Cycle of Power
Animal Totems
Mother Nature, our provider, is going through a cycle of change. Humanity, her caretakers, are experiencing the effects of that change. As disruption occurs a ceremony begins. The primary source of a person's ill health is not in the body. It is due to a fundamental imbalance in the spirit. Mother Nature, our mirror, is inviting us to step inside the circle and experience the ceremonial dance of reunion. The choice is yours.
When I was a child my father, a Cherokee Indian, often took me into the woods so I could discover the many little sounds of life awakening. This gift from my father opened my heart to the birds, plants, rocks and animals, which have become my allies. Sharing simple pleasures is a part of the Indian way. I would now like to share a small gift with you.
Each day upon arising step into nature, physically or mentally. The first thing you see, become it. Take on its characteristics for a few moments. Breathe into it and allow it to become a part of you. In this way a deeper insight about yourself is gained, as you discover the heartbeat of life awakening.
Animals on this page: A-B
Alligator, Ant, Badger, Bat, Bear, Beaver, Blackbird, Bluebird, Buffalo, Bumble Bee, Butterfly,
Order "The Cycle of Power Animal Totem Book"
The Alligator
The Alligator has walked on Earth mother for millions of years and are known in many myths and lore as the keepers of ancient wisdom. Alligators hide themselves in water and mud waiting for unsuspecting creatures to happen by, and then snap. They eat any animal they can swallow and if they can’t swallow it; they tear it into bite size pieces.
They only eat when they are hungry and do not consume food unnecessarily. Waste is not a part of alligator medicine. Those with this totem should be careful about over consumption. Digestive disturbances are common with alligator medicine people.
The eyes of the alligator are positioned high on their head allowing them to remain relatively hidden beneath the water and still see above it. Symbolically this hints to clairvoyant abilities.
Hiding in the water ties the alligator to the emotional body of man. The alligator holds the teachings of the discovery and the release of emotions that are locked beneath the surface.
Alligators dig deep burrows when the water is high so that during the dry season they can have a wet alcove to retreat to. These alcoves serve as reservoirs from which other animals can get water. Water is the nectar of life. The sharing of these reservoirs indicates the alligators respect for all life forms.
The power of alligator is its power to survive. They have no known predators. If alligator shows up in your life or in the dreamtime it might be telling you to take care of yourself and secure your basic survival needs.
Alligators come together only for reproduction. They have distinct individual personalities. Those with this totem are usually loners and only join together in groups when mandatory. Alligator medicine people can be great leaders. They know how to survive in any situation and are strong enough to hold their ground.
These fascinating creatures digest their food slowly. Those with this totem should remember to digest and assimilate all experiences thoroughly before moving forward in haste. Alligators teach the art of patience and appropriate timing. They know when to hide beneath the water, peak above it, or take action and snap.
The Ant
The ant is very industrious. Some ants are solitary but most are part of a large community. Within the community there is a repertory of activities and behaviors. Their activities include gathering and hunting. Within a community each ant knows its place and performs its duties with total loyalty to the whole.
Worker ants are excellent architects and can show us how to construct our dreams into reality. Ants are very persistent and can teach this skill as well.
The power of ant medicine is teamwork. Each ant will do its part to ensure the survival and health of the whole colony, regardless of the role it has been assigned. If ant has to fight, it will; if ant has to dig tunnels, it will; if ant has to carry leaves for miles, it will, all for the good of the community.
Ants are selfless servants always looking out for their fellow ant. They focus on the best outcome for the community and teach the art of self sacrifice and true service. The queen ant has wings and the ability of flight until fertilized. Once fertilized she pulls off her own wings sacrificing her own flight for the birth of a newborn. Although there is a caste system within the ant community all ants honor and respect each other and work for the common good.
Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this totem will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way.
Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely. Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned from this tiny little totem.
The Badger
The badger is a member of the weasel family. They range is length from two to three feet and are about twelve inches high. Family members often mark each other with scent for recognition since their sight is poor. Their senses of smell and hearing however are excellent. Those with this medicine would do well in professions that incorporate sound as a healing tool. On a personal note, badger medicine people need to develop clear sight, both psychically and physically and not just rely on their other senses for survival.
Badgers have solid muscular bodies. Its outer skin is loose which gives it a deceiving appearance. Because of this it is often associated with illusion. What you see is not always what you get! Its strong powerful jaws represent discrimination of speech. Words can cut, tear and crush or encourage, teach and compliment others. Those with this medicine have the ability to do both.
Badger dens are extremely clean and well organized. They change there bedding often, backing into their dens with straw, so as not to make a mess in the process. Fastidious about their surroundings they will correct any disorder quickly.
The badger brings the gift of tidiness and organization. If badger has come to you in some way it may be saying that you need to concentrate on maintaining an orderly environment to better facilitate your day-to-day living. . It can also teach you how to manage your time more efficiently.
Badgers will fight to their death if cornered. Bold and ferocious they are unsociable animals. Those with this medicine have difficulty relating to others. They will shun authority and stand their ground in any situation. Expressing themselves in a concise balanced way is one of their greatest challenges.
The badger is a remarkable digger and can get beneath the surface easily. This ability ties the badger to the mysteries of the underworld, where the magic of life and creation is stored. It also symbolizes a strong connection to plant and animal spirits and can teach those with this totem how to align with life both above ground and below it.
The Bat
There are different species of bats, which have widely divergent characteristics. Some are small and others are large. With one or two exceptions, the large bats live on fruits and find their way visually. The small bats feed mostly on insects, catching them on the wing by a process known as echolocation in which an animal produces sounds and listens for the echoes reflected from surfaces and objects in the environment. When this medicine is fully developed in man intuitive and clairaudient abilities are accurate. When underdeveloped psychic perception becomes clouded by imaginings of the mind.
Studies on bats found that when they are placed in a refrigerator, they will go into an instant state of hibernation and come out unharmed when they are warmed, which is unique for a warm blooded mammal. This indicates that the life force of the bat is strong and is able to regenerate and replenish it when needed. Those with this medicine also have this ability and would benefit from all types of yogic practices especially those related to awakening the Kundalini.
Bat holds the power of adaptability. Everything about them, senses, feeding, flight, mating and size is suited to their particular environment. When bat appears in your life its message may be to examine your surroundings to discern what bounty is being offered to you, and then alter your patterns so you can receive it.
An out of balance bat will get scrambled and confused and will fly into things. Are you crashing into barriers as you try to get what you need and want in life? If so, bat may be trying to tell you to take a moment to get your bearings and determine the relative importance of what you are seeking.
When bat flies into your life transformation of the ego self is about to occur. The old familiar patterns and ideas that have been your truth are about to change. That which once worked for you may no longer. The process of transformation represents a death and a rebirth. Bat offers you the wisdom necessary to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity.
Author Ted Andrews writes that bats have needle like teeth and can sometimes carry rabies. Rabies is an infectious disease of the blood and can cause a person to go mad. Fears that are allowed to spread, uninhibited will eventually permeate our system and can create a kind of madness within our lives. Bats reflect a need to face our fears.
Because the bat is a sociable animal it can indicate a need for more sociability or increased opportunity with greater numbers of people. It has great auditory perception and can navigate through the dark easily. Their built in sonar enables them to know what lies beneath the surface. Those with this medicine have uncanny abilities to discern hidden messages both from people and the environment...
When bat appears it is asking you to surrender yourself to the process of change. Opportunities unknown to the conscious mind are about to manifest.
The Bear
There are several types of bear including the Grizzly, Brown, Black, Kodiak and Polar. Bear has played a prominent role in many Native cultures. They are considered to be a highly desired ally and spirit helper because of its fearless power. It is believed that the power of Great Spirit lives through this animal. Because of this a constellation was named for it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some tribes prayed for medicine dreams that would show bear to be their guide. Others felt the bear was too powerful a medicine and would only hunt them if it meant not starving.
In some traditions bear is the spirit keeper of the West. The place of maturity and good harvest. The gifts that bear offers to those with this totem are strength, introspection and knowledge.
Unlike other animals who are active during a specific time of day, the bear is active both day and night. This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with this totem how to develop both within themselves.
Bear can sometimes be too quick to anger and too sure of it own power. While they have little to fear they can forget caution, which is an important trait to have. If bear is your totem be careful that you don't throw your caution to the wind. Being unaware of your limits in certain settings can be disastrous.
Many years ago while hiking in the woods I was surprised to meet a black bear face to face. As it stood before me the power that the bear held intimidated me. Fears surfaced and I was sure I was going to die. I rose my arms high over my head appearing larger than I was. Because I created an illusion of size and strength my life was spared. The bear watched, dropped down onto all four legs and slowly moved away. Bear taught me the importance of appearance by gathering my inner strength and presenting it outwardly.
During the winter bears spend several months sleeping in dens without eating, a condition that resembles hibernation. The more fat their bodies have stored up the deeper the sleep. Bears live on this fat throughout the winter. It teaches us how to go within and find the resources necessary for our personal survival.
The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Use discernment in all that you do and discriminate with care. Bear teaches you how to make choices from a position of power.
The Beaver
The beaver is an amazing animal. They are master engineers and alter environments. Their dams are made of wood held together with mud and leaves. Resourceful and ingenious they turn streams into lakes with their dams. When they leave an area, the dam eventually decays and a fertile meadow is left where the lake was. The beaver knows how to work in harmony with the environment and can show us how to do the same. They hold the energies of fertility and new promise.
Beavers are expert builders. Their dams are strong and secure. When the beaver swims into your life it is asking you to strengthen the foundation on which you stand or to build a new one. If we continue to stand on old foundations new opportunities can pass us by. Because of its building skills the beaver has been linked to ancient masonry. Those with this totem often have past lives associated with this magical art. The study of masonry can reveal deeper insights about who you are and who you have been.
The beaver’s fur is waterproof and a hard yellow enamel coats their teeth protecting them from damage. Their teeth continue to grow until they die. They are always chewing and falling trees. Author Ted Andrews states that without chewing the beavers teeth would become to large, and it would be unable to eat. Its large incisor teeth are one of its most distinct features and holds great symbology. A person with healthy incisor teeth usually has a balanced inner nature; if unhealthy an unsettled inner nature is common. Proper dental hygiene along with developing a sense of inner peace is essential for those with this medicine. Meditation and quiet contemplation is helpful.
Excellent swimmers, the beaver can stay submerged for 15 minutes. Controlling the breath is one of its attributes. Those with this medicine would benefit from yoga or any form of breathing exercises. They make excellent breath workers as well as architects.
Beavers are creatures of the water the element associated with the subconscious. This is where hidden knowledge and forgotten dreams are stored. A powerful totem to have the beaver reminds us to live our dreams and shows us how to manifest them using the resources available. Beavers have a gentle nature and are very industrious. Those with this totem often find that they must work hard to obtain their goals. Remember to be kind to yourself. When you feel defeated simply call on the beaver to help you.
The Blackbird
The blackbird’s iridescent black plumage holds the energies of mysticism and magic. Druid legends say that the birds of Rhiannan are 3 blackbirds which sit and sing in the World tree of other worlds. Their singing puts the listener into a sleep or a trance which enables him or her to travel to the otherworld. It was said to impart mystic secrets. Those with this medicine often have a hypnotic influence on others as well as an uncanny ability to move between the seen and unseen worlds with clarity. They make excellent shamans and trance channelers.
Blackbirds are timid and prefer their own company over the company of others. In humans shyness and insecurity in group settings is common. Vulnerable to outside influences those with this totem need to remember to clear accumulated influences from their energy field on a regular basis.
The male's distinctive song during breeding season is loud and melodious with flute like qualities. Males often sing from high perches and both sexes produce a variety of sounds which include mimicking other birds. Blackbird medicine people love to sing and have the ability use their voice to heal and inform. They are also good ventriloquists.
Blackbirds spend much of their time on the ground. Its locomotion includes walking, climbing and hopping forward and backwards. They forage for food in open spaces although cover is always near by. When foraging in leaf litter under trees they sound like people walking. In humans this suggests an ability to remain grounded in the earth energies while walking a spiritual path.
When resting the blackbird is frequently seen stretching, legs extended back, side wings in full extension, tail spread, and the head tilted to one side as if listening. Yoga and movement therapy are beneficial for those that hold this totem.
The blackbird’s flights are low, short and undulating but fast and direct over open country. They move with determination and focus and can teach us how to do the same. When blackbird flies into your life your connection with nature and the forces of creation increase. The magic of the underworld surfaces in your life. Awareness is heightened and change on a cellular level begins. The blackbird teaches you how to acknowledge your power and use it to its fullest.
The Bluebird
The bluebird is a member of the thrush family. The males are entirely blue, while the females are blue only in the wings. The color blue is associated with spiritual awakening. A color that calms the mind and soothes the heart. Since the color blue is symbolic it will represent different things to different people. A daily practice of prayer and meditation are beneficial to those with this medicine.
Bluebirds arrive from the south in the early spring. They live in open country and woodland settings nesting in holes in trees or fence posts. In native cultures the south is the direction of innocence and childlike activity. When a bluebird shows up it could be asking you to lighten up and let go of any dramas that are presently occupying your life. If it appears in your immediate surroundings this message is more pronounced.
Bluebirds hold the energy of gentleness. They are not aggressive and will avoid confrontation whenever possible. They are patient and observant birds and choose to spend their time enjoying life, however, if a bluebird is provoked it will stand its ground and defend itself. The bluebird teaches us how to move through life with a gentle strength and a patient persistence.
Living ones truth without inflicting it on another person can be a challenging affair. Mankind often feels a need to awaken others with their knowledge. This need can trigger personality disputes causing unnecessary frustration and conflict.
The bluebird’s song is one of joy and playfulness. When if flies into your life it serves as a reminder to allow others to grow in their own way and time. Live your personal truth but remember to honor another’s truth. We are all equal in the eyes of the creator. The path a person walks is a personal choice that was created from the soul blueprint. We don't always understand another’s choice but it is imperative that we respect it. Equally so, we must respect ourselves.
The Buffalo
The buffalo is a symbol of abundance and manifestation. Their large heads represent intelligence of a higher order and their strong bodies ground them to the earth. They are the uniting force between the mundane and the divine and hold the teachings of right action joined with prayer.
Both the bulls and the cows have horns as well as humped shoulders. Horns grow out of the head and extend to the sky indicating a connection with a higher intelligence. Humps are often symbolic of stored energy locked within the body.
The buffalo's humps are located at the shoulders. In man the shoulders hold our personal energy which expresses itself through our hands. Whatever we touch or hold onto is connected to the energy stored in the shoulders. Shoulders carry responsibility or joy. What we carry within is manifested outwardly. The buffalo teaches us how to eliminate our burdens by directing our energy in a balanced way.
When defending against danger, the cows will form a defensive circle around the calves and the bulls will form a circle around the cows. This symbolizes the buffalo's mutual respect for one another as well as their protective instincts to defend and honor life.
To the Plains Indians it was a symbol of sacred life and abundance. It gave the gift of life to others by sacrificing its own. It provided meat for food and hides for clothing and shelter. When tribes prepared for a buffalo hunt prayers of gratitude were offered up to Great Spirit. After the hunt ceremonies were performed that honored the buffalo's spirit. Without the aid of buffalo these tribes would not have survived the harsh winters.
Buffalo's can be unpredictable and dangerous when provoked. Those with this totem need to remember to see the good in all things and not let their frustration store up inside them. Tai Chi or martial arts would be of benefit on a daily basis.
The buffalo reminds us to give thanks for what we have, to respect all life forms and to honor the integrity of our own divine essence. It is a symbol of equality, sacrifice and service and can show us how to live in a state of understanding, acceptance and joy. It helps us release our self pity and awakens abundance within our consciousness. Buffalo is a powerful medicine to have and serves as a stepping stone towards healing our imperfections and reconnecting with mother earth and father sky.
The Bumble Bee
Unlike the honeybee, the bumblebee usually has fewer individuals in its colony. They do not store large amounts of honey like the honeybee does. Bumblebees are one of the few insects that can control their body temperature. In cold weather the queen and her workers can shiver their flight muscles to warm themselves allowing them to fly and work at lower temperatures than most other insects. Their large size and hairy coat also helps to keep them warm.
Yogi Masters have been known to quiet their heartbeat and adjust their body temperatures when in an altered state. This skill is linked to the ancient initiations of mastering the body, mind and spirit. Those with this totem usually have strong past life ties connected to the ancient secrets of longevity and can benefit from the study and practice of yoga. They also make good hypno-therapists.
All bees are productive. They remain focused in their activities and do not get distracted from their goal. Their legs are one of their most sensitive organs. A bee actually tastes through its legs and reminds us to slow down, smell the roses and taste the sweet nectar of life. Hypoglycemia and diabetes can sometimes occur in those who carry this medicine. Therefore daily exercise and good nutrition is advised.
The bumblebee carries the power of service. They are important pollinators of many plants. As a bee lands upon one flower, collecting its nectar, pollen also attaches itself to the leg fibers. It is then transferred to other flowers, creating a fertilization process. Their movement from one plant to another symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living things. The bumblebee is a messenger that holds the secrets of life and service.
If your energy is scattered the bumblebee can show you how to regain focus. If it stings you, it is saying, wake up and follow the rhythm of your own heartbeat. When a bumblebee buzzes you it is asking you to follow its lead. In so doing you will arrive at the destination most appropriate for your new life awakening.
The Butterfly
Throughout history the butterfly has been admired for their delicate beauty. Most adult butterflies live just one or two weeks except for the monarch and angel wing which can live for six months or more. This is very symbolic. It suggests that a person with this medicine will experience tremendous soul growth in their earlier years. A difficult childhood is common. Life lessons are revealed to the consciousness while in the womb of the mother - the cocoon stage - and are completed when the caterpillar emerges into the butterfly and takes flight. Butterflies are symbols of freedom and creativity. They hold the gift of transformation and soul evolution.
