, switching teams, eh? We’ll see about that...
Many people are even afraid to consider the Divine as feminine in form or nature. Yet I learned on my personal journey that in order to be truly whole, whether we are women or men, we must embrace both the male and feminine aspects of the divine--and we must embrace those aspects of ourselves and of one another.
I discovered that I am among so many women--and men--searching for spirituality that brings both The Father and The Mother to the table. As we desperately seek balance and peace on our planet, and in these times of deeply disturbing and frightening world events, many of us are searching for what’s been missing in modern life. And I believe one of the most important missing pieces of our lives has been The Sacred Feminine--not instead of, but in addition to, The Sacred Male. In the tradition of all-inclusive spirituality, we refer to the Divine as God, Goddess, All there is.
She is there, in between the lines
When I first began to search for signs of the Mother in the world’s religions, I found a few beautiful examples, including the "she aspect". One was in the gentle spiritual practice known as Taoism, founded by Loa Tzu in the 6th Century B.C.E.. The Taoists explain the origin of all that is as feminine, yet is manifested as both male and female, in what is known as the Yin and the Yang. It is this energy that the Taoist religious text Tao Te Ching attributes to the creation of the cosmos. "Conceived of as having no name, it is the originator of heaven and is the Mother of all things."
In Kabbalah, the mystical aspect of Judaism, the indwelling aspect of God, also known as Shekinah, is considered to be the feminine aspect of God. Kabbalists also know the soul as "She." Consider this petition to the divine from the tradition of mystical Judaism:
"My soul aches to receive your love. Only by the tenderness of your light can she be healed. Engage my soul that she may taste your ecstasy."
The Judaic scriptures and the Gnostic Christian doctrines also include wisdom as a feminine aspect. She is called, Sophia and considered the personification of wisdom.
The Buddhists confer that Praj-na-para-mita (which means the perfection of wisdom) is feminine. An important Buddhist text, Sariputra, puts it this way: "The perfection of wisdom gives light, O Lord. I pay homage to the perfection of wisdom. She is worthy of homage. She is unstained and the world cannot stain her."
Then of course, there is Grace. In Christian Theology it is the expression of Gods love in his free and unmerited assistance. And, as the New Testament puts it, Grace can only be conferred through Faith. Isn’t it interesting that those are names assigned to women? That Grace and Faith evoke perhaps the greatest sense of connection to the Divine, yet do so in the name and essence of the feminine. I was excited to see that when you dig around a bit you will find the feminine between the lines of well-established religions. Still, I was searching for a God who looked like me--feminine in nature and in her manifestations...The spiritual mother I longed for.
Hail Mary
Conventional religious belief is obviously dominated by references to and images of a male Divine, whispering ever so softly of feminine energies between the lines. Yet Catholicism has given us our most tangible mainstream connection. Mary, mother of God’s only begotten son, along with a handful of popular female saints, have been the most highly visible aspect of the feminine in the traditional religion for 2,000 years. Because of that, The Blessed Virgin cuts across religious boundaries. She is, in many ways, the adopted spiritual mother of all women, and people of many faiths embrace her. She has been solely responsible for keeping the sacred feminine alive for a couple of millennium. Yet there are many cultures that are rich with mythology, spiritual practices, religious experiences and sacred texts that show us many ways in which The Goddess has been and can be worshipped, remembered and evoked.
It is extraordinary to realize that just over 2000 years ago, less than 40 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, queen Cleopatra of Egypt prayed to the mother Goddess, Isis, who was the favored deity of the Queen’s temples. Cleopatra’s beloved, Julius Caesar, bowed to Isis’ Roman counterpart, the Goddess Venus. What was considered sacrilegious in their day was not the worship of Goddesses… but Caesar’s worship of Cleopatra, which was so intense that he erected a statue of Cleopatra as Venus, but looking like Isis, in a holy temple to the Roman Goddess. The Romans did not appreciate that interfaith approach to Goddess worship back then.
When the Romans conquered Egypt, they ultimately replaced the antiquities and images of Isis and her infant Horus with images and icons of Mary and the baby Jesus.
