Jesus was the one to announce the Age of Aquarius: "a man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher ofwater; follow him into the house where he goes in" (Luke 22:10; Mark 14:13.) The Last Supper was the symbol of the future "unio mystica."
"You are probably familiar with the term New Age, and you may have heard or read about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. This simply means that we are leaving one age (Pisces), and entering into a new one (Aquarius). This happens every two thousand years - the last one coinciding with the arrival of Christ.
What does this have to do with you? Well, it has quite a lot to do with you and everyone else on the planet. For a start, if you haven't already undergone any changes, you might be feeling the urge to change now, or you may be witnessing changes around you. Either way, you will certainly be aware that life on planet Earth seems to be going off the rails in one way or another.
UFO's, alternative medicine, astrology, vegetarianism and other subjects previously considered weird or cranky are growing rapidly in popularity, and are all subjects associated with the sign of Aquarius. These subjects will become more and more commonplace, and astrology and other 'mystical' methods of self-help and understanding will help people to become more in tune with their spiritual selves in preparation for the New Age.
People are already beginning to look within for the answers they seek, instead of outwards to money, possessions and other people. The more enlightened members of society will welcome the New Dawn with its emphasis on humanity, kindness, truth, spirituality and enlightenment."
What's really remarkable about this epoch is the powerful change that will sweep through our world, the shift in mood, action and intention that is already palpable. The estimated start date is thought to be sometime around the millennium, but, though its exact start date is contested among astrologers, astronomers, theologians and others, the effects of the Age of Aquarius have already been felt."
A problem that characterizes the New Age is an absolute lack of critical thinking. People will believe all sorts of nonsense, and are very susceptible to negative suggestions from formations in the lower astral plane.
In a book published in 1887 titled “The Mystery of the Ages” by Marie, Countess of Caithness (Page 316-317) the following prediction appears:- “It was generally considered, at the turn of the next century, that the next Divine incarnation was about to come to earth and would be female, the advent of Divine Wisdom, or Theo-Sophia, and that the present age would be the age of making known all that which has been kept secret from the beginning.”
from three very different calculations, we have the Age of Aquarius beginning from 2,060 to 2,100 AD.
Yet, why do I sense that we have already entered the Age of Aquarius? Since the invention of mass production, global use of electricity, the car, phone, television, NASA, invention of technology to shrink the globe with computers, and satellite transmission of voice and data like the Internet. These are all related to Aquarius. Since the advent of psychology with Freud, Jung and Adler, the Church as been displaced as a prime spiritual force for many. This century brought the decline of Church power over most governments. They can only advise and recommend now. This is a decline in the force of Pisces and the Great Religions. Since we are within 1 degree of a new age, are we sliding into the change gradually over a century or two? Is the presence of Uranus and soon Neptune in 1998 into Aquarius a preview to the future or a reaching out to pull the Age more into Now?
These questions are not answerable by absolute fact but by observation. So far, Aquarius hasn’t been the sign of brotherly love but of individual rebels with extreme ideas like the Oklahoma City bombing the first month that Uranus entered Aquarius, the militia, the Unabomber and Rabin’s assassin. Major scientific discoveries have been made. The Universe has quadrupled in size, Jupiter’s atmosphere was too cool, the oldest stars are 6 billions years too old by current theory. Scientific sacred cows are falling and should continue for the next 7 years.
Aquarius has an intellectual influence which is original, inventive, mystic, scientific, altruistic, and religious. If we apply the biblical standard, "By their fruits ye shall know them," we would expect to see that the Aquarian Age would be ushered in by original endeavors along all lines connected with science, religion, mysticism, and altruism. And indeed, this seems to be true. We now can look back upon a period of nearly a century in which the Sun by precession has traveled a little over one degree in the orb towards Aquarius. During that time we find that there has been a very marked change in all lines of thought and endeavor from that which history records throughout the past two millennia. Consider only the inventions of the past century, from telephone, telegraph, and radar, to the new, highly complex machinery for space travel. These, and myriad more, are marking Aquarian progress in the physical world. We also note the rapid rate at which all the movements of liberal thought in religious matters are superseding the old creedbound conditions, and the increasing number of those who have developed spiritual sight and are investigating the trend in evolution in the higher planes. The study of astrology has assumed unheard of popularity in the last few years, and a visit to almost any bookstore cannot help but impress one with the incredible number of recent publications on occult matters and the "supernatural."