Butterflies have a pair of large compound oval eyes made up of thousands of individual lenses. They can see a single image clearly and are able to perceive ultraviolet wavelengths of light. This suggests clairvoyant abilities for those that hold this totem.
The antennae of the butterfly have small knobs on each end which is said to play a role in orientation. When one antenna is missing the butterfly will fly in circles unable to find its way. Those with this medicine need to stay consciously connected to spirit at all times in order to arrive at their desired destination.
The butterfly represents the process of transformation and shape shifting. When butterfly shows up, make note of the most important issues confronting you at the moment. What state of change are you at in regard to them?
To the Native Americans the butterfly is a symbol of joy. They remind us not to take life so seriously. They feed on flowers that they help pollinate, thereby further spreading beauty. They represent the element of air, quickly changing and ever moving, so gracefully. Butterflies are messengers of the moment. They come in a variety of colors. To understand the message that the butterfly holds for you a study of its colors can be helpful.
Whenever an eco system is damaged, butterfly is usually the first to leave. They are especially sensitive to the harmony of earth. If butterfly comes to you in a hurt, trapped or ill way, you are being asked to stop disturbing the natural design of life and to flow with events in a more gentle, natural way.
The Camel
The camel is a unique creature that demands respect. Its long lanky legs, the humps on its back and its big protruding eyes give it an unusual appearance. The hump of a camel has one main purpose. It stores fat. This fat is drawn upon for sustenance when food is scarce. Camels can also manufacture water by oxidation of that fat. They flourish on the coarsest of sparse vegetation and have been known to survive without water for up to 17 days. Occasional fasting to eliminate toxins from the body would benefit those with this totem. Camels are masters at survival and hold the teaching of resourcefulness. They can show us how to make the most out of whatever resources we have.
Camels have double rows of protective eye lashes which shield their eyes from the wind blown desert. Haired ear openings and the ability to close the nostrils at will enable them to live in harsh conditions. This symbolizes their ability to see, hear and smell clearly without being distracted by outside influences. The camel helps us awaken our clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities by showing us how to remain centered in any circumstance.
Although docile when properly handled, the camel is prone to fits of rage if mistreated. They demand respect and will get it. Their powerful legs kick dangerously, they can also spit and bite. Symbolically these actions remind us to honor all forms of life and to treat everyone and everything fairly.
Past life ties associated with the high courts of Egypt and Rome have a strong influence on those with this totem. In their present life they will not tolerate unjust acts of any kind. If they maintain a balanced consciousness and keep their tempers under control they can excel in any career that incorporates justice and equality.
The golden orange color of the camel also has significance. A color of vitality it has long been associated with the emotional chakra of earth and her human inhabitants. It can transform, purify and heal emotional discord. The golden ray is believed to be the color of transfiguration. Transfiguration of cellular structure is possible when this color is applied in personal healing rituals. Because the camel has clear sight and acute hearing it can be a powerful ally for those willing to go the distance to transmute all imperfections.
The camel is powerful and strong. It is focused and determined. If this is your totem don't expect it to gently nudge you in the right direction. The camel will shove you into the darkness and demand that you use your inner resources to survive, grow and awaken...
The Cardinal
The cardinal is a power packed bird that transforms and awakens us. Its color and its voice are its two strongest characteristics. It is a member of the finch family and is often recognized by its brilliant red color.
The eggs laid by the female hatch in about twelve days. This, along with the cardinal being a year round resident, reflects the rhythm of the number twelve. The number twelve often has important significance for those with this totem. It can indicate a turn of events or a life changing situation. When the cardinal flies into your life expect a change to occur within 12 days, 12 weeks, 12 months or at the hour of 12. Because this bird is a year round resident its medicine is available at all times and should be used by those with this totem whenever a need arises.
Cardinals have a loud whistle; Whistles penetrate the air with sharp distinct tones. They demand our attention urging us to hear what is carried through the air. Both male and female cardinals join in the whistling. This reflects the need to integrate our male and female characteristics into our day to day life. Feminine energy is linked to intuition. Male energy is linked to perseverance. If both are operating within our life our intuitive knowledge has the perseverance and strength necessary to manifest our goals and dreams.
Cardinals eat many decaying weeds and injurious insects. When a cardinal appears in your life it is telling you to pay attention to your eating habits. Are you eating things that might be injurious to your health? Is your diet nutritionally balanced? Extra care should be given to the blood and circulatory system. Past life ties to overindulgence or the consumption of poisonous substances is often linked to cardinal medicine people.
The bright red color of the cardinal is very symbolic. Red represents the blood or life force of the Mystic Christ. In yoga circles this vital force is known as the Kundalini. The Kundalini lies dormant within us until activated by a disciplined spiritual practice. Once activated spiritual power can be attained. The cardinal offers safe passage into the world of personal power for those who ask for its help.
When a person with cardinal medicine steps onto a spiritual path there will be no turning back. Everything else in their life will seem insignificant. Extra care must be taken here to insure personal happiness, particularly in the area of one to one relationships. Balancing spiritual ideals and physical pleasure will need to be instated in ones life so harmony on all levels is known.
Cardinals are named for the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church with their bright red robes. A great love or a strong dislike for religion and churches is common amongst cardinal medicine people and can indicate a past life connection with one or both.
The cardinals’ voice is strong and clear and reflects an air of importance. This power packed bird can teach you how to express your truth, develop confidence and walk you talk. If you respect its teachings it will lead you home.
The Cat
According to author Ted Andrews of Animal Speaks, cats wild or domestic have certain qualities in common. They are associated with myth and lore, magic and mystery. Nine lives, curiosity, independence, cleverness, unpredictability and healing. Those with this medicine should also study its color, size and breed for a deeper understanding.
Cats have more rods in the retinas of their eyes which enable them to see effectively in the dark. The dark is often associated with mankind's fears. Since the car is at home in the dark, it serves as a valuable ally into the world of the supernatural and the unknown and can help those with this totem move through their fears efficiently.
The energy field of a cat rotates is a counterclockwise direction, the opposite of a human energy field. Because of this, cats have the ability to absorb and neutralize energy that affects humans in a negative way. This is part of the healing medicine that the cat holds.
If something affects you in a negative way place a cat on your lap or find a cat to pet. Your energy field will immediately realign itself and inner balance will be restored.
Because of their x-ray vision, acute hearing and high intelligence they were used throughout history as guardians and protectors. In ancient Egypt cats guarded the temple gates and were used to ward off evil.
If cat appears in your life the blending of magic and mystery is at hand. A trustworthy teacher, the cat will guide you into the world of self discovery and transformation.
The Chicken
Chickens descended from the wild red jungle fowl of India and belong to the species Gallus gallus. Raised for the production of eggs and meat since the early 1930's the chicken symbolizes nourishment. They keep bugs and weeds under control and provide fertilizer for gardens. Chickens are prone to heat stroke and need plenty of water to maintain optimum health. Those with this medicine benefit by living in an environment where water is plentiful.
The chicken has an exploratory inquisitive nature. They love to scratch around in lush vegetation uncovering every pebble, leaf or blade of grass always looking for a hidden treasure. Extremely attuned to what lies beneath the surface the chicken holds the teachings of observation, reflection and knowledge.
Personal space is important to the chicken. It requires open space in which to roam. If confined they can become aggressive with a tendency to pick on each other. A low ranking hen may be cornered and cannibalized.
Chickens have an uncanny ability to remove obstacles by pecking away tirelessly at anything that gets in their way. The skills of patience and determination seen in the chicken are often reflected in the personalities of those who hold this medicine. Although able to cooperate in groups chickens have a strong independent character and when the mood strikes they will demand their space, sometimes aggressively. Those with this medicine need occasional retreat and isolation from others. This need can come about unexpectedly at any time without warning.
Chicken medicine people are true teachers within the structure of relationships. They remind us not to become too needy of our partners, family or friends. They show us how to maintain a sense of independence in groups and ask us to take appropriate time for inner reflection. Those associated with chicken medicine people must respect that individuals need for personal space or feathers will ruffle!
Known for their hardiness chickens will run quickly and frantically away from danger. When danger is close they take off with a loud explosion which startles their predator. They are mindful creatures that have extreme sensitivity. Chickens feel the vibrations of mother earth and all life forms that inhabit her. This indicates its empathic abilities. Because empaths literally absorb the energy of everything around them a high strung nervous system can develop. If nervous energy isn't expressed in a balanced way sporadic unpredictable behavior can occur. Yoga or any other form of meditative movement can help those with this medicine acquire balance.
Those with this medicine are natural born empaths. They "feel" their way through life. Their feelings are always right and they need to honor and abide by them in everything they think, do and say.
The Chinchilla
A member of the rodent family, the chinchilla has big eyes, round ears and thick silky fur. Because of their beautiful fur they are captured and bred by the fur industry. It takes over a hundred chinchillas to make one fur coat. Unfortunately supply and demand could lead to its extinction.
Chinchillas have a persistent undying curiosity and will explore every nook and cranny of their surroundings. They like sitting high up as if to observe the world below. Once they feel an area is safe for them to enter they explore it with a sense of adventure and innocence. Their observation skills are acute. They instinctively know when to act and when to retreat. Chinchillas teach us the importance of timing. Those with this medicine intuitively know the right time to act and the right course of action to take, although caution is advised not to become too analytical. Balancing observation skills with a sense of innocence is an important lesson.
Naturally robust and hardy the chinchilla has an extremely sensitive yet effective digestive system which is designed to extract the most out of its food. It does not have a vomit mechanism like other animals and is unable to expel bad food out of its system. This serves as a warning to those with this totem. Good nutrition, a proper diet as well as physical exercise is a necessity for optimum health. Difficulty in eliminating toxins from the body can lead to many health problems.
The chinchillas predominate form of communication is the variety of sounds it makes. Each sound relays a specific message. When upset it chatters its teeth, when nervous it lets out a shrill squeal, when agitated or alarmed a sequence of loud high cries is heard. If it is hungry it will make a rasp like snarl. It knows how to use its voice to convey a message and teaches us the art of efficient communication.
The chinchilla is an important messenger that demands respect. It requires us to heed its advice. If we choose to listen it will serve us well. If we don't honor its message it will scamper away and find someone else to help. When it appears in your life ask yourself the following questions.
Do you need to apply more discernment in your life to avoid chaotic situations? Are you using your observation skills to help you reach your goals? Do you take the joy out of an experience by over analyzing it? Does the wonder and magic of life still excite you? Does your health need attention? Do you communicate effectively with others?
Although the chinchilla holds a variety of messages one thing is certain. When it appears in your life something is out of balance that needs to be corrected immediately.
The Chipmunk
Chipmunk, like squirrel, embodies the quality of trust. They have little fear of people and are often found in rural areas, city parks and in the wild. Chipmunks are very curious and take the time to explore everything that comes across their path. They are inquisitive, fearless and playful. They do what they want to do in their own time frame. They are quite vocal often drawing attention to themselves. Chipmunk medicine people will not tolerate being told what to do or when to do it.They make good leaders and spokespersons.
When a chipmunk is twelve weeks old they have the ability to be on their own. The symbolism of the number twelve or the combined numbers of one and two should be studied by those with this totem. Cycles occur regularly in a person’s life and those with chipmunk medicine will often find that changes will occur in their life approximately every twelve weeks or twelve months. Knowing this gives you forewarning and the opportunity for preparedness.
By watching the chipmunks behavior much can be learned. They appear to scamper to and fro always in a hurry to get somewhere. Starting in one direction, circling around and arriving back where they started from. There is no detail that goes unnoticed by the chipmunk as they circle around and see beyond the obvious. Chipmunk teaches the art of observation and appropriate movement.
Chipmunks have an air of independence and certainty about them. Their inquisitive nature leads them into unexplored territory and their detailed mind leaves no stone unturned. If chipmunk is your totem pay attention to how your energy is being used. Are you thoughts constructive or destructive? Are your fears keeping you from playing and enjoying life? Are you in charge of your life or have you given you authority over to another?
Chipmunk is the messenger of many realms. If this is your totem you are on your way to self discovery.
The Cicada
Cicadas are related to the harvest fly. They have wide set bulging red eyes, orange veined wings and short antennae. There are two main types of cicadas. One spends 17 years as a nymph feeding on tree roots while living underground and the other lives for 13 years underground. Each type, as if on some cosmic signal emerges at the same time from the ground, changes into adults, mates, lays eggs and then dies. Another generation of cicadas doesn't emerge until 13 or 17 years later. Those who have cicada as a totem are often in a hurry to discover who they truly are. Driven to understand their personal soul journey they always feel like they are running out of time and will stop at nothing to discover their true self. Anyone in a relationship with a person who carries this medicine must learn to move quickly or they will always feel like they are tagging behind their partner. This in turn can cause insecurity and instability within the context of the relationship.The 13 to 17 year cycles of the cicada are very significant to those with this totem. Because the cicada has a short life span it shows us how to live each moment to the fullest. Major changes or a death-rebirth process usually occurs within the individual’s life every 13 to 17 years. Cicadas are best known for their conspicuous acoustic songs. The male cicada makes the loudest sound in the insect world. By vibrating the ribbed plates in a pair of amplifying cavities at the base of the abdomen their songs can be heard up to a half a mile away. Communication through sound is one of the things it teaches us. Sound can have pleasing effects on the psyche but it can also have the opposite effect. Cicada medicine people need to be aware of the sound and pitch of their voice and how it affects others in order to use this medicine appropriately.Because the cicada spends most of its life underground it is associated with the unseen or hidden. To discover hidden truths a person is required to look beneath the surface. Cicadas teach us how to delve into the underworld without fear and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Those with this totem are exploratory in nature and should call upon the cicada whenever there is a need to understand the truth about reality and illusion.
The Cockatoo
The cockatoo is a member of the parrot family. Its most noticeable feature is its magnificent crest, which crowns the top of its head. This crest is used to send signals to other birds in the flock. More than a colorful ornament it represents communication. When raised and used with other parts of the body it can indicate several things from defending its territory or its flock, calling for its mate, showing fear or indicating that something is bothering it. True communication is a complex art. The cockatoo knows of this complexity and teaches us how to understand and correctly interpret messages that come our way.Beautiful in color and appearance the cockatoo holds the teachings of self-esteem and confidence. The rose and grey colored galah teaches us spontaneity and fearlessness. The black cockatoo helps us understand the mysteries of the occult and the white cockatoo helps us ignite the purity of our spirit.Cockatoos have a bald spot on the top of their head that is covered by its colorful crests. This spot is often referred to as a spiritual portal into the heavens. Unique to the cockatoo this portal gives them a direct link into the world of spirit. Those with this medicine are spiritually conscious at an early age. They make excellent priests, teachers, and spiritual leaders.These birds are intelligent, affectionate and acrobatic. Adults take care of one another and mate for life. Cockatoos are social birds and enjoy companionship with others of their flock. When danger appears they will either fly off or become very still hoping to remain unnoticed. They are always conscious of their surroundings and are masters in the art of survival. As pets they are inquisitive and affectionate as well as unpredictable. Known as great escape artists they will use their powerful beaks to open locks on cages.Coming into contact with one of these birds in the wild or as a pet can be an unforgettable experience. They are extremely ingenious. Watching them perform is like watching a magician pull things out of a hat, you never know what the cockatoo will do next or what hidden skill it will use to complete its task. The cockatoo is a great teacher. The secret of their teachings lie in the awareness of the student. Perseverance, dedication and a willingness to learn is all that is required
The Cougar
The cougar also known as the mountain lion and the puma is very illusive and hard to find in the wild. Because of its illusive quality it is often noted as an animal that is independent, shy and withdrawn. The same characteristics are often found in people with this medicine.
The adult males weigh around one hundred seventy five pounds and are one of the fastest known animals, although it does tire quickly. This is partly due to the cougar’s sporadic energy. When it pounces on its prey it moves with short strong bursts of energy.
Cougar is associated with leadership and teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power. They are powerful and agile and can leap over forty feet. They kill their prey with their bite of their claws. When it attacks it does not hesitate. When threatened it goes for the most vulnerable place.
Those with cougar medicine should pay attention to how their speech and their actions affect others. Make sure you are not speaking too sharply or holding on to something too tightly. Cougar is a difficult totem to have because it continually places you in a position to be a target for the problems of others. Its power, strength and assertiveness are often misunderstood. You would be wise to listen to cougar and let it teach you how to balance intention, power and strength in everything you do.
Cougars are very territorial. The mother will stay with her cubs for a year and teach them to hunt, first by bringing them a kill and then bringing her prey back alive so that they can kill it. Cougars bring the power of balanced leadership. In the way cougar teachers her young, in the balance that she has with her environment and in her quiet power, she shows this gift. Cougar medicine people make excellent teachers, leaders and facilitators.
The other side of cougar is its illusive quality. It can appear without being noticed and quietly take control of a situation. Sometimes this can lead to conflict with others over territory.
Those with cougar medicine have past life connections relating to power and leadership. When the cougar selects you as its student be prepared for the ride of your life. It can shred you into little pieces (dissolve karma and identity) then put you back together again with a pure heart and purpose. True leadership through gentle assertiveness is what cougar teaches those with this totem.
The Cow
In Hinduism, dating back from the Vedic period, the cow was associated with certain deities. Though oxen's and bulls were sacrificed and flesh consumed in ancient India, the slaughter of milk producing cows was prohibited. Killing a cow was equated to the sin of killing a Brahman, a member of the highest priestly caste.
In ancient Egyptian religion the cow was linked to the goddess of fertility and love. It is strongly associated with motherhood and is a symbol of nourishment because it is able to furnish food for mankind. The counterpart of the cow, the bull, brought nourishment through slaughtering and is known as an animal symbolizing fertility through sacrifice.
The cow is a strong sturdy animal and knows how to hold its ground. Determined and steadfast the cow can weather storms easily bunching together in sheltered spots standing like stoic statues. Those with cow medicine need to remember to stand in their truth and not let other people influence their decisions. In this way they master any challenge efficiently.