Although Mary and Jesus are the most famous mother and child, the image of the mother and the child (or the pregnant, fertile mother) abound as a motif of cultures that worshiped The Great Mother. Joseph Campbell often said that the same essence of the Divine Feminine could be found in the religious mythology and folklore of every culture. Many of the stories are the same, yet the names and specific circumstances change according to cultural tradition.
History of the Goddess
The earliest signs of Goddess worship date as far back as 33,000 years ago. One of the most famous artifacts of the Divine Feminine is The Venus of Willendorf, which is believed to have been carved in stone 20,000 to 30,000 thousand years ago. And while she looks like a rotund female--pregnant and voluptuous--when you place a replica of her famous statue flat on her back, she takes on the form of the earth--the hills and valleys, mountains and ravines, are all in her body.
And that is how the ancients worshiped The Great Mother--as Mother of the Earth, Mother Earth and Mom Nature. They followed an earth-based religion. The Great Goddess Mother was the earth--alive, growing, pulsating with life. She was fertility, death and regeneration, as witnessed in the flowers and trees, the moon and the ocean, the cycles of life and nature. She was seen in so many diverse forms--fluid, capable of assuming any role. Much like our own mothers.
She was revered as the great power because women were seen as the great power. It was human women who could conceive, birth, and nurture children from their own bodies. A Miracle. But a miracle akin to the magic of mother earth--who could nurture flowers in the summer, protect them in her womb in the winter, and magically let them grow again in spring.
It is believed by many scholars that it was the eruption of violence as perpetrated by the newer, male dominated cultures that obliterated the peaceful, earth honoring ways of Goddess worship and paved the way for the strong hold of Christianity and eventually the obliteration of the Goddess from religion, religious texts and teachings.
Native American and indigenous shamanic cultures
The shamanic religion--50,000 years old and still going strong, and considered the oldest of all religions--also reveres the mother, along with the father. She is the earth, the Great Mother. Some cultures call her Patchamama or Corn Woman. She is the nurturer who feeds us from her own body and sustains all of life. In Native American cultures she is represented by the turtle--a hard shell with a soft inside. A popular Lakota chant sums it up well: "The earth is our mother... we must take care of her."
Who is the Goddess?
Like most people who are unfamiliar with the concept and rich spirituality of including The Goddess, the first time I began to explore the aspect of Feminine Divine called Goddess I was afraid that it meant I had to worship only a SHE and practice a spirituality that excluded men. Wrong.
Almost three decades ago, Merlin Stone wrote a groundbreaking book called When God Was A Woman, tracing cultures that worshipped "The Goddess" or "Goddesses". She described Goddess this way: She is the "divine feminine principle" or the "sacred feminine principle in the universe."
In this millennium we are seeing a resurgence of the Divine Feminine and an observance of the feminine as sacred. We are seeing her in history, art, folklore, religion, spirituality, archeology, media, and mythology.
Many scholars and clergy agree that we need Her help to midwife this new point in history... Because she brings to our world--and our lives--those qualities that, as discussed, even some traditional religions and most mystical religions assign as feminine qualities: Wisdom and the expression of the Soul. When we tap into wisdom and follow the call of our souls we can then forgive, be tolerant, appreciate everyone’s individual evolution, and love without conditions. The energy of the Divine Feminine also balances the energy of the male; without it, the qualities traditionally associated with male energy--which include warring and aggression--will get completely out of hand.
Rich spiritual traditions and religious mythology can help in everyday life
The natural progression of my search for the Divine Feminine is to write a book that puts together all that I have learned about the Goddess and how she can help us in our daily lives. In researching my book, A Goddess Is A Girl’s Best Friend (Perigee, Fall 2002), I found thousands of ways the Divine Feminine is personified in different cultures. The rich mythology of the Feminine Divine has reemerged to offer role models--and guidance--to modern men and women. She comes to us as The Mother, and also the Maiden and The Wise Woman. She is also Sister, Daughter, Best Friend. For example:
The Greek Goddess Aphrodite, also known as the Roman Goddess, Venus, is Goddess of Love and Infatuation. She has completely insinuated herself in our culture, helping us to evoke the love within us all and encouraging us to experience high romance.