The Aquarian Age will see the blending of religion and science to such a degree that a religious science and a scientific religion will be formed--each respecting and learning from the findings of the other--which will promote health, happiness, and enjoyment of life.
This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion. Each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process.
As we enter the Age of Aquarius, forgotten knowledge rises up again showing us the secret of creation.
I think that for those intimately familiar with Jung’s larger body of works and writings there can be little doubt that later in Jung’s life he believed that the New Age of Aquarius would begin sometime around the turn of the centuries from the 20th to the 21st. Furthermore, he continued to be greatly concerned about this transition from age to age and what it would mean for humankind. Although, as evident here, he wavered from his original date of 1940, he never wavered from the thought of it being a “premonitory earthquake” of the New Age.
All of us having now lived through the first years of the 21st century, now realize that Carl Jung was right to be concerned about the coming of the New Age. It has, thus far, not been all that kind. Will, as Edward Edinger has said, the aeon of Aquarius generate individual water carriers, with the psyche no longer carried by religious communities but instead be carried by conscious individuals. Time will tell.
Many have predicted a "Golden Age" after the year 2000. They certainly believe that the Age of Aquarius with all its splendor and beauty has to fully manifest beyond the year 2000. The disappearance of borders is predicted. It is believed that this humanity will go through a radical transformation after the year 2000.
Reflecting sincerely, with all my heart, those who prophesy an age of beauty and splendor after the year 2000, are, therefore, mistaken. To create one has to destroy...When we clearly observe the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, we can evince extraordinary things. Aquarius is the house of Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is a revolutionary, terrible, catastrophic planet and it controls the sexual glands. Saturn, obviously, reminds us of chaos, the return to the point of original departure.
Leo is the zodiacal sign of fire; it is a revolutionary and tremendous sign. Aquarius, dominated by chaos, is death; Uranus is revolution. Leo is burning fire; obviously, the lion of the law comes to meet humanity, who is already ripe for the final punishment.
If we meditate on this, we arrive at the conclusion that the times of the end have arrived, that we are in them...
The hour has arrived then, to profoundly reflect. Who are we? Where are we going? What is the object of existence? Why do we live and for what purpose?
Theories about the Age of Aquarius:
The Age of Aquarius is a time of New Beginnings.
The Age of Aquarius is associated with the End Times such as Armageddon or Judgment Day.
The millennium is a time of transition to the new age of Aquarius.
The celestial alignments occurring at this time in history are significant:
The solstitial points now align with the Galactic Equator due to the precession of the equinoxes and solstices.
The equinoctial points are at right angles to the Galactic Equator due to the precession of the equinoxes.
Some think that the beginning of the Aquarian Age is also the end of the Cenozoic geologic era.
The end of the Cenozoic era depends upon widespread geological changes that are not yet evident.
The end of the Quaternary period would depend on widespread changes such as mass extinction.
The end of the Recent Epoch would be marked by the changes in the development of modern man.
The end of the 2nd millennium may mark a transition for humanity from life during the last 10,000 years.
Some believe that the earth will erupt with new volcanoes and terrible earthquakes or that meteors will fall.
Beliefs about the Age of Aquarius: (Most predictions don't come true and are soon forgotten.)
Some Believe:
A messiah or savior will appear. That Masters, Avatars, Saints and Angels will come to humanity's assistance.
There will be ascension, harvest or rapture associated with the beginning of the Aquarian Age.
Christ Consciousness will become a universal phenomenon or that everyone will instantly become enlightened.
A Divine Awakening will happen to everyone. What was hidden will be revealed. A joy of universal knowing.
UFOs will land and either usher in a new era of peace on earth.
Others believe that UFOs will violently take over the world and destroy humanity.
Some believe that humanity will be forced to leave the earth and big flying saucers will carry the people away.
Some believe in an alliance with benevolent alien beings and in making a stand against malevolent alien beings.
Some think that some of the UFO extraterrestrials are actually benevolent celestial caretakers.
Others believe that the UFO extraterrestrials are devils and demons that mean great harm to humans.
That sickness and illness will disappear, the infirm will be made whole, the blind shall see and lame shall walk.