Cows are intelligent and incredibly observant. They respond to their instinctive knowing and have an uncanny ability to sense danger as well as opportunity. They teach those with this medicine how to develop their perception. If cow appears to us it is asking us to pay attention, observer and then respond accordingly.
The cow is performing both a duty and a sacrifice for man. Not only do they give milk and all other dairy products for the consumption of the human race, but they willingly offer their very lives so that man may have meat to eat. It is believed that the cow decided to make the sacrifice of their own personal bodies in order to allow other animal life forms to be spared, at least to some extent. The reason the cow has chosen to sacrifice themselves is due to a karmic influence among the species. Today the cow practices compassion through sacrifice and in so doing advance spiritually as a species.
The big penetrating eyes of the cow have a way of looking right through us. Their hypnotic stare tears down our personal illusions and awakens love within us. Anyone who has looked into the eyes of the cow knows the compassion that radiates from them. The cow is a powerful totem and shows us how to nurture ourselves and honor others. Those with this totem are usually service oriented and put other peoples needs before their own. Sacrificing our personal desires for the common good of all is part of its medicine.
The Coyote
For a long time humans have been attempting to shoot, poison and trap coyote into non-existence. Instead, birds like the Condor have been nearly wiped out with poisoned meat, and the clever coyote may be more numerous today than ever. Despite humanities encroachment and aggression, coyote has found a way to walk its walk and survive.
Coyotes usually mate for life. They live in the sides of hills or in underground dens where the family unit is well protected. They prefer open grassland and thinly wooded brush, but can adapt to almost any environment. Because of this they have been able to survive and grow in numbers.
I once heard a story about a female Coyote who got caught in a trap and gnawed off her own paw---twice. At last report she was doing fine, hobbling around on her two front stumps, and she had borne a healthy litter. Coyotes hunt small game not with speed, but by pouncing and snapping with their jaws. She was able to do this quite well and was fulfilling her role as a mother. Those with this medicine will go to extreme measures to protect and nurture family members. Words that rip and tear another to shreds should be avoided. Sporadic bursts of energy are common and balanced action is required for ones overall well being. Excellent caretakers, coyote medicine people put other people’s needs before their own. Care is advised however to give to yourself equally.
In some native tribes the coyote is referred to as the trickster. I prefer to see the coyote as cunning and clever. There are many stories about the coyote. He is known as the great one and the foolish one. Coyote does not consciously try to trick us; he mirrors our own human capacity for displaying cleverness and stupidity.
Like the coyote we can work with others to get what we want in life, or we can dive into a lake to catch a reflection. We can send troubles away or invite them carelessly. When coyote wanders into your life you are being asked to look at something you have been avoiding. Coyote is our mirror for the lessons we need to learn in order to walk a good sacred road. It will hold up the mirror relentlessly until we finally get the picture.
Call on coyote as an ally for negotiating a difficult situation. Or thank him for coming and showing you a trap that you are caught in, or a way that you are fooling yourself. Coyote is an especially powerful teacher with regard to relationships because it is when we are in a relationship that we can fool ourselves the most. Coyote is not out there to get us, but to teach us, whether we want to learn or not.
The Crab
Crabs are bottom dwellers in the sea as well as in fresh water. Some even venture on land. They can walk and run sideways, burrow and swim. The crab is able to shift its focus instantaneously and quickly move in a sideways direction to confuse its predators. Mankind has a tendency to focus on what is directly in front of them and often overlooks what is creeping in the side door. The crab holds the teachings of shifting focus and expanding inner perception. Sudden and unexpected movements are used to its advantage. Those with this medicine will often learn their soul lessons through unexpected changes in their personal environment.
Since crabs are bottom dwellers and are at home in the water they are linked to the subconscious mind and all the secrets that it holds. They burrow into the depth of life then swim to the surface with new insight and understanding.
The crabs segmented body has several appendages of which five pairs serve as walking legs and two as sensory antennae. These antennas serve as a bridge between heaven and earth. Messages transmitted from Great Spirit through these antennae symbolize the awakening of consciousness and offer those with this totem the gift of clairvoyance.
Most crabs have fairly complicated nervous systems. They are able to resist changes in external environments and flourish in hostile situations. Aggressive towards one another, especially in the mating season, males fight to gain access to females and communicate their aggression by waving their pincers. Those with this medicine will benefit by learning the art of balanced communication.
The crab uses all of its senses to survive. Its body movements as well as its excellent sight, smell, taste and hearing assist it in reaching its desired destination. They are skillful in everything that they do. Crabs teach us how to empower ourselves on all levels, perfecting, refining, awakening and expanding our own perceptions.
When crab scampers into your life unexpected events are about to occur. These events will require the use of all your senses. The crab shows you how to develop and refine all aspects of yourself. It only requires that you open your heart to its wisdom and be willing to follow its instructions. In so doing, personal power is your for the asking.
The Crane
The crane is an ancient bird with great symbolic meaning. In Oriental cultures it is revered in paintings and poems and symbolizes good fortune and longevity. When it appears in our life it indicates that good fortune is at hand. This can be physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity or spiritual awakening depending on the situation and the individual.
Graceful, terrestrial birds the cranes call can be long, harsh and penetrating. It helps us connect with our primal origins and teaches us how to utilize the power of sound appropriately. it holds the medicine of self expression and shows us how to vocalize our truth. Those with this totem benefit from all types of voice therapy including singing, speaking and chanting. When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem make lasting favorable impressions on others. If it is underdeveloped they are often misunderstood.
There are about 15 species of cranes. The whooping cranes call is audible for up to 2 miles. If this is your totem your personal sound can impact a larger radius then other crane medicine people.
Cranes pursue small prey and sometimes each other by running. A running crane takes one to three steps per second and may use its wings for balance and to gain speed. They typically run into the wind to achieve the life necessary for flight but if alarmed they can spring directly into flight. This is symbolic for those with this totem. Bucking a headwind can throw us off course. The challenge is to stay centered and focused on our destination.
Aggressive when fighting the crane uses a complex system of threat behaviors including physical postures and vocalizations. They ruffle their wings, drop down and crouch with the head bend back towards the body and when the time is right spring into action. Proper timing and physical flexibility are part of its teachings.
The crane is a soaring bird and like that of the human spirit it knows no limit. They fly with their neck and head outstretched as if they were seeing into the future. Their legs extend out behind them holding them to the past. When the past and the future meet wisdom awakens.
This beautiful bird helps us release our fear as we move into uncharted territory. It helps us discover our personal grace and agility. It teaches us to express ourselves with integrity and conviction and most importantly it restores our faith in ourselves and in spirit.
The Cricket
Crickets are scavengers and feed on organic and decaying plant material. They live under rocks, logs, in meadows, pastures and along roadsides. Because they are active at night, ancient myth associates the cricket with the lunar energies of intuition and sensitivity. When this medicine is fully developed in man logic is balanced with intuition. If underdeveloped the individual takes everything that happens around them to heart and sets them self up to become a victim of circumstance. Emotional discord follows. If the later is true pull in your energy field and do some form of aerobic exercise. This will help strengthen your emotional core and ground your physical body.
Known as natures musicians, crickets can be heard chirping loudly especially during mating season. Their chirping sounds are made by rubbing together their 2 front wings. Attracting a mate with only a chirp can be tricky especially if the females are far away. The cricket not only joins in unison with other males trying to be as loud as possible, but it is also uses its ingenuity to find a mate.
In Africa the tree cricket uses leaves growing on plants to make a megaphone. The cricket chews a pear shaped hole in the leaf and sticks his head through the hold, the leaf bends around his head in a bowl shape like a speaker baffle. Then the cricket presses his sound making wings against the leaf and chirps. These leaf amplifiers increase their sound by up to 10 decibels.
Not only do crickets teach us how to be resourceful and use our ingenuity to acquire a desired outcome they also serve as a weather barometer. Crickets are cold blooded. As the temperature rises on a summer day their metabolism and behavior speed up. The hotter the temperature gets the faster they chirp. When they stop singing altogether it means a storm is approaching. Those with this totem should heed the crickets warning. Storms are symbolic and can indicate that an emotional, mental or physical challenge is coming your way.
The crickets’ hind legs are modified for jumping. They leap over difficult situations effortlessly always choosing to land in a more pleasing environment and can teach us how to do the same. A powerful ally that embodies the qualities of faith and trust the cricket serves us well. All we need to do is follow its lead.
The Crow
Crows are very vocal birds. They are sly and often deceptive in their actions. Crows have been known to build false nests high in treetops to confuse predators. The height of their nests give them the opportunity to watch everything that is going on around them. Many cultures think of crow as the keeper of knowledge for nothing escapes their keen sight.
Crows travel in groups and make mischief in teams. As one crow explores something new, others will watch closely to see what happens and then learn from it. In this way they seem to always be in council with each other. They often raise a ruckus when hunters are around, warning deer and other birds. Crows recognize possible danger and always post lookouts when feeding---their most vulnerable time.
Their language is complex and they have a remarkable voice range. Each caw has its own meaning. Sometimes crow warns of impending danger. Other times it signals a time to join in council and make decisions. Listening to crow can teach those with this medicine how to hear the truth of what is being said.
The striking black color of crow represents the color of creation. It is the womb out of which the new is born. Black the color of night gives birth to the light of a new day. Crow is a daytime bird reminding us that magic and creation are present in both. Their ability to shift between the known and unknown world indicates new journeys.
Because crow is adaptable to all environments and will eat almost anything they can survive in almost any situation. Crow is associated with magic, unseen forces and spiritual strength. If crow flies into your life, get out of your familiar nest, look beyond your present range of vision, listen to its caw and act accordingly.
The Deer
Deer teaches us the power of gentleness, keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it holds. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this totem how to open their hearts and love unconditionally.
Their senses are acute and they see extremely well in low light, giving them the ability to understand the deeper symbolic meanings of things. They can hear a twig snap in the far distance. Anyone who has deer as a totem has hidden clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. They can see between the shadows, detect subtle movements and hear what is not being said. Call on deer to help you develop these gifts.
Deer protects their newborn from subtle outside influences. Fawns are born a color that protects and hides them from a predator’s sight. For the first few days of life they hardly move. Once the fawns energy field is strong and grounded they stand and begin to follow their mother around.
Watching the deer and her young is a reminder to honor the child like innocence within your self and move with gentleness and an open heart. It also suggests that you stand strong on your path and not allow yourself to get distracted by outside influences.
The set of antlers that the male deer grows are the antennae that connects it to higher forms of attunement. If you encounter a deer in the wild try to count the number of points on their antlers. This number ties into numerology and can hold great significance for those with this totem.
The Dingo
Many authorities regard the dingo as a sub species of the domestic dog. Because the dingo is similar to the dog in structure and habits the dog should also be studied. The dingo was introduced from Asia during the later immigrations of the Aborigines about five thousand to eight thousand years ago.
The dingo is stout with short, soft fur, a bushy tail and erect pointed ears. Clairaudient gifts have long been associated with the dingo because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies moving through the earth. This gift can be fully developed by those with this medicine by spending time in nature and learning from the elements.
Dingo's hunt alone or in small groups. They are independent animals bold and suspicious in their habits. The Aborigines sometimes capture and tame them. Those raised from puppies may become affectionate pets.
Dingo's normally yelp and howl, but when domesticated they can also imitate the bark of a dog. The dingo can teach us how to use various forms of sound to enhance our lifestyle. Different pitches and tones convey subtle messages. The dingo is a master at knowing what these subtle messages mean and can teach us how to respond to them for our benefit.
Those who hold this medicine often have an uncanny ability to know things without having a logical reason of why they know it. They can excel while speaking or have difficulty expressing themselves depending on how developed the medicine is in the person.
The dingo represents duality. Domesticated or wild it adapts to any situation and can teach us how to live in balance and harmony within all realms of existence. They are extremely intelligent and can change their behavior patterns to accommodate any situation. This trait reminds us to be flexible in our undertakings.
When the dingo appears it serves as a reminder to lighten up. The dingo is a master at shape shifting their behavior to accommodate the reality in which they live. They see life as a game and invite you to play. The choice is yours.
The Dog
Throughout history dogs have been known as protectors and guardians. Their acute hearing and keen sight forewarned their masters of impending danger. Dogs are known as mans best friend. They serve selflessly never asking for their service to be praised. They hold the energies of unconditional love and teach us its true meaning.
The domesticated dog is a faithful companion to humans and has a strong willingness to serve. Their sense of spirit and the ability to love even when abused is incredible. The dog teaches those with this totem how to give and receive love unconditionally. It also carries the energy of forgiveness. People with dog medicine would do well in service oriented jobs.
Dogs are intelligent and sensitive. They are able to sniff out dangerous situations accurately and guide us into safety. Psychic gifts have long been are associated with the dog because of their ability to detect subtle energy frequencies often unknown to mankind. If dog suddenly appears in your life pay attention to your immediate surroundings and let the dog guide your footsteps.
Certain breeds of dog were designed for specific functions. The study of the breed and its purpose can help you define the energy associated with it. Since wolves and coyotes are its descendants these should be studied as well.
The behavior of a dog often reflects the personality of its owner. Through its observation and constant interaction with you it anticipates your next move, and serves as a mirror image of who you truly are. The dog is a great teacher for those who are willing to be loyal students. The choice is yours.
The Donkey
The donkey is an unsung hero that has often been misrepresented and misunderstood. They were first domesticated approximately 4,500 years ago and were considered to be a status symbol for there owners. Versatile and willing workers with a gentle intelligence donkeys have been known to live for 40 plus years.
Donkeys come in a variety of colors from gray to brown. Most have white muzzles, eye rings and light bellies. Some donkeys have a marking on their back that appears to be a cross, leg stripes are also seen. There are various myths and fables of how the donkey obtained the cross on his back. Some cultures believe that the donkey carried the Lord on his back and received its leg stripes from walking through the palm branches that were laid in his path in honor of the burden he was carrying. Other stories suggest the donkey was God sent and the Prophet was carried to the heavens on its back. The donkey embodies the qualities of perseverance and servitude. They are tireless workers with a strong dedication to spirit.
The characteristics of donkey are noted in those with this totem, spiritual dedication, undying faith in the creative force and a willingness to take on the responsibilities and burdens of others. Helping others is a wonderful trait although taking on more than one can comfortably carry can lead to physical and emotional problems. Learning how to say no and being responsible for ones own well being is a life lesson.
Donkeys are not fond of change and often appear stubborn. If they deem something as dangerous, they simply won't do it. It’s not because they are stubborn it’s because they respect their own intuitive senses. They are smart enough to know when they can or can’t handle something and teach us how to honor and abide by our own personal knowing.
The donkey evolved in the desert. The rugged terrain in which they lived taught them how to move with caution.. When frightened the donkey would simply freeze or run a little way out of danger then stop and look at what startled them. They learned how to navigate their way out of difficult situations and as a result developed cunning and crafty survival skills. When donkey appears in our life it asks us to stop and look at what is challenging us and find a way to move forward safely.
The ears of the donkey are big and funnel like and can detect sounds from a far distance. Donkeys understand the messages each sound carries and teach us how to listen and awaken our clairaudient skills. This amazing animal is a master teacher. When it appears in your life it is asking you to awaken, develop or apply your own inherent gifts in one or more areas of your life.
The Dolphin
Dolphins live in groups of up to 100 individuals. Females give birth to a single young. Several Dolphins surround her to assist with the birth. They will pull the newborn out by its tail and protect it from harm. Injured and sick Dolphins are cared for by others who will lift them to the surface to breathe.
Dolphins spend large portions of their day playing. They live their life in joyful harmony with each other and their world. They seem to have learned the lesson that love is the most important part of life and can teach those with this totem how to love themselves and their world more. The power of Dolphin is community in balance.
Dolphins use a variety of clicks, whistles, grunts and body postures with which they communicate. Each Dolphin has an individual whistle that it calls itself, and it uses other Dolphin's personal whistles to call their attention. Those with this totem would benefit from some form of work or activity that uses the voice as a healing or communicative tool.
Some people believe that Dolphins are more intelligent than humans. They have a large brain and a great intelligence and are often associated in mythical lore with higher forms of consciousness.
Dolphins have been known to inexplicably beach themselves in large numbers. Perhaps they are following a sick or injured Dolphin to try to aid it. There was a story told to me about a man who singled out a dolphin from its group and killed it. The remaining dolphins beached themselves over and over and eventually died.
Dolphins have a purity of being which touches our inner nature. If Dolphin swims into your life, follow its lead and open yourself to the energy of love, harmony and balance. Express your inner truth and follow your inner joy. Dolphin asks you to return to the depths of your being and rediscover the love that you truly are.
The Dove
The dove is a member of the pigeon family and both hold the qualities of home, security and maternal instincts. Many with this totem will experience unsettling childhoods and will be challenged continually to acquire a solid secure foundation in all areas of their lives.
The legends and lore surrounding the dove associates it with many goddesses and it is considered the embodiment of the maternal instinct. The brood of dove consists of two eggs. Two represents the creative and feminine energies. Home and family are important to those with this totem and life lessons will be most predominant in these areas.
Since the dove is a ground feeder and eats mostly seeds those with this totem would benefit from a diet rich in wholesome seeds, nuts and grains. They would also do well in any health profession relating to nutrition.
The dove's song is its most distinctive feature. It can be heard throughout the day. The mourning coo of the Dove reflects hidden emotions stored within those who carry this medicine. How you perceive its sound often reflects the energies that are playing out in your life.
When dove appears it is asking us to go within and release our emotional discord, be it of the past or the present. It assists us in releasing trauma stored within our cellular memory. Humming can aid in this release.
Doves hold the energy of promise. When inner turmoil is cleared from our thoughts, words and feelings, the possibility of good fortune awaits us. In order to receive the gifts the doves bestow on us healing on all levels is paramount.