The Egyptian Goddess Isis is one of the most revered Goddesses, worshipped as Queen of Heaven in the ancient Egyptian religions. A healing and resurrection Goddess who was also considered a physician, she brought her beloved Osiris back to life from the dead and bore his child Horus, who went on to be the chosen son to represent the father, on earth. She lives on through her image and energy in reliefs on ancient temples and tomb walls. She shows us we can heal, survive our grief, and live fruitful lives.
The Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin is a beautiful Bodhisattva who has captured the heart of Buddhist worshipers and beyond, just as Mary has captured the heart of so many in her religion of origin and around the world. She comes to tell us to be merciful and compassionate--especially to be our own merciful mothers.
Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of Good Fortune who brings abundance and beauty into our lives, pouring her gifts upon us. She, like Aphrodite, was born of the milky waters of the sea. She is symbolized as beautiful woman with four arms, one pouring coins into the ocean from whence she came. She is still worshipped daily in Hindu temples and homes, as are all Goddesses in that tradition.
All that is Divine is both Female and Male
The Hindus teach us that the Divine essence of all that is is the creative summary of both male and female principle. And so do the Taoists, who show us the feminine and the masculine principle that feed one another and make up the whole in the symbol of Yin/Yang. The circle of black and white halves show two opposite energies, from whose interactions and fluctuation, the universe and its diverse forms emerge. Tibetan Buddhist do the same with their most sacred objects, dorje and bell. The bell represents the feminine and the dorje is the male principal. No worship service is ever conducted without use of each, together, one held in each hand.
In these systems of belief.... You can’t have one without the other. You can’t have day without the night. You can’t have man without woman, or masculine without feminine. In very, very simple form, you can forget about toast for the rest of your life... you can’t plug in a toaster without both the male plug and the female outlet.
When we really understand that the Divine nature of all that is contains both the masculine and the feminine principles, it begins to make sense that men and women each contain those Divine principle; that the energy of the Goddess exists within all of us; and that one energy might at some times be more prominent than the other. For example, any man or woman in a traffic jam may choose to evoke their male energy by vocalizing dissatisfaction with the traffic or even trying by driving aggressively. On the other end of the spectrum, both the man and the woman who share a moment of gentle nurturing and loving are operating from a more receptive and gentle feminine energy.
We are all children of God, Goddess, All There Is. When we acknowledge that we are all Divine, as well as complex beings that are both feminine and masculine in nature, we can begin to access true balance in our lives. It is in acknowledging that these qualities exist in all of us that we begin to find balance in our relationship to ourselves, our relationships to one another, and in our relationship to the world we live in.
I Believe The Goddess Is Re-emerging Just In Time…
The Goddess is re-emerging to show us another side of ourselves. Or at least to help us consider God is both masculine and feminine in nature, and therefore, that we all possess The Divine Within. She’s come just in time. Here’s why:
Women feel left out of traditional religion. It’s not just about becoming a clergy person or having power, it’s about being able to recognize our own divinity. Men have been able to recognize their divinity through worship of a male divine. It’s time that women access The Goddess Within but first… we need role models.
Men are shut off from their feminine energy and, quite frankly, their softness in many cases, and there is so little in religious environments in our culture--and most of the world’s cultures--that nurtures that side of males. Because of this, men are suffering, and our world is suffering, because we still do not completely support the idea of men being sensitive, loving, gentle, forgiving, healing, even mushy. This is so odd, because that was exactly what the ministry of Jesus Christ was about. Jesus was, in so many ways, the embodiment of both the male and female principle. Of Mary Magdalene, it has been said, "he could not see her in tears without himself weeping." He spent every waking moment of his ministry embracing people in his love and continues to do so. I mean, who would dare call Christ a wimp? Yet, we often label men who are in touch with that part of themselves by that name.
Because of the ingrained idea of a male divinity, our relationship lives are utterly confusing. Love means war when instead of accessing all the qualities of the male and feminine in ourselves, we seek partners to make us whole. We have to learn to come into relationships whole and we can only do that when we embrace all aspects of the Divine.