That people everywhere will develop a sixth sense: telepathy and intuitive talents will be a birthright for newborns.
There will be established a worldwide grid of consciousness that will unite all of like mind and intention.
Those working together will be given greater awareness and will become channels of divine inspiration.
People will become conduits of consciousness and will receive information from beyond regarding our future.
Individuals will be empowered to become radio receivers and interpreters of messages from divine sources.
Individuals link together to form nexus points between the meridians and lines of consciousness around the earth.
A synchronous event will unite all of humanity in a way that allows us to look beyond our national borders and find ways to work together for the benefit of our species as a whole and for all the earth's creatures we care for.
The souls of the deceased will be reborn. The souls of those who lived past incarnations will get to live again.
That inter-dimensional, multidimensional and hyper-dimensional beings will appear. Barriers will be broken down.
Assumptions about the Age of Aquarius:
A Paradise on Earth. Peace will prevail in the world. Wars will end, the hungry will be fed. Injustices rectified.
Balance, symmetry and harmony will be the order of the day. Good vibes and a cooperative spirit will overtake all.
Compassion and sympathy will guide us to care for others. Humanitarian acts improve the lives of those in need.
Honor and respect will be commonplace. People will honor individuals for who they are and respect their rights.
Communications will join most everyone in the world. (This seems to be happening with satellite communications.)
There will be a synthesis and integration of the world's religions and philosophies.
There will be acts of kindness and goodness occurring everywhere and all the time.
People will be tolerant of the views and beliefs of other people. Religious competition will subside.
People will be free to worship as they please. The end of religious persecution.
Prosperity and abundance for all. There will be plenty to go around. Everyone will have a good job and salary.
Freedom will be universal. No more slavery. No more forced labor. No more involuntary servitude.
Some believe that people will be able to easily communicate with the myriad of spirits on the ethereal realm.
Racial prejudice will disappear, as we all become aware of humanity's need for racial and social diversity.
Some believe that we will enter a new era of evolution in which humans will achieve greater brainpower by accessing the unused portions of our brains.
More opportunities will be available to everyone to improve themselves either through higher education or enhanced training. Many people may excel in sports. People will live longer and lead more creative lives.
It is a toss up regarding whether the world will become more liberal or more conservative because the rulers of Aquarius are Uranus (Liberal) and Saturn (Conservative). The best of both ideologies will shape the future.
Human rights will gain worldwide respect. The common rights of humanity are honored and justice is done.
The environment and the creatures of the earth are cared for in a manner that conserves them for the future.
Political systems become responsive to the needs and voices of the people whom they represent.
A Divine Plan and the Age of Aquarius:
The beginning of the Age of Aquarius is of major significance to a Divine Plan.
That the healing work done by millions of light workers will reach its fruition and blossom as the new age begins.
Those devoted to doing God's will on earth will be given revelations about the future of humanity.
That everyone will feel a renewed sense of stewardship over the natural environment and the earth's creatures.
The theory of sustainable survival will prevail. The people of the world will take responsibility for the planet.
A Galactic Federation will make itself known to the peoples of the earth. (Galactic Counsels, Universal Counsels)
What are the influences of the Age of Aquarius?
The Age of Aquarius has also been called the "Information Age" by some, due to computers and advances in communications technology such as radio, television, the internet, portable telephones, televisions and satellites.
The Age of Aquarius has been called the "Age of Innovation" because of the marvelous advances ushered in with the new technologies and scientific breakthroughs. Invention will motivate the future of humanity from now on.
Change is a keyword for the Age of Aquarius. As soon as you have it figured out, it will change in some unexpected manner. Things will not be as they are or were and we may not have any idea what will happen soon.
The Age of Aquarius has also been called the "Space Age" because of the advances in technology that allow us to visit the moon and other planets and to position telescopes and space stations above the earth. Although the "Space Age" began years ago, it may have been a precursor to the advances that we will make in our space race over the next two thousand years or so. It may take us a couple of millenniums to explore our solar system, but if significant scientific discoveries and advances are made, who knows how far we can go with our technology?
The Age of Aquarius has also been called the "Scientific Age" because it will be an age of scientific advancement and intellectual achievements.