The Dragonfly
No bird or insect has the flight maneuverability of the Dragonfly. They can twist, turn, change directions in an instant, hover, move up or down, and even fly backwards. The power that dragonfly brings to the tapestry of life is skill. They are experts at what they do and do it relentlessly.
Dragonfly’s spectacular colors sparkle with iridescence in the sunlight. These colors take time to develop reflecting the idea that with maturity our own true colors come forth.
As newly hatched nymphs, dragonflies live on the bottom of ponds and streams. As they mature and go through metamorphosis they move to the realm of air. Since water represents the emotional body and air represents the mental, those with this medicine will often find themselves trying to maintain balance between their thoughts and emotions.
Children with dragonfly medicine are often very emotional. They feel things deeply and respond to situations with great passion. As they reach adulthood, and through experience, they learn how to balance their emotions with greater mental clarity and control. This gives them the compassionate quality necessary for any type of work relating to healing or counseling.
Dragonfly has the ability to reflect and refract light and colors and is often associated with magic and mysticism. Just as light can bend and shift and be adapted in a variety of ways, so can the archetypal forces associated with dragonfly. It conveys the message that life is never what it appears to be.
By helping a person see through illusion dragonfly awakens ones true vision. Flying at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour they can spot movement forty feet away. Flying into and around things from different angles, they challenge rigid awareness and prompt the energy of change for anyone who holds this medicine.
The Duck
The duck is a short necked large billed waterfowl. The legs are placed rearward resulting in a waddling gait. They are swift fliers leaping upward on noisy wings before attaining level flight, usually in compact flocks. Ducks are hatched with a complete covering of down and can take to the water as soon as they leave the nest, usually within 24 to 48 hours.
Ducks are at home on the water. Since water is linked to the emotional rivers of mankind it reminds us to honor our deepest emotions and nourish ourselves adequately. Those with this totem have a tendency to look for emotional solace in others. Although emotional support from another is comforting, true emotional strength must be acquired within. Those with this medicine often have specific lessons to learn about balancing emotional discord. They, like the duckling, plunge into the waters depth at an early age to gain understanding about their inner chaos.
Past lives associated with low self esteem is often reflected in present day life for those with this medicine. They are highly emotional and sensitive to everything around them. Sensitivity can be an attribute if it is balanced with logic and reason. Otherwise it can cause chaos and confusion in our lives. Developing a stronger sense of self is part of the teaching duck holds.
Most ducks pair only for a season. Those with this totem often find that long term relationships are difficult to maintain and restlessness within the relationship is common. Learning how to take flight and spread ones wings without destroying the foundation of that relationship is one of their greatest challenges.
Ducks come in a variety of shades from iridescent to bold colors. It is important to understand the significance of this. Iridescent colors represent a fine line between reality and imagination. Bold colors are solid and hold the qualities of strength and perseverance. If your personal duck has iridescent colors examine your emotions carefully. Are you getting lost in the imaginative side of self and creating more chaos than necessary? If strong and bold it is time to take charge of your life and become the master of your emotions.
Affectionate and community oriented duck medicine people love and are loved deeply. They often feel a great need to be of service and make excellent healers. Because the coloring of ones personal duck is symbolic, healing with color can be beneficial.
Ducks are graceful as they glide through the water reminding us to be gentle with ourselves as we heal, learn and grow into our perfected self.
The Dugong
The dugong is a large marine mammal that spends its life in the sea. It inhabits shallow coastal waters from the Red Sea and Eastern Africa to the Philippines, New Guinea and Northern Australia. Although aquatic, it breathes air through lungs and gives birth underwater. Birthing a human child underwater has been investigated in our present society with good results. Because water symbolizes the emotions in man a human child born underwater has the opportunity to connect with their deepest emotions immediately upon birth. Scientists are finding that babies born underwater grow up to be healthier with a more balanced temperament.
Dugongs are slow moving giving them little protection from predators which include sharks, salt water crocodiles and killer whales. Those with this totem should study each predator to gain a deeper understanding of this medicine. Dugongs graze on green algae and marine grasses. A diet rich in chlorophyll will benefit those with this medicine.
The dugong lives in pairs or groups of up to 6 individuals. The number two in numerology represents conscious emotional interrelationships. The number six understands the energies of compromise which serve a broader interest. Both numbers symbolize the characteristics of the dugong. The study of even numbers can awaken deeper insights about this totem.
The dugong has a large tapered body. Its forelimbs are rounded flippers. It has no hind limbs. It moves in a forward motion and asks those with this totem to do the same. When it appears in a person’s life it serves as a reminder to let go of procrastination and swim into the waters of new beginnings.
Ancient myths surround this creature. When resting, the dugong may "tail stand" in water of proper depth, keeping their heads out of the water. Sightings of dugongs by early seafarers are believed to have given rise to the extensive mythology of mermaids.
The dugong holds great symbolism and is a complex totem to understand completely. Because of this the dugong nudges us forward into a wide range of possibilities. It asks us to study symbols of different origins, compile the information acquired then grow into expanded consciousness. If your goal is to achieve wisdom the dugong will be happy to accommodate you.
The Eagle
The eagle is a sacred messenger, carrying our prayers to the Creator and returning with gifts and visions for the people. Eagle feathers aid medicine people in calling on this connection when they need to contact spirit for healing.
Eagles are majestic birds with a powerful presence. Although they can be social birds they do require isolation from human encroachment to breed in the wild. If a human strays to close or touches their nest, they are likely to abandon it. Both male and female incubate the eggs and share in the duties of raising its young.
The eagle is incredibly patient. Often seen perched in a tree maintaining the same position for hours at a time, eagle teaches those with this totem how to master the art of patience in every area of their life. Within the energy of patience "all things are possible."
Eagles are good at feeding themselves from the land and still soar to great heights in the sky. They teach us how to move through life without becoming attached to anything. They show us how to accept what comes our way and see everything as a gift from Great Spirit. They have excellent hearing and can hunt as much by ear as by sight. To those to whom eagle comes, the ability to hear spiritually and psychically will awaken
Eagles have sharp beaks and strong jaws. They remind us to pay attention to our speech and how it affects others. Our words as well as the tone of our voice should be examined. Eagle asks us to maintain a prayerful connection with Spirit, to keep our minds focused on what is important in life. Maintaining this attitude removes judgment from our consciousness. Without judgment we speak with encouragement and kindness towards others. Lessons associated with judgment are part of this medicine.
Eagles have excellent vision. Perched high in a tree they appear to analyze and observe everything. If Eagle has blessed you with its presence in some way, you are being given potent gifts of clarity and vision to use for the good of all people helping to bring forth the light out of the darkness. Eagle also serves as a reminder to those with this totem to communicate with Great Spirit daily so the gifts Eagle offers you can be utilized fully.
The Echidna
The echidna resembles the hedge hog and the porcupine in that they are covered by sharp spines. They can survive in a vast range of climates and habitat. They have pointy snouts and extremely long sticky tongues to catch ants and termites. Echidnas have no fixed home and can be found in a variety of shelters. Those with this totem will feel at home wherever they are and often live in unusual dwellings.
This animal is an ancient creature with a unique and well developed brain. The echidna has been around longer than humans. Because of its long life span it is known as the keeper of ancient secrets. It holds the teachings of longevity and renewal.
When the echidna feels threatened it can run away on its short stubby legs, or curl itself into a ball protecting its soft underbelly. They can burrow straight down below the surface of the soil showing only its spines along its back to their predator. This line of defense is symbolic for those with this totem. It reminds you to watch your back in unknown or uncomfortable situations. Sometimes echidna medicine people will actually feel a tingling sensation running up their backbone when danger is near.
Echidnas are solitary in their habits but mutually tolerable. They have a single minded attitude and understand the value of rooting around to find solutions to life's questions. Those with this totem are investigative and inquisitive and make excellent detectives. They have good memories and are able to retain information.
The tip of the echidna’s nose is very sensitive to electrical signals from an insect’s body. Since the echidna has no teeth it crushes insects between horny pads in its mouth. Echidna medicine people are able to detect subtle electrical impulses originating from the earth as well as the sky. They can channel stronger electrical currents through their body without damaging their nervous system. This gives them the ability to communicate with the spirit realm and extraterrestrial beings more efficiently. The echidna holds many secrets. When it appears in your life those secrets are about to be revealed to you.
The Elephant
Throughout history elephants have been prized for their power and strength. They are extremely intelligence and honored by many cultures. Elephants are the largest land animals and among the longest lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha chose the form of a white elephant as one of his many incarnations and the rare appearance of a white elephant is still heralded as a manifestation of the gods. The Hindu god Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, is depicted with the head of an elephant.
Despite their great weight elephants walk almost noiselessly. Their stride is exceptionally graceful and rhythmic. Their hearing, smell, tastes and touch is acute. This compensates for their poor eyesight. Their eyes are small in relation to the enormous head, which can only turn slightly from side to side. This limited movement results in restricted side vision. Those with this medicine feel things deeply and respond to those feelings from a place of inner knowing. Because their peripheral vision is limited they have a tendency to look straight ahead and not always see what is around them. Learning to shift ones focus to encompass the whole is helpful.
Loyal and affectionate elephants are willing to risk their life for the sake of others in a family group. Wild elephants have been known to grieve and even shed tears over the death of a family member. They have excellent memories and when mistreated they often seek revenge.
Elephants have a total of four teeth, all molars. The first pair of molars is located toward the front of the mouth. When they wear down, they drop out and the two molars in the back shift forward. Two new molars emerge in the back of the mouth to replace those that have moved forward. Elephants replace back molars six times throughout their life. When the last set wears out, they are unable to chew and die of starvation.
Teeth have great symbolism. They are considered receivers and transmitters of energy linked by connecting paths throughout the astral body. Because the elephant is highly intelligent those with this totem make excellent researchers and alternative scientists. The complex study of numbers, energy meridians and the tie in between the physical brain, the teeth locations, and the major and minor head chakras is fascinating as well as beneficial.
Elephant tusks point backwards and are used as weapons and for digging edible roots. From a spiritual point of view this suggests an ability to uncover the secrets left behind you and bring them to the consciousness for evaluation and healing.
This beautiful creature holds the teachings of compassion, loyalty, strength, intelligence, discernment and power to name a few. If this is your medicine these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying these gifts in your life soul evolution is achieved.
The Elk
Elk have tremendous stamina and can run for a very long time. They are powerful animals with strong reflexes and respond quickly to anything that appears on their path. They are also unpredictable, passive one moment and aggressive the next. Elk can sense danger the moment it arrives and can teach us how to become more observant of subtle energies.
Elk live in large herds and are seldom seen alone. Although they enjoy the company of their own kind they do need space to roam and if cornered they can become quite dangerous. Those with this totem need a sacred space to retreat to from time to time in order to keep their energy balanced.
The elk, like the deer, have contests to see who will mate with the does; but unlike the deer, elk will fight very aggressively and frequently draw blood or worse. Those with this medicine need to keep their aggressive tendencies under control and seek fairness in all that they do. These tendencies may not be evident to the conscious mind, although when provoked they can often surface unexpectedly.
Elk never graze at night. An attacked herd will bolt in all directions so as to confuse a predator. The art of survival is part of its teachings. Majestic in their bearing the elk demands respect. Adult bulls with a full set of antlers are a match for any animal they would encounter, including a bear.
There is no more impressive a sight than a full grown elk, with its winter coat, standing tall and looking fierce. Elk shares with us its regal demeanor and those with this totem often find themselves on center stage both in their professional and personal lives. If Elk medicine is fully developed within a person a strong self image is expressed. Those with this totem usually have past life associations connected to royalty.
When elk appears in your life, it may be telling you to polish your act and carry yourself with pride and power. That does not mean you should be egotistical, however, for elk knows that its true power comes from Great Spirit. It shows off the gifts it has been given and uses them to its advantage.
Elk holds the medicine of strength and empowerment. If you need to be impressive in a situation, it would be good to connect with elk and learn from it. If you are shy or unsure elk can show you how to become more confident.
The Emu
The emu is the worlds second largest bird behind the Ostrich. They are quick mobile runners with a bouncing swaying motion. Emus are generally nomadic and those with this totem will have a yearn for travel and adventure. Settling in and settling down will be difficult for them until later in life. Since the emus life span is short, usually about 6 years emu medicine people will try to squeeze everything they can into their life experience. Caution is advised not to over extend oneself beyond their capabilities.
A flightless bird with a large stout body, long neck and long strong legs emus have been known to roam up to 75 miles. They demand space to roam free and if cornered they can become aggressive kicking their feet at their target. In relationships those with this totem can become restless and dissatisfied easily. They are dreamers and explorers always thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Once they manifest their dream they often lose interest in it and move onto something else. This trait can be challenging to those whom they partner with. Although they require stability they also shun it.
Emus mate for life. Because of this emu medicine people love deeply and are always faithful to their partners in spite of their wandering spirit. Male emus incubate from 7 to 10 eggs in a ground nest for about 60 days. For those with this totem this signifies that the masculine and feminine energies are aligned and working in harmony. If this medicine is underdeveloped integrating both male and female aspects of self is important for optimum health and well being on all levels.
Emus are most vulnerable as eggs or as hatchlings. Lizards eat emu eggs and young emus are hunted by dingoes, eagles, dogs and cats. If they live into adulthood their size alone serves as a protection for them. Children with emu medicine are very sensitive to their surroundings and need tender care and protection from their parents. Otherwise the children become subjective to attack from outside influences. This attack limits their free roaming spirit and creates emotional congestion.
The emu teaches us about freedom, its positive and negative aspects and helps us attain quality of life. Because they don't live a long life the emu holds the teachings of youth and innocence and reminds us to maintain a light heart and a playful spirit.
The Ferret
The ferret is a member of the weasel family. They are happy playful animals with the curiosity of the raccoon and the gentleness of a kitten. Archaeological and historical sources suggest that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years. Historical documents from Greece mention the ferret about 450 BC, and Roman documents mention the use of ferrets to hunt rabbits at about the time of Christ. Adept at tunnel hunting it is believed that the ferret was used by the Egyptians as well as farmers and mariners to control rodent populations in barns and on ships. However, the history of the ferrets’ domestication is speculative without actual proof giving this little animal an illusive quality.
Ferrets are opportunists. They will steal anything they can drag away hiding it in a safe place to be used at a later date. Intelligent and crafty this little animal teaches us how to use our ingenuity to create a safe haven for ourselves. They remind us to stock up on necessary provisions that might be needed. Always well prepared for any situation that might appear the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship.
The ferrets’ eyes point forward straight down their nose. Extremely focused on what is in front of them they remind us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Their keen sense of smell coupled with their ability to see clearly in the darkness links them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are stored. Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferret has the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and can assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have more clearly.
Those with this totem need to remember to use all of their senses equally. If this medicine is underdeveloped the tendency towards tunnel vision is common. Rigid consciousness creates unnecessary worry and anxiety so caution is advised. Playful activities and a lighthearted attitude is helpful.
When frightened or excited the ferrets tail bushes up and a musty scent is excreted. Although this scent does repel some predators the ferret does not feel completely safe until it has burrowed deep inside its tunnel. In man this symbolizes the need of a secure home life. A place for reflection and nourishment is mandatory for those with this totem.
Ferrets are incredibly fast and agile and show us how to move with lightning speed to avoid danger. Do you need to move more quickly in some aspect of your life? Are you stuck in rigid thought patterns that limit your view of the bigger picture? Have you created a safe haven for yourself? Is your power of observation a hindrance or a help?
Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life's mysteries. If you are having trouble understanding some part of your life invite the ferret into your meditation, listen to what it has to tell you and then act accordingly.
The Fish
Fish are amazing creatures. Some are bright and colorful others are translucent and plain. Powerful yet graceful swimmers, they live in the water and ride its currents. Water is the primordial life source, a symbol of the womb, motherhood and woman. Those with this totem will have strong ties to these qualities.
Many races of antiquity have honored creatures inhabiting water. Early philosophers and scientists realizing all life has its origin in water chose the fish as the symbol of the life germ. Water is dynamic and constantly in transition and can reflect the same in a person’s life. When fish appears to you it signifies a time of movement and change.
The subconscious and unconscious mind has always been associated with water. Because fish live here they are linked to the elements of the unknown and hold the energy of transformation. Fish swim under water and can reveal to those with this totem their hidden fears and deepest desires.
Fish were sacred to the Greeks and Romans. In early Christianity three fishes were used to symbolize the trinity. Fish is also one of the eight sacred symbols of the Buddha. Throughout history fish have been associated with religion and worship. Prayer and meditation are important balancing elements for those with this medicine.
The Flamingo
The Flamingo is a bird with many faces. They live in large flocks and are seldom seen on their own. Living in large groups gives them a sense of security and protection. Those with this medicine feel comfortable and safe in groups. They have difficulty being alone or on their own. They are followers rather than leaders and need to pay attention to what they are following and make sure that it honors their personal truth.
Flamingos are fascinating birds with a striking appearance. Their pink color is caused by a food they eat which contains carotene. Without this food in their diet their feathers turn white. The ability to change colors gives them the magical properties associated with illusion and shape shifting. Those who hold this medicine have the ability to appear to be what they are not. This ability serves as a disguise when appropriate and allows them to slide in and out of situations gracefully. They make excellent actors and performers.
The word Flamingo comes from the Latin word flame. The Egyptians revered the flamingo as a living embodiment of the sun God Ra. Because the eye of the flamingo is actually larger than its brain they are associated with clear sightedness. Flamingos see exceptionally well but due to the smallness of their brain they are not always able to interpret what they see efficiently. This is one reason why they live in groups. They rely on one another and work with group consciousness rather than individual awareness.
Although those with this totem have psychic abilities they need to strengthen the reasoning powers of the mind using their logic and intuition before making decisions and remember to weigh all sides of a situation before taking action.