We’ve got kids to raise and it’s time we teach them that all of who they are is okay; that their sex doesn’t have to assign them to specific gender roles; that we are all made up of the male and female principle, the yin-yang. If we raise our boys to know the divine only in male terms than we deny them access to a part of themselves, and if we teach our girls that the Feminine Divine only exists in fairy tales, they will grow up as Barbie Dolls instead of as Goddesses.
We live in a world that is spinning out of control. This became so painfully evident in the September 11, 2001 attack on our nation, which brought forth a darkness that shocked and pained us all. But even before that, we were at war with one another and within ourselves, and our world reeled with imbalances: violence in our schools, people starving to death on a planet that has plenty of food to feed everyone, one natural catastrophe after another. Mom Nature has been trying to get our attention. God, Goddess, All There Is has been whispering in our ear… We must take stock of our world and ourselves. We must change, now.
New York author Rick Carrier told me that his book, The Mother of God, is about a female deity who walks the earth to come and tell us: CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM. It is time to clean up our planet, our personal lives, our pain, our wounding of one another and our earth, our relationships, our bad habits, our unconsciousness.
The Feminine Divine lives to love and protect all her children. She’s there for us, always. But she’s screaming out for our attention: "Listen to your mother," she calls, "I know what’s best for you!"
Sources for More Information:
1. Return of The Great Goddess, Edited by Burleigh Muten (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1997)2. When The Drummers Were Women by Layne Redmond (Three Rivers Press, 1998)3. Men and the Goddesses: Feminine Archetypes in Western Literature, by Tom Absher (Park Street Press,1990)4. Encyclopedia of GODS--Over 2,500 Deities of the World, by Michael Jordon (Facts on File, 1993)5. The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, edited by John Bowker (Oxford Press, 1997)6. An Anthology of Sacred Texts By & About Women, edited by Serenity Young (Crossroad Press, 1993)7. Listen To Her: Women of The Hebrew Bible, by Miki Raver (Chronicle Books, 1998)8. The Goddesses In Art by Lanier Graham (Artebras, 1997)9. When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone (Hartcourt-Brace, 1976)10. The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines by Patricia Monaghan (Llewellyn Publications, 1997)11. The Devi Gita: The Song of the Goddess ,Translation, Annotation, Commentary by C. Mackenzie Brown (SUNY Press, 1998)12. Holy Bible (St. James)13. Kabbalah As I See It By Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman (self published). Rabbi Gelberman, founder of the New Seminary, is credited with having coined the phrase: "Never instead of, always in addition to."
© Copyright 2001 Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway All Rights Reserved.
Read Rev. Laurie's Monthly Column at, "Soulful Love"
Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway is an author, teacher and contemporary clergy person who specializes in matters of the heart and soul. As an ordained interfaith minister and non-denominational wedding officiant, it is her honor to regularly marry couples in love.
Prior to becoming a minister she enjoyed a successful and colorful 20 years in media as a widely published journalist, editor and author of several books on relationships and romance—as well as being a noted spokesperson on those topics. She was editor-in-chief of two national magazines and several regional publications, and her articles have been published around the world and in many newspapers and national magazines, such as the NY Daily News, The Washington Post, Women’s News, New Woman, Ladies’ Home Journal and Child. She evolved years of specialized reporting in the field of male-female relationship dynamics into a more spiritual pursuit that led her to train to be an interfaith minister, and then establish her wedding ministry along with a number of popular relationship enhancement programs. Her wedding ministry is based in New York.
She is also dedicated to bringing about a deeper awareness and understanding of the Divine Feminine. As a graduate of The New Seminary in NYC, the world’s premier seminary for interfaith ministers, she was educated and trained in the tenants, spiritual practice and worship of many faiths. She became a specialist in the feminine aspects of God in all the world’s religions. Today, she is widely recognized as a minister, teacher and scribe specializing in women’s spirituality and The Divine Feminine from an interfaith and all-inclusive perspective. She is on the board of directors of World Light Fellowship, heading up their Feminine Faces of God programs, and is Founder of Our Mother’s House, a cyber ministry at
Long devoted to helping women access the "Goddess Within," she is currently working on two books that bring the wisdom of ancient archetypes to modern women. Her newest book, A Goddess Is a Girl’s Best Friend, is due out in Fall 2002.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
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