The Age of Aquarius has predicted to be a time of "Universal Brotherhood" and Friendship.
Some believe that the Age of Aquarius will be another "Age of Reason", but we already had an age named that.
It could be the Age of Associations, where every niche interest is represented by a particular association of people who work together to promote their particular interest. In that case, it could also be an age of meetings and conferences. People may want to congregate and simply enjoy the presence of others who share the same interests.
It could be an Age of Understanding or an Age of Wisdom or Age of Knowledge. Information will be so easily available that almost anyone will be able to find out anything about anything in almost no time at all. One of the main challenges of the Age of Aquarius will be to decide what information is pertinent. With so many channels on the television to choose from, so many web sites and so many individuals promoting their own creativity, the world will become cluttered with an overload of information that no one could ever attempt to absorb. Just watching the new movies of any particular year will probably become a full time occupation for some moviegoers.
The Age of Aquarius may indeed become the Age of Happiness, or at least the Age of Entertainment, because with so many ways to spend our leisure time, we will have some tough choices on how to enjoy our lives.
Aquarius is sometimes seen pouring water from two jugs, causing the water to mix in a kind of synthesis. This implies that the religious principles formed in the Age of Pisces could be synthesized in the Age of Aquarius. We must acknowledge that technology has only recently become prominent, and before that people lived more instinctual lives or lives that were governed by their emotions or religious devotions.
Is there going to be a change in religions, philosophies and values in the Age of Aquarius?
Teamwork may become the keyword for the new age. Social organizations and institutions may gain more power in the coming years. Mass movements may reach across national boundaries.
Sudden and radical changes may shape the lives of millions. Looking at others as friends instead of strangers may become more prevalent as barriers are broken down.
We may become a more spiritual community. A culture of higher consciousness may arise. The sharing of information may bring knowledge to the masses and hopefully allow more people in the world opportunities to be the best they can be. By allowing more people to share in the rewards, the world's population should become more productive and happy.
Economic cooperation between countries is already having consequences that are both good and bad, but in the long run increased trade should raise the standard of living for most of the world's peoples.
Expect the unexpected in the Age of Aquarius. Brush off old beliefs and break the customary habit for things will start all over again. You can make new vows, renew old friendships and make pledges for a better future.
Who will the Age of Aquarius affect?
The new Age of Aquarius will affect everyone is different manners and at different times. At first it will primarily concern those who are doing meditations, prayers, ceremonies and rituals during the spring equinox because they will be especially focused on the timing of their duties. Those seeing the ceremonies and hearing about the Aquarian Age are likely to take some interest in it and knowing about the new age is a step toward accepting it.
Some people think that all of creation will be transformed when the new age dawns and that we will all somehow be new, like a new species a new life on the earth. Humans may find a connection to the cosmos through the "star stuff" within us. The awakening to the new age may bring enlightened consciousness to many of us.
. The negative qualities of Aquarius include unpredictability, thoughtlessness, detachment, fanaticism and disorganization. The people of the world must surmount grave problems: the threat of global nuclear war, overpopulation, dwindling food supplies, destruction of the ozone--resulting in pollution, disease, famine, or outright annihilation. The inventions that can save us can also kill us. We now have the atomic power to completely destroy ourselves, and probably the earth, in the process. At the least, we are stripping the planet of its ability to sustain itself.
IT'S UP TO USThe Age of Aquarius carries a potential promise and a dire warning: We can become "Universal Aquarians" and build a wonderful new world, or we can lose what we have and destroy all life. In the end, of course, it is up to each of us to decide how we use the energy of this powerful Age.
UTOPIAN IDEALSPeople unfamiliar with the derivation of the "Ages" and especially the Age of Aquarius and its historical evolution dream of a Utopian Age where all men are in brotherhood. This is a natural urge of idealistic people but is not necessarily connected with the sign of Aquarius, any more than any other sign and particularly no less than Pisces.
World peace and brotherhood has been our dream throughout the Piscean Age as well. At the beginning of the Piscean Age, we in the Western World ushered in a god who taught brotherly love but this god was accompanied by more wars than I have time to list, beginning with the Crusades in the 1300s. Almost all wars fought on the European continent for hundreds of years were religious wars, not to mention our regular invasions of the Holy Land, another of which is taking place as I write this.