Flamingos have a long life span. They are social birds and are very vocal. They are extremely sensitive to loud noises and chaotic situations and will flee from them instantaneously. They teach us how to follow suit and not engage in situations that are detrimental to us on any level.
Flamingos breed for life and are loyal to their partners. They have the longest migration of any other bird. Those with this totem are dedicated to their choices, loyal to their causes and have a tendency to reach further than most to accomplish their goals.
The Fox
There are several different species of fox, but they all share the extreme cleverness and cunning that gave rise to the expression, "sly as a fox." Fox speaks of the need to develop the art of camouflage, invisibility, and shape shifting. It is agile, skilled, and unpredictable.
A fox being pursued by hounds will run across the tops of walls, cross streams diagonally, double back on its trail, run in circles and do anything to break the trail of its scent. It has a great ability to outwit both predators and prey. Fox teaches us how to slip out of unpleasant situations quietly and unnoticed.
Those with fox as a totem are often clever and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever nature balanced or it could backfire. Fox can also suggest that your actions might be too obvious and you need to learn to be more discreet.
Fox is one of the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Because it is a creature of the night, it is often imbued with supernatural powers. Author Ted Andrews states that fox are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk is the beginning of its day, and the dawn its ending. These are the in between times, when the world of magic and the world in which we live intersect. It lives on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. Because it is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. The fox has a long history of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of situations restoring order or causing confusion depending on the situation. If fox is your totem pay attention to the way it moves and follow its lead. This is a powerful medicine to have and those that it belongs to should learn to use its skills for the benefit of all, including you.
The Frog
There are numerous species of frogs found all over the world. Their bodies are designed for jumping and their sharp eyes help them capture their prey, mostly insects. Because the frog’s eyes bulge out from the sides of the head they are able to see in nearly all directions. This provides them with excellent depth perception.
Frogs have a well developed sense of hearing. Behind each eye is a large disked membrane, an external eardrum that picks up sound waves and transmits them to the inner ear and then to the brain. This coupled with their exceptional sight give them both clairsentient and clairvoyant abilities.
The frog produces sound similar to the way humans do by forcing air from the lungs over the vocal cords. Their variety of complex calls from ribbets to croaks associates it with language. Those with this totem have the potential to take command of the spoken word and are often bilingual.
Tree frogs are strong jumpers and despite their toes being only half webbed they are also strong swimmers. One of the most interesting characteristics of the tree frog is the changing of its colors from bright red, green, orange, to aqua. Color change is brought about through the stimuli of light and moisture which create physiological change and result in contraction or expansion of the pigment cells in the skin. These bright colors appear on flanks, groin, surface of the thighs and the belly and serve in species recognition or in confusing predators. One species native to South America has brightly colored eyespots on its rump. When approached by a predator, the frog lowers its head, elevates its rump thus confronting the predator with a seemingly much larger head. The study of color and its affects on a persons psyche is helpful.
With the exception of a few species, most frogs do not care for their young. They mate and then abandon their eggs. Because of this lessons associated with survival are common in frog medicine people. Scientists believe that the health of frog populations reflect the health of the eco system as a whole.
Because frogs are found in water and on land they hold the magic of both. Water has long been associated with emotional cleansing. Mud the combination of earth and water is used in healing therapies to rid the body of toxins. Because those with this medicine are extremely sensitive the use of mud baths is advised.
The frog is a totem of metamorphosis. Most frogs undergo a two stage life cycle. Eggs hatch into tadpoles which grow and eventually become adults. This signifies the awakening of ones creativity. When frog leaps into a persons life it is an invitation to jump into their creative power. To do this it is helpful to know which stage of life you are presently in. By studying the characteristics of the frog the discovery of your present life cycle is known.
The Giraffe
The giraffe is a graceful animal in spite of its ungainly appearance. Its most recognizable features are its long thin legs and its slender long neck. Its neck, supported by seven greatly elongated vertebrae is very strong. Giraffes are often seen wrapping their necks around each other to test their strength.
The giraffe only requires between two to four hours of sleep a day. When sleeping they kneel down with their neck and head wrapped around them resting it in the crock of their leg.
Some legends claim that the "sleep time" of the giraffe is connected to ancient Eastern cultures. The giraffe’s incredible flexibility allows it to take on positions similar to yoga therapies in which the body is twisted and contorted while in a meditative state. This coupled with its kneeled sleep position made many believe that it was actually praying instead of sleeping. When it awoke and stood up its great height would invoke feelings from fear to respect. The giraffe’s strength and flexibility shows us how to gain control of our physical bodies while expanding our mental and spiritual faculties. Many cultures honored the giraffe including the Egyptians whose art featured giraffe designs.
Because of the great distance between the head and the heart, its vascular system is equipped with valves so sufficient blood reaches the brain. The elastic blood vessels in the neck and head handle changes in blood pressure due to head swings. Blood pressure fluctuations and circulatory conditions are common in giraffe medicine people so proper care is advised. What we think and what we feel on a heart level need to be aligned in order for this medicine to benefit us.
Giraffes are highly attuned to danger thanks to their height, keen sense of smell and eyesight. With their heads towering high in the sky and their feet firmly planted on the ground they serve as links between the higher and lower worlds. Its flexible neck allows it see what's behind it, alongside it and in front of it. This gives the giraffe the ability to know the future and understand the past while walking in the present moment. It holds the teachings of clear sight and can be a powerful ally for those with this totem.
Giraffes can go for a month without drinking. Like the zebra, each animal has a unique set of markings that helps them distinguish each other. They are quiet animals making little noise except for an occasional bleat. This silence is a great teaching for those with this medicine. The giraffe’s lack of vocal communication suggests that we follow suit. Words often distract us from silent reflection. Learning to balance ones speech with quietude is important. When this medicine is underdeveloped speaking just to hear oneself speak can be a downfall. Because the giraffe communicates through body language those with this medicine would benefit from some type of movement therapy.
Although the head of the giraffe appears dainty its three horns give it the ability to strike a nasty blow. One of its horns is somewhat hidden located under the skin just above its eyes. This placement is similar to that of the third eye in man and reminds those with this medicine to honor their visionary abilities. The giraffe teaches us how to increase our perceptions by viewing life from all angles. When we look up, forwards, sideways and down the past, present and future is known. A wonderful totem to have the giraffe is a bearer of many gifts.
The Gnu
The gnu also known as Wildebeest is a member of the African antelope family. It lives in herds, often of large size and grazes on the grasses and scrub of open plains. Gnu herds are on the move almost continually as the animal seeks pastures that have been renewed by the rains. Those with this medicine will continually feel a need to seek out new horizons and not let their energy or lifestyle become stagnate. Renewing themselves through movement and change is part of the teachings that the gnu totem holds.
When gnu's are disturbed they dash away for a short distance and wheel around abruptly to gaze at whatever frightened them. This trait has significant value. When gnu medicine is properly developed in an individual the ability to know when to act and when to retreat works to their advantage. Their power of observation is keen and their timing impeccable.
In flight the gnu's toss their heads, prance about and throw up their heels in a wild, erratic manner. Its unusual and wild behavior causes confusion in a focused predator. The gnu can teach us how to shape shift our personal realities by using body language in a variety of ways. Movement conveys many messages, some subtle and some obvious. The gnu can show us how to get a message across to others effectively. Those with this medicine would do well in the performing arts.
Gnu's stay within twenty to thirty miles of water sources which they visit every two or three days. Those with this totem benefit from all types of water therapy and need to live close to large water reservoirs to maintain optimum health and well being.
The gnu is one of the most abundant of all wild grazing animals in eastern Africa. Virtually all the calves are born within a few days of each other once a year. This ensures the survival of the majority of them because lions, hyenas, and other predators can kill and eat only so many calves in the short span of time before the calves themselves become fast runners.
True communication through group interaction is one of the skills the gnu teaches us. It suggests that abundance in any form can be obtained for those with this medicine as long as it is shared freely with others. Selfishness must be transformed into selflessness. The gnu is a powerful totem to have. When it appears in your life get ready for an awakening of your strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears. The life you have been living is about to change.
The Goat
There are many different breeds of goat. The many breeds may be roughly grouped: Swiss goats; the eastern, or Nubian, with long, drooping ears; and the wool goat-- Angora. While it is usually easy to distinguish goats from sheep, certain hair breeds of the latter are only distinguishable from goats by the direction of the tail, upward in goats, downward in sheep.
The mountain goat is noted for its surefootedness on high rocky ledges. It has excellent climbing abilities due to its highly flexible skeletal abilities. Because the goat is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn those with this totem would benefit by studying the characteristics of this sign for a deeper understanding of themselves. The goat can also link you to past lives associated with Greece because it shows up prominently in Greek mythology. Studying Greek mythology can be helpful for those with this medicine.
Goat teaches us how to create a solid foundation on which to stand and helps us develop confidence as we move towards new heights and aspirations. If the mountain goat appears to us we should examine our present foundation and make sure it is serving us appropriately. It can also indicate a need to let go of the "security of our insecurity" and undertake new endeavors pertinent to our growth.
Domesticated goats showed up in the East, perhaps during prehistoric times. It was used as a source of milk, cheese, mohair, and meat. Its skin has been valued as a source for leather. In China, Great Britain, Europe, and North America, the goat is primarily a milk producer. Goat flesh is edible and is much prized in the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Spain, Italy, the south of France, and Greece. The Angora and Cashmere breeds are famous for their fine wool or mohair.
Goats hold the energy of abundant nourishment. They show us how to sustain ourselves and remind us that we must develop independence and strength. They take care of our basic needs and teach us how to master survival skills. Because goats are attuned to nature’s energies they are able to maneuver difficult terrain and go where other animals cannot. For those with this medicine the goat serves as a guide into the uncharted and unexplored aspects of ones true self.
The Gopher
The Gopher understands the necessity for being prepared. It does not hibernate at all during the winter months and lives off the food that it stores. They live almost their whole lives underground in complex tunnels that they dig. Each tunnel intersects with the next affirming to us that everything is connected in some way. In mystical lore the underworld is known as the keeper of life's secrets. The Gopher knows what lies beneath the surface of any situation and can show us how to uncover hidden truths.
Gophers have poor vision and when confronted by an attacker they use their tails as an antenna to feel openings in passageways to escape danger. This ability keeps them out of harms way. Knowing which direction to go is an important challenge for Gopher medicine people as well as the care and health of the physical eyes. Most people with Gopher as a totem are very sensitive to vibrations and do well in all types of work related to vibrational healing.
Gophers run forward and backward at incredible speeds and remind us to pay attention to our action or lack of action. They can show us how to flow through life in a balanced way by always staying connected to the rhythm of earth’s heartbeat.
Because Gophers tunnel under gardens pulling large numbers of plants down into their burrows it is easy to blame them for destroying the growth of crops. When Gopher appears in our lives it is telling us to pay attention to our own growth process, take responsibility for it and stop blaming someone or something when problems arise.
Gophers are very sensitive to sharp or piercing noise. It throws them off center confusing their usual sense of balance. For those with this totem avoid loud noise whenever possible and take time for quiet reflection.
The Gopher is a friendly and powerful totem and can be a beneficial guide into the underworld. If you choose to take its tour get prepared. Deeper truths will awaken in your consciousness and your present reality will be rearranged. The discovery of who you are, who you have been and who you are becoming is on the horizon.
The Gorilla
Gorillas have excellent memories and a keen sense of observation. They are found in groups and are quite social. If a person tries to harm anyone in their group the gorilla remembers that person and will have a tendency to charge that person every time he or she approaches. This indicates their undying loyalty to family and loved ones. Respect is very important to the gorilla.
Gorillas have acute hearing and respond to unusual sounds that are not part of normal activity. For those with this totem this indicates clairaudient abilities. Gorilla medicine people can hear vibrations and frequencies that others cannot. Hearing is one of their main gifts. They are great listeners and really hear what others are saying and respond accordingly.
Gorillas are conservationists eating only a few leaves from each plant always leaving several leaves so that the plant can replenish the leaves quickly. Those with this medicine care about the environment and need to have access to nature and its elements to maintain balance and harmony within themselves.
Gorillas have a gentle strength, patience and clarity of vision. Once they create a goal they stick with it until accomplished. They are extremely intelligent. Gorillas have been taught to use sign language to communicate words and have even been know to form simple sentences; this indicates an ability to utilize sound to its fullest. Many Gorilla people choose professions working with the deaf and dumb and are compassionate insightful healers.
The Goshawk
The goshawk is a magnificent bird approximately 2 feet in length with a wingspan of up to 4 feet. It has long been used in falconry where it once was reserved for the higher clergy. Those with this medicine often have past life ties associated with royalty and leadership. In their present life they have a natural charismatic presence that draws people to them.
The goshawks ruby red eyes covey an air of mystery and intrigue. Red is a life force color and symbolizes the power and presence of spirit. Those with this medicine are reminded to channel this life force appropriately for the benefit of all. Using the eyes to see what lies beneath the surface is important. Clairvoyant abilities are common amongst goshawk medicine people although egotistical tendencies can develop. One must remember to stay centered in the truth of spirit and honor the true attributes of this totem.
In pursuit of prey the goshawk swiftly follows the animals’ efforts to escape. It keeps its eye on its objective. Seldom does it lose its focus. Once the goshawk has secured its prey with its powerful talons it dismembers it with its sharp pointed beak. For those with this medicine pay attention to how your words impact others. If this medicine is underdeveloped difficulties can arise from the improper use of words. The goshawk is precise in all it does and asks those with this medicine to refine their personal skills and follow its lead. Learning a second language is helpful and good communication skills are essential.
The goshawk builds soft lined nests of sticks in tall trees indicating its desire for comfort. Those with this totem will have deep desires for the comforts of physical life and can obtain them with right attitude and perseverance. Because goshawks are found in various parts of the world one must honor the direction of where it is found and learn the lessons that are associated with that direction. The South and North directions on the medicine wheel represent lessons associated with physical life. The East and West directions represent rebirth and renewal in the spirit world.
Majestic and graceful in its flight the goshawk flaps its wings more than other birds of prey. It maintains an even consistent rhythm in its movement and can teach us how to balance our actions, thoughts and words with the grace and purity of spirits intention.
The Grasshopper
The short horned grasshopper is related to the locust and both will be discussed here. As with all insects, they are cold blooded and are more active when it is warmer. There are about 10,000 species and each has its own unique song. With a few exceptions only the males can sing. During courtship, male grasshoppers take turns singing songs, competing to outdo each other for the attention of the females.
One of the gifts these insects hold is the power of song and sound. Song is an ancient way to alter consciousness and communicate with our animal and spirit relations. Some Native American songs date back at least 20,000 years. If these insect singers have caught your attention with their song, they may be asking you to honor your ancestors and reconnect with your true heritage. Listening and responding to your inner voice as well as using it in a complimentary way towards self and others is equally important.
The grasshopper-locust is associated with astral travel. They have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist. People with this medicine have the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning. When the grasshopper-locust appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale. This can represent a change in location, relationships, and career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.
Overcrowding and food shortages turn normally peaceful grasshoppers into the dreaded locusts, capable of stripping a forest or farm in the blink of an eye. They turn dark, almost black, so that they can absorb more sunlight to have heat and energy to maintain their swarming. They will continue this frenzy until they reach a place with enough food or enough of them die or are killed to control the population. Those with grasshopper-locust as a totem must remember that the gifts of mother earth are available for everyone if used in a sacred way. Sometimes a person forgets that sacred balance and takes more than is needed. This can also be symbolic of individuals taking from you. Are others demanding too much of your time, your energy? Is responsibility being placed on your shoulders that is not rightfully yours? These are some of the questions to ask yourself if the grasshopper-locust presents itself to you. Remember life only becomes more difficult when we refuse to leap forward into the magic of change.
The Hawk
In Native American cultures the hawk represents a messenger. It often appears in our life when we need to pay attention to the subtle messages found in our surroundings and from those we come in contact with. As with all messages received it is important to recognize its underlying truth. Because there are so many varieties of hawk its messages vary and can affect all levels of our psyche.
One thing that all hawks have in common is the skill to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully connecting both worlds together. Their acute vision compliments this ability and their discriminating nature keeps them out of harms way. The broader vision of the hawk allows them to see what the future holds. In man this symbolizes prophetic insight. If this medicine is underdeveloped a tendency towards over analyzing everything is common. In so doing, clear vision is lost. Those who hold this totem should remember to keep their analytical mind under control and not allow it to run wild.
The hawk has many foraging techniques. The most typical in their pursuit of prey is swiftly following the animal's efforts to escape. Once the hawk has secured the prey with its powerful talons, the bird dismembers it with its sharply pointed, strong beak. In man, this suggests that we can run but we cannot hide from our destiny. Sooner of later it will catch up with us.
The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and realign with the original intention of their soul. When the hawk flies into our life we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and rip out the threads of our self created illusions. This enables our inner truth to surface.
Hawk signifies union with Great Spirit. A bird of the heavens the hawk orchestrates the changes necessary for our spiritual growth. Having this totem can be bitter sweet. If we accept its presence in our life we will be asked to surrender anything that doesn't honor the integrity of all life. Be it an idea, a feeling or an action. Although hard work is involved the rewards the hawk offers us are great.
The Heron
The heron is a long legged wading bird. There are about 60 species of heron including several species called egrets. Most egrets have white plumage that is highly prized as ornaments in oriental ceremonies.
Herons are often seen standing motionless, as if in a meditative state, on its long thin legs. This stance symbolizes its ability to maintain balance through proper focus. Its inner foundation is secure although not fixed.
When the heron feeds it stands in water. Its neck is bent in an S shape. The flowing pattern of the letter S reflects the rhythm of this bird. Understanding your personal rhythm and responding to it accordingly is imperative for those with this medicine.
Water is associated with the mysteries of life. It is connected to the emotional body of man. When you see a heron standing in water notice how deep the water is. This depth can symbolize the depth that needs to be explored within self. The deeper you go the more you discover. Whatever is discovered take the time necessary to stand in silent reflection. In this way clarity of understanding is known.
Those with this medicine have strong emotional natures. They feel things deeply and with passion. The challenge here is to keep passionate thoughts and feelings under control in order to maintain a balanced emotional nature. The advantage of this energy indicates the passion and ambition needed to complete tasks and accomplish goals.
Herons are seldom seen flocking together. They are solitary birds that enjoy their own company. Heron medicine people are independent and willing to make changes when the need arises. They do not need a lot of people in their lives. This can sometimes lead to challenges in personal relationships especially if the other person has needs that require constant attention. Maintaining some type of social interaction and not withdrawing from others completely is helpful.
Herons stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and events for their own benefit. By observing the heron, its actions and its lack of action we learn how to perfect out personal flight through life. Herons hold a silent power, their grace, agility and majestic presence reflect balance. This balance is the gift they offer to all who choose to receive it.
The Hippopotamus
The Hippopotamus is an amazing animal that lives both underwater and above ground. It combines the elements of earth and water and teaches us how to integrate the attributes of both into our daily life.
Water is associated with intuitive knowing and earth is associated with practicality and stability. The hippopotamus asks those with this totem to act upon their intuition without analyzing it while maintaining a practical grounded life style.
Hippopotamus are amphibious and have special adaptations for life in the water. It can safely stay underwater, able to breath, hear, and see the world above without having to expose its body. When this medicine if fully developed those with this totem have an innate ability to know what lies beneath the surface of any situation. They speak and see truth and demand that others respect that truth
Hippo’s need water deep enough to cover them because there skin is delicate and thin and vulnerable to overheating. Those with this medicine are susceptible to sunstroke and sun related problems including dehydration so care should be taken when outdoors.
Although the Hippopotamus is extremely agile and flexible in its movements it has a tendency to develop set patterns. When they leave the water at dusk, they prefer to follow the same path creating a rut in the ground several feet deep. The hippopotamus teaches us to find a path that works for us and to stay on it to reach our true destination.
The Horse
The horse symbolizes freedom and the power that comes with being free. They pulled the wagon trains across the prairies opening up new frontiers to be explored. Horses helped turn the Lakota and other Native tribes into the powerful mounted warriors and nomads that they became, although taming the horse wasn't easy, as their spirit for freedom was a fire that burned within them.
Those with this medicine can be fiercely independent and have little tolerance for anything or anyone that limits their free expression. This characteristic can create challenges in relationships of all kinds, especially co-dependent ones. Those with this totem are teachers to their partners, friends and family showing them how to stand solid within themselves. Individuals who choose to be involved with a horse person do so because the need for self empowerment is strong. They seek the horse and the power it holds rather than the horse seeking them.
Because horse medicine people hold the energy of power their leadership and teaching skills are usually in demand. Intuitive and wise they make excellent therapists. They enjoy helping others but often feel as if there is no one to lead or teach them. If people become too dependent they will respond like a bucking bronco. Personal relationships often lack emotional or mental nourishment especially in the earlier years of life. To compensate for this they are forced to go within and strengthen their bond with spirit. This bond provides them with the nourishment needed to evolve their soul while staying grounded in the earth experience.
Horses give their riders the safety of speed and the promise of adventure. Natives tribes used the horse to run, fight, send messages, hunt and move their villages quickly. The horse carried people and their belongings into new uncharted territory and the challenges that it held. If horse has come to you, you are being offered a gift of safe movement. Is there somewhere that you want or need to go? Horse can help you get there, whether the place is physical or spiritual. Is their a new venture you want to undertake? Call on horse to help you create it. Are there challenges in front of you that you dot want to deal with? If so, the horse asks you to awaken your inner power and move forward with courage.
Before this continent became so populated, it was well suited to the Mustang. They had adapted themselves to live in harsh environments on diets that wouldn't sustain most horses. However, their need for freedom made them unsuited to a country whose people seem compelled to control and dominate everything. Because of this the mustang is just about gone.
When the horse, either wild or domestic, appears in your life the following questions should be asked. Are you pushing boundaries that are going to cause severe repercussions? Are you trying in your need to be free, to not play by the rules? If so, this may not be a bad thing, but learn the lesson of mustang, there can be a high price to pay for freedom.
The Hummingbird
The hummingbird brings us the gift of beauty. The ruby throated hummingbird is one of the most common species in North America. This energetic little bird migrates 1800 miles from the Eastern US to spend winter in Central America. This distance alone indicates the hummingbirds’ stamina and perseverance. They can show us how to go the distance without becoming depleted.
When hummingbirds mate, the male claims a territory and attracts a female to it. When she appears, he does a courtship dance, flying back and forth in a perfect arc. The arc symbolizes a luminous bridge connecting one life to another. Male hummingbirds start the process of procreation and the female completes it. The arc then becomes a circle, a cycle of completion. When the hummingbird flies into our lives it can indicate a need within ourselves to complete a specific lesson that we have been avoiding. Once the mating act is done the males go to look for other females. The mother lays and incubates the eggs for the required 16 days and then raises the young by herself. The number 16 is important for those with this medicine. It represents change within a 16 day period.
Hummingbirds flap their wings at the fantastic rate of 90 beats per second during normal flight and up to 200 beats per second during courtship, giving them their humming sound. They have excellent maneuverability in flight. They can hover in the air; fly backward, forward and sideways. The hummingbird flies everywhere because it cannot walk well. Hummingbirds have the advantage of seeing things from all angles and can show us how to expand our perceptions.
Hummingbirds are small but expend so much energy flying that they require large amounts of sugar rich flower nectar to stay alive, having to eat twice their body weight a day. Because of its small size and its high degree of activity, it loses body heat quickly, so it must digest food quickly. Those with this totem need to watch their own sugar levels and take care of their digestive system.
The hummingbird serves to remind us of the beauty and wonder of the world. While their speed and sound may sometimes startle us, they help pull our attention out of the mundane so that we can acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of Creation.
The Jaguar
The South American name "jaguar" means carnivore that overcomes prey with a single bound." One Indian myth says that the jaguar acquired its beautiful spotted coat by dabbing mud on its body with its paws. These spots easily distinguish the jaguar from other big cats like lions and tigers.
Jaguars have very large paws and a broad head with powerful jaws. The jaguar often kills its prey by piercing the skull with one swift bite. It does not roar like a lion. Instead, the jaguar grows snarls and makes deep grunts. Those with this totem have a good command of language although their words can have a tendency to cut, tear and shred others apart. Learning proper communication skills is important for those that hold this medicine.
The jaguar's powerful limbs carry them for hundreds of miles searching for prey. It is an agile climber and shows us how to attain goals through flexibility and steadfastness. Unlike many other big cats, the jaguar has no rivals - no other predator can compete with this powerful cat. Those with this totem make excellent leaders and diplomats.
Jaguar is at home in the dark and has good night vision. It moves without fear and teaches us how to trust our personal instincts. It can awaken psychic sight in those who hold this totem.
The jaguar was once found from the U.S. Mexican border southward to Patagonia, Argentina. Its preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars can also live in scrublands and deserts. Jaguars live in caves and canyons close to a source of fresh water. In mythology caves are associated with isolation and retreat. A place to go to facilitate soul work. Water is associated with the emotional body in man. When the jaguar appears it is asking you to go within, release your fears, heal your emotions and awaken your inner sight.
When you come out of retreat the jaguar will be waiting for you. It you choose to follow its lead it will guide you into the underworld where the secrets of life and creation are found.
The Jay
The blue jay and the stellar jay have a reputation of being a robber of campers’ food and of nesting materials. They wait until other birds have gathered the necessary essentials for the nest building and then rob them of it. Although jays do posses these tendencies it has other qualities that are far more important. Jays carry the power of presence. They are confident and fearless.
Both the blue jay and the stellar jay create a tremendous amount of noise when engaged in a robbery. This noise works to the jays’ advantage. The more noise they make the more chaotic the situation appears. This distortion of energy becomes the jays’ victory song.
The jay reflects lessons in how to use personal power correctly and efficiently. They remind you to pay attention and not allow yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you. Those with jay as a totem need to heed this warning.
The bright blue crest on the top of a blue jays head links it to father sky, reminding those with this totem that true power must be utilized with integrity and balance.
Jays are incredibly resourceful. This can represent a need within you to learn adaptability for survival with the least amount of effort. Since the jay doesn't usually migrate and stays around all winter, it serves as a teacher who will settle in and work with you as long as you need it.
Jays are fearless and have been known to gang up and drive away hawks and owls. They know how to play the game of life and succeed. Jays reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and used properly. If the jay has flown into your life it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate wisdom that lies within you. Jay is willing to teach you fearlessness, adaptability and survival but you must be willing to follow its lead and become "power through presence."
The Jellyfish
Jellyfish live in the warm seas of the entire planet. During warmer seasons they tend to drift pole ward, and during cooler months, they float toward the Equator. The powers that jellyfish hold are acceptance and faith. They know that the Creator will provide what is necessary for their survival. They are the only creatures dependent upon movement for the sustenance of its life that has virtually no ability to move on its own. Jellyfish rely on the currents of the ocean and the directions of the wind to move it in ways that it needs to go.
There are many species of Jellyfish. The Man of War is the most well known ranging from 3 to 14 inches long, and rising up to 6 inches out of the water. Its tentacles dangle as long as 45 feet or more below the surface. The tentacles are composed of a colony of polyps, which posses muscular stinging cells. When they sense a fish, the stinging cells shoot out barbs into the fish and inject a deadly poison.
Jellyfish know how to survive and do not take more food then they need. They move in harmony with the currents of life and can teach us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth. Some ancient healers believe that the tapestry of true spiritual knowledge is held within the transparent form of the jellyfish.
Maintaining balance in all areas of ones life is an important lesson for those with this totem. When the jellyfish appears to you ask yourself if you are flowing with life in a balanced way or are you spending too much time drifting and not enough time actively crossing the currents and heading toward your goals. By observing yourself and the jellyfish balance can be attained.
The Junco
The junco is a member of the American finch family. There are over 300 kinds of finches. This in itself is symbolic and indicates its ability to multiply and intermingle comfortably within a wide variety of environments. Those with this totem often find themselves in the company of others where valuable lessons about equality and communication are learned.
When a junco flies into a persons life it brings with it the energy of increased activity and opportunity. This amplification produces movement and change in one or all areas of our life. It pushes us into new doorways, amplifies our strengths as well as our shortcomings and shows us how to merge everything together.
The junco's favorite habitats are mixed or coniferous forests, though they are often seen in fields, thickets and city parks. It is a perky and sometimes assertive bird and can hold its own against many forms of predators. For those with this totem it offers the teachings of adaptability and survival.
Juncos are small birds about six inches in length. They are variable in color although they are generally gray. They have white outer tail feathers that are flashed in flight to the accompaniment of snapping or twittering calls. The junco has a wonderful ability to sing. In humans the voice is the expression of spirit. Because of its playful nature the junco can show us how to express the truth of spirit in a joyous and lighthearted way.
When this little bird appears it is asking you to pay attention to how you express yourself. Are you honoring your truth and expressing it adequately or are you talking just to hear yourself talk. If the later is true you will need to discover the reason behind your chatter and then ask the junco to carry it upon its wings and release it into the wind. The junco will be happy to honor your request.
The Kangaroo
The kangaroo is mostly terrestrial and all are herbivorous. They are found throughout Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. They have long powerful hind legs and feet for hopping and leaping, their predominant forms of locomotion. Their long tails, thickened at the base are used for balancing. Each long narrow hind foot has four toes. The number four is the number associated with foundation. When the kangaroo appears it is asking you to review the foundation on which you stand your ideals, beliefs and actions and then take a giant leap over all obstacles that have prevented you from attaining your dreams.
The feet are rich in symbology. It is through the feet that the body makes its essential contact with the earth plane, and through the muscular control of the feet that balance in the body is maintained. Feet represent that part of the individual which is most closely akin to the material plane of manifestation. The kangaroo teaches us how to balance our material life with our spiritual knowledge. When this medicine is underdeveloped foot and leg problems can occur. Kangaroo medicine people make excellent reflexologists and movement therapists.
When kangaroos have a chambered stomach that is functionally similar to cattle and sheep. They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew it as cud, then swallow it again for final digestion. The digestive and eliminatory systems of those with this medicine are very sensitive. Proper care of the stomach, chewing food thoroughly and incorporating herbs and digestive aids into the diet is helpful.
When kangaroos are chased by predators they are incredibly fast. They hop quickly and effortlessly to safety. They don't stop and think about where they are going; rather they allow their instincts to move them. This is a great teaching for those with this totem. Instead of contemplating each and every step we take in minuet detail we need to follow the kangaroos lead and allow our instinctive knowing to guide us. Instinct balanced with intellect restores our trust in spirit.
Kangaroos are incredibly focused. Their energy field is tightly woven around them preventing distractions. Those with this totem need to keep their personal energy fields clear of outside influences to aid them in staying centered and focused.
When the kangaroo hops into a persons life get ready for adventure and change. The kangaroo dares you to leap into the unknown without fear, connect with your personal rhythms and honor your intuitive knowing. The choice is yours.
The Kestrel
The kestrel is the smallest member of the falcon family. Like all birds of prey it is strongly connected to the accuracy of movement. Speed and grace in hunting are its strongest attributes. Kestrels perch themselves high above their prey. When the timing is right they swoop down, hover in the air and attack. Hovering is uncommon amongst most birds and symbolizes the ability to use flight to its fullest advantage. In a person this advantage plays out through the creative imaginative mind strengthening ones intuitive agility.
Kestrel medicine people often have the desire to site or be placed in a position where a wide range of vision is possible. They also enjoy high places with an expansive view. Their need to spend time alone is strong and a sense of independence is necessary in order to maintain healthy relationships. They do well in any type of work that requires planning and make excellent strategists and diplomats.
The kestrel teaches us how to discover our personal rhythm and respond to it accordingly. As we expand our personal energy field and awaken our sight into a broader perspective we learn when to act and when to retreat. The power of the kestrel is mental concentration, patience and precise action. It recognizes opportunities and acts upon them at the correct moment.
When the kestrel appears it might be asking you to stimulate your mental faculties and move quickly and gracefully into your desired future. It teaches you to listen to the rhythm of each situation and commit to your actions for the greatest success.
The Kingfisher
Kingfishers are found worldwide but are mostly tropical. They are solitary birds that utter distinct rattling or piping calls that can be heard a long distance away. The ability to express oneself in a clear and concise manner is part of the teachings it holds.
Their usual nest is a burrow in a sand bank or in a hollow tree. Kingfishers have been known to tunnel into sand banks several feet. This indicates the need for sacred space around them. Those with kingfisher medicine will find that they must have time within their day for quiet contemplation where intrusions of any kind are not permitted.
Bold in its actions, the kingfisher will dive headlong into the water to catch small fish. It shows us how to plunge into the unknown with confidence and not with fear. Kingfishers have large heads, long and massive bills and compact bodies. Their physical appearance is symbolic of the challenges and opportunities relevant for those with this medicine.
A large head can indicate past life connections relating to the misuse of the ego. In this life a need to keep the ego in balance is mandatory. The long and massive bill of the kingfisher suggests a need to use ones words carefully and their compact bodies represent a need for regular physical exercise and the toning of ones muscles. This need is sometimes a result of a past life influence relating to physical health or structural imbalances that is present in this life.
Kingfishers are found near the water. Water is associated with the emotional body of man and those who have this totem will find a strong need to live on or near the water. An exception to this is the Kookaburra, a forest kingfisher who is less associated with water.
The kingfisher is a bird that holds many teachings. Most of its teachings relate directly to the spiritual, emotional and physical growth of those that hold this medicine. When growth is achieved prosperity on all levels is attained. The kingfisher has the energy to accomplish various tasks in an efficient manner. It is a powerful teacher and those with this totem would be wise to call upon it when the need arises.
The Kinkajou
The kinkajou are extremely curious and love to explore things. They are fascinated by the mysteries of life and often find themselves in unusual situations. They can also be shy and retiring depending on their mood. They are sometimes kept as pets and if treated gently they will return the favor.
If the kinkajou is angered or frightened it can deliver a sharp bite. Those with this totem need to exercise caution and never speak harshly or bite with a vengeance when provoked. Balanced action and reaction is part of the kinkajou's medicine.
A member of the raccoon family, the kinkajou is distinguished by its long, prehensile tail. Its large eyes denote its curious nature and its low set rounded ears are keenly attuned to sound waves within the elements of mother earth. Some cultures believe that the kinkajou is able to predict upcoming earth changes because of its ability to hear sound waves and to feel subtle vibrations moving through the earths crust.
Kinkajous are highly intelligent and usually live alone or in pairs. They spend most of their time in trees and rarely leave them. Those with this medicine should go into retreat regularly in order to rejuvenate themselves on all levels. They should also spend time in the forest and stay connected to nature.
The Kinkajou feeds on fruit, honey, insects, small birds and mammals. They have a small digestive system and cannot tolerate heavy foods. A diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables would benefit those with this totem.
The kinkajou responds to subtle vibrational frequencies and within these frequencies lays the secret of a new life unfolding. If kinkajou appears to you suddenly and without warning expect a new beginning in some area of your life.
This medicine teaches us how to hear what's really being said and assists us in opening up our clairaudient channels. Those with this medicine should use their minds in an exploratory way, especially in the exploration of sound as a healing tool.
The Kite
The kite is a bird of prey and belongs to one of three sub families. They are lightly built with a small head and a partly bare face. They have short beaks and long narrow wings and tail. They occur world wide in warm regions. Their partly bare face is symbolic. It asks those with this medicine to allow their true identity to emerge. Take off your mask and express your true self with pride and dignity. Those with this totem will find that a warmer climate is best suited to them. The warmth of the sun promotes relaxation. When relaxation occurs the awakening of ones personal divinity begins.