Perhaps a Utopian time of peace and prosperity will come, but while we are waiting, it might be more fruitful to explore the qualities of Aquarius and its ruler, Uranus, both good and bad, to see what possibilities may be unfolding.
CHANGING IMAGE OF CHRISTOne significant change I've seen that portends the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is pictures of Jesus ... smiling. This is radical change in representation of the major icon of the Piscean Age, Jesus the Christ.
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, THE QUINTESSENTIAL AQUARIAN WITH TRANSITIONAL PROBLEMSAnother person who personifies what may be some of the emerging Aquarian Age qualities is Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche, who was born in 1844, was certainly a man ahead of his time but, again, in talking of eons, a hundred years is not significant. As we have discussed, the beginnings and endings of the eons are a blend in time. One hundred or more years may be spent in transition.
Nietzsche personifies the outstanding characteristics of an Aquarian, including some of the characteristics which may result in a downfall. One of these characteristics is relying too much on the Mind. There is more to being human than the Mind and this is one of the issues that will surely confront us as the Aquarian Age develops forward.
ICONOCLASMNietzsche seemed to identify himself as this new type of man. He described himself as a walking time bomb. He declared God dead, meaning the God of the Christian era. It might be true that Aquarians have no "gods" but the Mind. Nietzsche railed against the religion that enslaves as Aquarians rail against any kind of enslavement, especially of the Mind.
EMOTIONAL HARDNESSNietzsche called for a certain quality of emotional hardness which is precisely how Aquarians strike Pisceans and the quality that would have to be emphasized in a transition from Pisces to Aquarius. [Aquarians are not in fact "hard", they are rational types where Pisceans are feeling types. Aquarius, though called "the Water Bearer" is, of course, an air sign. To water signs, air signs always seem "cold". Air tortures water.]
ANDROGYNOUS AND BI-SEXUAL ORIENTATIONNietzsche did some radical things such as becoming sexually involved with his sister and speaking about it publicly. Iconoclasm such as this is characteristic of Aquarians who are frequently noticed to have "unusual" sex lives, such as androgynous and bisexual. Mind you, by Aquarian standards, nothing is that unusual. That is what it means to be an Aquarian, an individual.
Each Aquarian, however, is also an individual. This generality should not be applied to every Aquarian you know but rather considered in relation to their complete chart and other factors. That Nietzsche himself did not make this transition to the Aquarian Age well is evidenced by his mental breakdown, precipitated by seeing a horse beaten. Perhaps the softness of the Piscean Age called him back from his Aquarian heights. Well, he was a man of transition, no wonder. I imagine many of the first crabs slid solemnly back into the watery world of the ocean for good, too!
Iconoclasm, emotional "hardness" and androgynous or bi-sexual behavior are some of the common characteristics of archetypal Aquarian energy.
We may see a gradual replacement of the icon of Jesus with something that is indicative of Aquarian values, such as the computer, the committee, the scientist, the group, the mind or the iconoclast.
Some of the items my students and I have identified as likely to develop in the Age of Aquarius -- remember this takes 2,160 years -- are these Uranian ruled matters:
creation without intercourse (petrie dish life forms)
vibrational and sound healing
healing by altering DNA
telepathic communication
computer dominance
everyone looks alike
the line between male and female dims
cosmic worldview (orientation into space)
brotherhood and equality
one universal language on earth, perhaps non verbal
energy surgery; that is removing malignancies and fixing things without actually entering the physical body
elimination of emotion, passion and concepts of heroism and romantic love
The Piscean Age of religious faith, with its traditional hierarchies, is giving way to a time when each human being can have a direct line to higher power, or God, if you like. Certainly, the profusion of books, tapes and teachers of old and new spiritual paths has made this kind of information available as never before. Meditation techniques, yoga postures, Sufi dancing, shamanistic practices, rituals and prayers from every tradition are more accessible than ever. The I Ching, astrology and Kaballah have been served up with psychology and physics in a stew of concepts and systems unlike any we have ever seen. The way of the seeker is littered with signs pointing in every direction, with each claiming to lead to enlightenment. This modern metaphysical mish mash is a perfect expression of early stage Aquarian consciousness when we are each free to follow our own path to spiritual fulfillment without the need for priests, rabbis or mullahs.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
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