Kites are graceful flyers slowly flapping their wings as they glide through the air with their wings angled back. They appear to be buoyant in their movements and can teach us how to move through life with the greatest of east. Holding the energy of calmness and certainty in all that they do they help us discover our own inner rhythm. Those with this totem would benefit by studying their personal bio rhythm chart as well as the charts of those they interact with. This study can aid an individual in discovering what lies beneath the disguise of the human psyche. The practice of all forms of gentle movement is also advised.
Some kites live on insects; others are primarily scavengers eating anything from rodents to reptiles. Proper diet is an important part of the message it holds. To understand the proper dietary implications for those with this totem it is helpful to identify which sub family your kite totem is from. Efficient digestion and assimilation of food is essential to maintain optimum health.
Kites teach us how to respond to people and situations with grace and gentleness. It reminds us to give as well as receive. When the kite flies into your life ask yourself the following questions. Are you experiencing the gentleness of life? Are you nervous, tense or anxious? Do you take the time to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer? Are you expressing kindness to others as well as yourself? The kite carries the promise of joy on its wings. All you need to do is listen to its message and apply yourself accordingly.
The Koala
The koala is one of the most admired marsupial mammals. Their cute cuddly appearance appeals to people of all ages. Koalas grow to about 21 to 33 inches long and are virtually tail less. Their diet consists of a certain type of eucalyptus leaf. One of the most unusual characteristics of the koala is that it seldom drinks. The name koala is thought to mean "no drink" in several aboriginal tongues. Their limited diet encourages a sluggish digestive system. If those with this totem consume a large variety of foods digestive problems could occur. Basic food groups are recommended with an emphasis on herbs and herbal remedies.
Koalas are solitary animals. They are independent and a bit indifferent to family members. At birth a young koala is about the size of a bee. The mother will raise her young attentively until it is strong enough to be on its own. Once this happens the emotional bond between the mother and her offspring is broken. Individuals with koala medicine often require periods of isolation and an environment with little noise. Emotional expression is difficult which can make intimate relationships challenging. The koala teaches us how to be comfortable with our own company. Those with this totem make excellent priests and nuns.
The koala’s eyesight is poor although their cup like ears can hear acutely. They also have a highly developed sense of smell. Koala medicine people have strong psychic and clairaudient abilities. Sound that soothes the senses and aromatherapy benefit them.
Although they appear to be passive with a nonchalant attitude, koalas are very territorial. They demand their personal space and accommodate one another accordingly. They sleep as long as 18 hours a day and are most active at night. Koala medicine people do their best work in the late evening and early morning hours.
Perched high in a tree the koalas grip is secure. As they move from limb to limb their footing is solid. When the koala appears in our life its reminding us to stand solid within ourselves and not be influenced by situations or events.
Seldom distracted and always focused, the koala is a master in the art of deep relaxation and concentration. They hold the teachings of stress free movement and can show us how to create and maintain sacred space in our lives.
The Kookaburra
The kookaburra is the largest member of the kingfisher family. One of its most distinct features is its famous laugh heard at dawn and dusk when it is marking out its territory. Because of its laughter one would think that these birds represented peace and happiness. Although its laugh is contagious don't be fooled by this daring and territorial bird.
A friend told me a story about a camping trip he was on. Sitting down to dinner with friends, cooked sausages had been placed on stick's awaiting their empty stomachs. A fearless and determined kookaburra swooped down and lifted the sausage off the stick and flew off to enjoy its meal. The kookaburra launches itself from a perch to pounce on its prey, or in this case my friends dinner!
Excellent divers, the kookaburra is extremely focused. They go after what they want when they want it. Those with this totem have the ability to achieve their goals if they stay centered and maintain their focus. If the kookaburra suddenly dives into your life it’s telling you to manifest your dreams instead of day dreaming about them.
The kookaburra has many personalities to fit a variety of situations and is known as the master of illusion. Acquiring master ship is hard work. Because of this the kookaburra demands respect and it usually gets it! Individuals with this totem often achieve prominent roles in society that demand respect and recognition. They make excellent leaders and diplomats.
Kookaburras form community groups which together share and defend their home territory. These groups have a dominant mating pair and other lesser members. A secure home life is important to those with this medicine.
Laughing Kookaburras do not build nests; instead they use existing cavities in trees. Although they can be aggressive when defending their territory of hunting for food they hold an air of indifference when it comes to other activities. When the kookaburra laughs its way into your life ask yourself these questions. Is your fear limiting your accomplishments? Are you focused in your pursuits? Are you determined to change unhealthy habits? If your answer is yes call upon the kookaburra to help you.
The Ladybug
The ladybug is a member of the beetle family. They are found in nearly all climates and latitudes. They are hemispheric in shape, have short legs and are usually bright colored with black, yellow or reddish markings. Most reproduce sexually and females lay eggs. Their life cycle requires about four weeks, so several generations are produced each summer. This ties the ladybug to the energies of renewal and regeneration. Those with this totem are usually family oriented with strong morals and social values.
The name lady bug originated in the middle ages when this beetle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called the "beetle of our lady." This links the ladybug to spiritual idealism and religious devotion. Past lives associated with religion or the church are common for those with this medicine and some form of daily meditation or prayer are recommended.
This tiny little beetle packs a powerful message. Because the life cycle of the adult ladybug is short it teaches us how to release our worry and enjoy our life to the fullest. When it appears in our life it is telling us to "let go and let God."
An adult ladybug can consume several thousand aphids and other scale insects within a few months. Since these can be harmful to crop production farmers and growers have long considered the ladybug a good omen. Because of its diet the ladybug often has parasites and those with this medicine need to take care of their digestive system.
The ladybug is one of the few beetles that are well liked by humans. Unlike other beetles, the ladybug stirs a feeling of joy within us. Its small size denotes a delicate and loving nature. It emanates the energy of harmlessness and can show us how to stop harming ourselves.
The shell on its back serves to protect it from predators. Its wings fold against the body protecting its soft underside. Ladybugs have keen instincts and feel vibrations through their legs. This enables them to sense the energy of whatever they touch and is another form of protection. In spite of its size it appears to be fearless. A messenger of promise, the ladybug reconnects us with the joy of living. Fear does not live within joy. The need to release our fears and return to love is one of the messages it carries.
Ladybug teaches us how to restore our faith and trust in Great Spirit. It initiates change where it is needed the most. When ladybug appears it is asking us to get out of our own way and allow Great Spirit to enter.
The Leopard
The Leopard has a rosette patterned coat with a long dark tail. Unlike most cats it can exist in areas without plentiful water supplies giving it an advantage for survival. Because it has been given the generic name of Panther those with this totem should also study this cat.
Leopards are excellent at stalking prey. They are silent and inconspicuous hunters and are able to move in and out of situations without being seen. This invisibility allows them to observe every situation they encounter with clarity. Leopard medicine people have strong intuitive abilities. Learning to trust and respond to their inner instincts is part of their life lesson. They are also highly sensitive and need to pay attention to what they feel and then respond accordingly. Caressing touch in various forms is important for those who hold this medicine.
As with all cats, the whiskers of the Leopard have specialized sensory hairs that can register very small changes in air pressure enabling them to avoid objects whilst moving around in the dark. Whiskers are also used to establish the position of prey and locate the exact position for the killing bite. Because leopards kill by biting the back of the neck and do not attack their prey from the front, those with leopard energy often have difficulty confronting conflict head on. Sometimes this can be beneficial and at other times harmful. Learning how to conquer conflict in a balanced way is part of what the leopard teaches.
The Leopards huge strength, powerful limbs and neck muscles enable it to carry its kill (often a full grown antelope or young giraffe) to higher places in trees to keep it away from other animals. Those with this medicine have strong bodies but need to remember to release pent up anger, frustrations and other emotions or physical health issues related to the limbs and the skeleton could occur. When leopard energy is contained within and not expressed outwardly arthritic type conditions can develop.
Those with this totem would benefit by imitating the leopard in its movements. Any form of dance, tai chi or rhythmic practice would be beneficial. Because the leopard is a strong and powerful leper it can show us how to leap over obstacles efficiently and gracefully. They are masters at negotiating their environment and will continually serve to encourage that master ship in those who hold this totem.
The Lion
The lion holds a variety of energies and is never what it appears to be. There is great myth and lore surrounding it. The Egyptians linked it to power and wealth. When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, each tribe was gathered under its own banner, a lion was depicted on one of them. Today, mankind associates the lion with fearlessness because of its mighty roar.
Unlike other cats the lion lives in groups called prides. They live together in harmony and seldom fight amongst each other. The exception to this rule is related to the female. The male lion is passionate and extremely jealous of the lionesses. If challenged it will act aggressively.
Lions make their homes on the Savannah's of Africa. The coarse grasses and scattered trees of the Savannah's offer it little protection from the outside world and make it a prime target for hunters. Lions are often spotted lying around not doing much at all. They seem to be saying don't bother me "I am busy relaxing." This is one reason why the energy of fearlessness has been associated with this beautiful creature. Lions can teach us the art of fearlessness if we allow ourselves to relax long enough to learn from it.
Those with this totem will find that their life lessons will involve dealing with groups and community in some way. They will also need to pay attention to the particular role they play within that group and work with others cooperatively. Lion people have the ability to be balanced leaders but need to keep jealous tendencies under control.
Within the pride the females are the best hunters. Lions as a general rule are clumsy hunters by themselves but they have learned to develop excellent cooperative hunting techniques for their survival. The females do most of the hunting as well as the rearing of the cubs. The male lion does very little work and is recognized by the beautiful man that frames its face. This gives it a regal appearance and is why it is known as The King of Cats. Both male and female lions are excellent parents caring for the young with gentleness and patience.
Lions do not fight for the sake of fighting. They avoid confrontation and will leave the scene of danger whenever possible and can guide those with this totem out of unpleasant situations.
The Lizard
The lizard is an expert at subtle perception. They are sensitive to vibrations in the ground. Their eyes are sharp and can detect the slightest movement. They also have excellent hearing. Those with this totem have the ability to utilize all aspects of psychic perception.
Through myth and legend the Lizard is associated with the Dream time. Dreams contain some of the subtlest perceptions of the mind of which we may not be conscious. The lizard reveals hidden messages through the dream state. If lizard is your totem pay attention to the symbolic messages received in your dreams.
One of the most interesting characteristics of the lizard is their ability to break off their tails to escape predators. The tail is left behind writhing to distract the predator while the lizard makes its escape. They can do this only once, however, since the replacement tail they grow is made of cartilage instead of vertebrae.
The power of lizard lies in its ability to save itself from danger by leaving a part of itself behind. When lizard appears in a person’s life it suggests the need for immediate change in one or more areas of their life. This change represents letting go of outdated ideas, actions, or lifestyles because the old now endangers you in some way.
Since lizard can discard its tail only once it advises you to make decisions wisely for what you decide can follow you around for a very long time. If something isn't working for you it is time to let it go.
The psychic characteristics inherent in the lizard teaches those with this medicine how to awaken their own abilities by making choices that honor every part of ones life. When lizard appears it signifies a need to go within and analyze your present reality and once done, move with confidence and conviction out into the world of new beginnings. A powerful totem to have, lizard reveals your weaknesses, your strengths and prompts the energy of change.
The Llama
The llama is a member of the camel family. Intelligent and curious the llama shows us how to adapt and preserver in all situations. They have a high thirst tolerance and incredible endurance. Llamas are used to carry heavy loads traveling 15 to 20 miles per day. Their ability to subsist on a wide variety of forage has made them as important transport animal. Gregarious animals with a gentle disposition they hold the teachings of true service. If maltreated, the llama will lie down and spit, hiss, kick and refuse to move. Those with this totem have easy going personalities although if treated unfairly they can become stubborn and willful.
Llamas were used in sacrificial ceremonies in pre Colombian civilizations. On the first day of every lunar month 100 pure white llamas were driven into the great square, Huayaca Pata in Cuzco, moved to various images of the Gods and assigned 30 priestly attendants each representing a day of the month. Sacrificed chunks of flesh were then thrown onto fire and the powdered bones were used for ritual purposes. Symbolically this suggests that those with this medicine have a tendency to sacrifice their own lifestyle to accommodate another.
Llama medicine people carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders. They are giving caring people that strive to serve others sometimes forgetting to serve themselves equally. Responsible and hard working those with this totem need to remember to take time to enjoy life and allow others to solve their own problems. Balanced action and reaction is one of the soul lessons associated with this animal.
Llamas are happier in the company of other llamas and do not like being alone. Those with this totem can feel uncomfortable and sometimes fearful without close friends or group support. They make friends for life although care in the type of friends they choose is advised.
Female llamas first breed at 18 to 24 months of age. Llamas don't have a heat cycle, but are induced ovulators, thus they can be bred at any time of the year. Women who hold this totem find that pregnancy can occur at any time. Menstrual cycles are unpredictable and health concerns related to the reproductive system are common. Proper medical attention will ensure optimum health. Those who do not want unexpected pregnancies should take extra birth control precautions.
To many native tribes the llama has been the source of meat, wool, leather, tallow and fuel in the form of dried dung. When the llama appears to us lessons involving service, sacrifice, and balance are at hand. They show us how to incorporate patient persistence, equality and inspired action into our life.
The Lobster
The Lobster has tremendous concentration and is focused on its objectives. It holds the teachings of shape shifting and transformation. When first hatched, it doesn’t look like a lobster at all. It looks more like a bug with feathery hair on its legs. Within the first 5 years of life it will molt, or shed its shell up to 25 times. It will also shed its skin three times before it begins to look like an adult. This process symbolizes its ability to continually transform itself and create new identities. It is an excellent swimmer and although it will bob around on the surface of the water for the first few weeks of life it eventually takes residence on the bottom. A young lobster rarely ventures out of hiding; if it does it is attacked by a fish within minutes. Small lobsters will wait for the currents to bring food past their hiding places instead of venturing out to find food. It teaches those with this totem how to develop patience and how to flow with the currents of life. As a lobster reaches maturity it becomes territorial and secretive. It can cover a mile or more each night foraging for up to 100 different kinds of animals and plants. It has even been known to sneak into its neighbors burrow and raid it. If hungry the lobster will eat just about anything it can find including another lobster. The lobster can be aggressive and extremely focused. It knows how to survive at all odds and holds the teachings of survival for anyone who chooses to follow its path.
The Locust
The locust is a species of the short horned grasshopper and both will be discussed here. As with all insects, they are cold blooded and are more active when it is warmer. There are about 10,000 species and each has its own unique song. With a few exceptions only the males can sing. During courtship, male grasshoppers take turns singing songs, competing to outdo each other for the attention of the females.
One of the gifts these insects hold is the power of song and sound. Song is an ancient way to alter consciousness and communicate with our animal and spirit relations. Some Native American songs date back at least 20,000 years. If these insect singers have caught your attention with their song they may be asking you to honor your ancestors and reconnect with your true heritage. Listening and responding to your inner voice as well as using it in a complimentary way towards self and others is equally important.
The grasshopper-locust is associated with astral travel. They have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist. People with this medicine have the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning. When the grasshopper-locust appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale. This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.
Overcrowding and food shortages turn normally peaceful grasshoppers into the dreaded locusts, capable of stripping a forest or farm in the blink of an eye. They turn almost black, so that they can absorb more sunlight to have heat and energy to maintain swarming. They will continue this frenzy until they reach a place with enough food or enough of them die or are killed to control the population.
Those with grasshopper-locust as a totem must remember that the gifts of mother earth are available for everyone if used in sacred and practical way. Sometimes a person forgets that sacred balance and takes more than is needed. This can also signify individuals taking from you. Are others demanding too much or your time or energy? Is responsibility being placed on you that is not rightfully yours? These are some of the questions to ask yourself if the grasshopper-locust presents itself to you. Remember life becomes more difficult when we refuse to leap forward into the magic of change
The Loon
The loon is a diving bird with a strong tapered bill, small pointed wings and webs between the front 3 toes. Their legs are placed far back on the body, which makes walking difficult. Those with this totem often have challenges associated with maintaining equilibrium. Leg and foot problems are also common. Benefits can be received from exercise that strengthens the muscles, bones and joints. A diet rich in calcium is also helpful.
Loons can swim great distances underwater and can dive from the surface to a depth of 200 feet. This reflects the ability to know the secrets that lie beneath the surface. When a loon appears it is asking us to take a plunge and dive into the unknown waters of our subconscious mind. Exploring the subconscious assists us in understanding ourselves better.
The loon’s voice is distinctive including guttural sounds and eerie wailing cries which gave rise to the common name loon. Strong communication skills are common in those with this medicine although care is needed to protect and nourish the throat chakra due to past life ties relating to improper or unjust speech. Chanting and singing are beneficial therapies for those with this totem.
A loon’s nest is a heap of vegetation at the waters edge. Both parents share the task of incubation. For those with this totem this symbolizes a need for unity between the male and female energies. One energy should not dominate the other; rather, both should work together as one, with a collective goal in mind.
The loon is a powerful flyer. They have tremendous energy and don't tire easily. It holds the gift of endurance and discovery. If loon is your totem remember to go the distance into the discovery of your true self. Dive into your subconscious without fear and awaken your true gifts.
The Magpie
Related to the crow the magpie is an intelligent and adaptable bird. Ancient folklore associated with the magpie suggests that when two or more fly into ones life good fortune is coming soon. Since magpies are opportunists and seldom miss a chance to get something for nothing those with this medicine should pay attention to subtle omens that appear in their life then act accordingly so opportunities are not missed. The magpie asks us to wake up and be conscious in every area of our life.
Magpies are curious and have a reputation for steeling anything that they can carry away. They use whatever they find and teach us how to be resourceful. Magpie medicine people have the ability to succeed in life. Those with this totem are usually eclectic and able to draw on a variety of resources to assist them in their pursuits. Being able to adapt to different situations in a spontaneous way is one of the magpies’ strongest attributes. Those with this totem often find that their interests are varied which make master ship of any one thing difficult although not impossible.
Magpies are extremely vocal especially in groups. They help those with this medicine learn how to use their voice to attract attention, attain desired goals as well as acquire respect from others. This applies only if this medicine is developed sufficiently. Otherwise the voice and its expression may need improvement for positive results to be obtained. Proper communication is one of the lessons that need to be learned by magpie medicine people.
The black and white coloring of the magpie associates them to the world of magic, prophecy and witchcraft. They know how to live within the light and the dark simultaneously and understand the pros and cons of both. Magic is symbolic of creation. Occult knowledge must be understood fully before it can be used in a beneficial way. Those with this totem have the opportunity of creating a new and better life for themselves once they develop their psychic gifts completely and use those gifts with pure intention and self less service. Past life ties regarding the misuse of magic are common amongst magpie medicine people. The gift of a new creation will be offered to you only when you are ready. When the magpie flies into your life, get ready, your about to embark into the world of opportunity.
The Mockingbird
The Northern mockingbird is approximately 10 inches in length with a long tail that twitches vigorously when excited. It has strong legs suited to scratching through dead leaves and underbrush for insects although their dull gray color doesn’t impress the eye their various calls definitely demand attention. Known for their songs the mockingbird was given its name because of its ability to mimic the calls of other bird species. In Latin the word mockingbird means “many tongued mimic.” The song of mockingbird is a medley of calls of many other birds. They are master imitators and usually repeat an imitation several times before they start another song in rapid succession. They are one of the few birds that sing while in flight. Mockingbirds hold a variety of teachings. On a subtle level they show us how to mimic ourselves. What we mimic reflects back to us and helps us see what we truly are. Discovering oneself in this way can be a powerful transformational experience. Those with this totem should ask mockingbird to help them connect with their personal sound frequency. Once this connection is made healing on all levels takes place. It is common for an individual bird to have as many as 30 songs in its repertory. It can also mimic the sounds of barking dogs and cats. They teach us about the power of the voice through song. Appearances are not important to those with this totem. They are always heard before they are seen, if they are seen at all. Those with this medicine can learn new languages easily and make excellent interpreters and spokesman.Mockingbirds are fearless and will defend their nest and territory. Courageous birds they will dive and attack intruders that come too close. They teach us how to develop confidence within ourselves, sing out our truth and stand up for what is rightfully ours.
The Monkey
Monkeys are fascinating animals to watch. Their acrobatic maneuvers hold the energy of effortlessness and grace. They twist, turn, jump, and hang with the greatest of ease. They crawl up and down tree trunks and leap from branch to branch extending their long arms outward towards the next limb. Once they arrive at their destination they stop, look around and contemplate what is in their immediate environment.
Moving in all directions, forward, backwards and sideways gives the monkey the advantage of seeing things from different angles. They have excellent vision and are able to see that which is hidden from normal view. Their master ship of movement and keen observation skills help them reach their destination safely. Those with this totem have the ability to know where they are going and understand where they have been. Through perseverance, focus and fluid movement their goals can be attained.
Monkeys are flat-footed animals. They walk around using all four limbs. When they walk their whole foot hits the ground at the same time. This links the monkey to the qualities of stability and sure footed. Their agility of movement is a reminder to us to maintain balance in all that we think, do and say. Leadership roles are often granted to people that hold this medicine.
Curious and clever a monkey’s mood can change instantaneously giving them an air of unpredictability. A general theme for those that carry this medicine is to "expect the unexpected."
Monkeys are most active during the day. Their brains are large denoting a strong intelligence. After sexual maturity, male monkeys are at all times potent. This sexual potency is symbolic of birth, rebirth and new creation.
The monkey is a powerful ally to have. A master at shape shifting realities it prompts us to explore all aspects of who we are and who we choose to become. By learning from the monkey and applying its skills of power, grace and observation, foundations are created that give birth to our choices. Eventually these choices will manifest in our lives so if monkey is your totem be careful of what you choose.
The Moose
The moose is one of the most ancient and unique of the power totems. The adult male can stand 7 feet tall and weigh 1200 pounds. Male moose bellow loudly during mating and can be heard over 6 miles away. When they hear a moose cow answer they run to her prepared to battle anything in their path. The moose is courageous and determined and will make its presence known when it chooses to.
On the other hand, the moose has an uncanny ability to camouflage itself, in spite of its great size and power. It can move silently through its territory and never be seen. These contradictions help it survive in the wild. It holds the teachings of invisibility and the power of presence. Shape-shifting abilities are tied to mythology and incorporate the teachings of shamanism and magic. For those with this totem the refinement of these skills is enhanced through these studies.
When you see a moose in the wild the energy it embodies is awesome. The massive antlers that crown its head grow larger then any other antlered animal. Ancient myth refers to these antlers as "The Crown of Courage." These antennae are linked to the crown chakra in man. As the antlers grow the crown chakra opens and expands giving those with this medicine a direct channel to universal knowledge.
Contradicting and majestic the moose can appear awkward as well as graceful. Its highly developed sense of smell and hearing is complimented by its excellent depth perception. Its appearance of ungainliness is misleading and deceptive and it is this deception, which enables it to survive so well.
Moose calves are born with their eyes open. Individuals who carry this medicine are born with their inner eyes already open and can see things with exceptional clarity. Psychic awakenings later in life are uncommon. The moment of birth is the moment of awakening for moose medicine people. The most difficult lessons in life are during their childhood. Their courage coupled with their direct connection to universal knowledge gives them the tools necessary to strengthen their self esteem and discover their place in society. A powerful totem to have moose will uncover the depth of who you are and align you with your inherent wisdom.
The Moth
Moths live in all but Polar Regions. The wings, bodies, and legs of the moth are covered with numerous touch hairs that come off if it is handled. Because of this the moth is highly sensitive to touch. They can feel, smell, taste and determine temperatures with their feathery antennae. The tiny pegs upon them serve as receptors. This gives the moth the ability to perceive everything with clarity. Those with this totem usually have strong psychic and healing abilities. They must be careful not to pick up other peoples problems and carry them around in their own energy field. If this happens confusion and irritability can set in.
The process of metamorphosis is part of the magic the moth holds. The egg stage symbolizes the birth of an idea. The larvae stage indicates the laying of a foundation. The chrysalis stage represents the process of creating, and the winged stage allows it to take flight and explore new territory.
One of the most interesting characteristics of the moth is how it wraps its wings around itself. When resting, they either fold their wings, wrap them around their body, or hold them extended by their sides. This suggests a basic nurturing quality and those with this medicine often find themselves in some sort of care giving role.
The hearing ability of the moth is acute. They are capable of detecting ultra sound because their hearing organs are found on their legs. These enable them to sense vibrations emitted around them. Paying attention to what is being said and what isn't being said is part of the teachings the moth holds. Observing the body language of others is helpful.
When the moth appears in our life it is asking us to pay attention to issues of sensitivity. Are you overly sensitive or insensitive to those around you? Are you involved in a situation that needs to be reevaluated? Are you honoring the integrity of all concerned?
The transformative qualities of the moth are numerous. It shows us how to develop and refine our psychic gifts. The moth is an optimist and an opportunist. It can teach us how to release unwanted influences and fly into the discovery of our personal joy.
The Mustang/Horse
The horse represents freedom and power. There is a lot of myth and lore associated with this majestic creature. Once wild horses numbered in the many millions. Eventually their lands were taken and they were hunted for domestication. Although the horse became a domesticated animal their spirit for freedom remained strong. They can be a bit unpredictable and have been known to revert back to their wild animalistic nature.
Horses feel things deeply and have strong emotions. They can sense the energy field of others and respond to whatever that energy projects. This sensitivity is associated with psychic powers. Those with horse as a totem find comfort in being touched and benefit from bodywork.
Before this continent became so populated, it was well suited for the mustang. The best stallions had huge herds that they alone led. They had adapted themselves to live in harsh environments on diets that wouldn't sustain most horses. However their need for freedom made them unsuited to a country whose people seemed compelled to control and dominate everything. Slowly the herds started to die and presently there are only a few herds left in parts of nine western states. Horse medicine people require space to roam and the freedom to live their own truth. If dominated or controlled by another they will run like the wind and never return.
Horses helped transform a continent. They pulled the wagon trains that allowed the West to be taken by the Europeans. They helped turn the Lakota and other Native nations into the powerful mounted warriors and nomads that they became.
The horse then, is freedom and the power that comes with being free. A horse gives its rider the safety of speed. They gave the natives tremendous power to run, fight, send messages, hunt and move their villages quickly.
To steal a horse was to steal power from another tribe. If horse appears in your life you are being given the gift of safe movement and passage into the new. Horses are very intelligent and although they have been trained to perform a number of tasks they still carry a majestic quality about them. The horse is sure footed and serves as a messenger of hope and a leader into freedom for those with this totem.
The Octopus
Octopuses live in dens, crevices on the sea floor, or holes they dig under large rocks. They are night predators and feed on crabs, sea snails, and other small fish. An adult female has a short life span approximately one to one and a half years. . There are over 100 species of these solitary eight armed animals that live on the ocean floor. They range in size from one inch up to 23 feet. Adults lay 1000’s of eggs at a time. They watch over the eggs for several months without ever leaving the den. Exhausted by breeding and starved by the vigil over her eggs the female octopus usually dies before or shortly after the eggs hatch. In the world of the octopus the cycle of life and death is continuous. The Greeks believe the octopus represents the sacred spiral of life, always evolving and ever changing. Near death and out of body experiences are common for those with this totem giving them the skills necessary to help others transition into spirit. They make excellent hospice workers and death and dying therapists.The agility of the octopus is surpassed by none. Since they don’t have bone attached to the muscles in their legs they can squeeze through openings no bigger than a penny. If the octopus loses an arm it will regrow another one. Flexibility and regeneration are some of its teachings. The study and practice of Yoga would be an excellent therapy for those with this medicine. The most unusual feature of the octopus is its 3 hearts. One heart pumps blood through the body and the other two-pump blood through the gills. This attributes to their constant high blood pressure. Octopus blood is blue and a poor carrier of oxygen. The rare condition known as a blue baby is associated with octopus medicine. Because of these physiological oddities the octopus has poor stamina and an inability to struggle offensively or defensively for very long. Heart conditions are common in those with this medicine so caution is advised. These unique creatures of the sea have excellent eyesight but cannot hear. They are believed to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates. Those with this medicine are clairvoyant at birth but have difficulty hearing or responding to the voice within no matter how hard they try. When octopus swims into your life it is asking you to let go of your inefficiencies, stop trying so hard and focus on fine tuning the skills that are naturally yours. Octopuses are experts in the art of camouflage and teach us how to utilize this skill for our own benefit. These fascinating creatures can change colors to mirror their surroundings and alter their skin texture to match the texture of sand, rocks or other surfaces they are on. They also squirt black ink into the water clouding a predator’s visibility so they can escape unharmed. The octopus is a powerful totem to have. By following its lead we learn how to move through life safely, securely and without struggles.
The Okapi
The Okapi is found in rain forests of the Congo region and was unknown to science until around 1900. Because of its late discovery, its shy disposition and solitary lifestyle it holds the medicine of elusiveness. It is a member of the giraffe family and those with this totem should also study the giraffe. The giraffe's neck extends into the sky giving it the ability to see into the distant future. The okapi however, has short legs and a short neck and focuses its sight on the present and near future. Clairvoyant abilities are common for those that hold either one of these medicines.
The okapi can help those with this totem understand their present reality and their immediate future. The giraffe however, should be called upon if information relating to the future is needed. Although both the giraffe and the okapi are individual totems they often work as a team when necessary.
The okapi's coat is sleek with a deep brown, almost purple color. Its buttocks, thighs and tops of its forelegs are horizontally striped with black and white and the lower part of its legs are white with black rings above its hooves. These markings are symbolic. The colors black and white are associated with spirit and form, density and light and represent polarity on the earth plane. Those who hold this medicine often carry life lessons relating to polarity. Learning detachment from rigid thinking, set agendas, right or wrong behavior patterns is part of the okapi's teachings.
Okapi's are able to stand in total silence without fear. What they hear increases their perception. Within the silence truth is known. Listening and reacting are two different things. Those with this medicine need to master the art of listening and let go of the need to react.
A master magician the okapi has the ability to move through life unnoticed. Its markings camouflage its presence in the wild. When okapi medicine is fully developed those that hold this totem can slip through life unseen and unheard. If this medicine is underdeveloped a person can appear clumsy, awkward and draw unwanted attention to themselves.
Unique in both its appearance and its habits the okapi "dares us to be different." It asks us to break out of limited reality and explore the unconventional. Entering into a world that is not society's idea of normal serves as a catalyst for growth both in self and in others.
The Opossum
The opossum is a crafty animal that shows us how to play different roles. It knows when to act, when to hide, and when to show its true colors. Opossum is a master at recognizing truth as well as falsehood. When it wants attention it gets it. When it wants to be left alone it plays dead. It is a strategic animal that knows how to mold each situation according to its needs. It has the ability to decode hidden messages and read between the lines.
A supreme actor, the opossum can be aggressive or submissive depending on the situation. The opossum knows that each situation has commonalties as well as differences and reflects on them carefully before it responds. This links the opossum to the energies of practicality and ingenuity.
Always full of surprises and unpredictable opossums are masters at playing dead. When the time is right they can suddenly spring back to life. Playing dead is a self induced state in which the heartbeat actually slows and the pulse becomes minimal. This ability serves to confuse many predators giving the opossum an escape from life threatening situations.
Opossums are nocturnal and raise their young in a pouch on their mid section. The young are born blind and rely on their feelings to guide them to their destination. They learn to sense their way around at an early age developing strong instincts by the time they reach adulthood. These instincts are complimented by their inherent ability to disguise themselves. The opossum is a multi-faceted actor that continually changes its appearance. It does not allow its emotions to consume its actions and partakes in the game of life with strategic maneuvers. Part of what the opossum teaches to those with this totem is emotional and mental stability.
The opossum is a craftsman in the art of appearances. When it appears in your life it is telling you to wake up and pay attention. Things are not what they seem to be. By observing your actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings, deeper insights emerge. This emergence leads to self-empowerment. Congratulations and welcome home!
The Orca
The Orca is found in all seas from the Arctic to the Antarctic. The familiar black and white coloring of the Orca is significant. From a spiritual point of view it represents lessons of a soul nature regarding polarity. Orcas assist us in acquiring balance within a world of opposites.
From a physical point of view it is a strategy of camouflage. Seen from above their dark back blends in with the darker water below them, while from below, their whiter bellies blend in with the sunlit waters above. This symbolizes the ability to move through life seen or unseen depending on the situation. Learning the art of camouflage is advantageous for those with this medicine. Proper action and reaction, observation and expression are all linked to this art.
The orca swims in formation either in a line or in rows. This indicates good organizational skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others.
Orcas do not migrate in the same sense as baleen whales, but have seasonal movements which are tied into prey movement and environmental changes. Two distinct sub groups of the orca are described as resident and transients. Residents live in larger pods and have a matriarchal system in which two or three females and their descendants live together throughout their lives. Transient groups tend to travel longer distances and are known to hunt and kill other mammals. The name killer whale originated when whalers and mariners observed transient orcas eating other whales.
Each pod has its own distinctive dialect which allows members of the same pod to recognize one another even if they get separated. Those with this medicine are able to instantly identify members of their original soul group. Although personalities may differ a strong sense of family is known. Life lessons as well as spiritual aspirations are similar. Reuniting with members of the same soul group can trigger a sense of great joy or it can awaken heart felt grief as memories surface about a previous loss. Those with this totem should remember that once a reunion has been established, emotional support for one another will always be available.
Orca medicine people are very creative although they can have a tendency to keep their creativity hidden or allow their creativity to rule their lives. Those with this totem should pay attention to the way in which the orca appears to them. If it is seen breaching out of the water it is asking you to surface from the depths of your inner reflection and express yourself outwardly in a grounded and creative way.
If seen injured or beached it could indicate a need to take care of your health. Orcas often get parasites, bacterial and fungal infections. Hodgkin's disease has been recorded in killer whales. From an emotional perspective this disease is linked to low self esteem and the fear of being accepted. The orca holds the teachings of fearlessness, beauty, power and balance. It can awaken these same qualities within you. All you need to do is ask.
The Ostrich
The ostrich is the largest bird known to man and unlike others birds it cannot fly. This is very symbolic. Flight signifies new and uncharted territory. Because the ostrich cannot fly it gathers most of its wisdom from the earth walk. Almost half of its height is its neck. Because the neck symbolizes a link between heaven and earth, the ostrich can teach us how to use our physical capabilities to work with that of the ethereal mental realm in a practical and grounded way.
The ostrich has an ambiguous role in mythology. The Egyptians venerated the ostrich. Its feathers were a symbol of Maat, the goddess of truth and justice and were used in the judgment hall of Osiris to weigh the heart of the deceased. Ostrich feathers were worn in headpieces of goddesses who upheld the virtues of truth and fairness.
This bird has excellent eyesight and can detect the undetectable. Very little gets past the ostrich's keen perception. This can be both a blessing and a curse for those with this totem. The ostrich's eyes are actually bigger than their brains. In man this symbolizes a tendency towards dreamy flaky thoughts. Using common sense is advised.
Some cultures believed the ostrich possessed clairvoyant abilities and worshipped it. Others were afraid of this all seeing bird. Those with this medicine have the uncanny ability to know the truth of any situation. They are not easily fooled by others. Learning how to use knowledge in a non threatening way is one of the challenges an ostrich medicine person faces.
The ostrich can go without water for long periods. Their diet consists mostly of plant matter although some meat is taken in. They have been known to swallow stones, pieces of iron and other such debris without it affecting their digestive system. Those with this totem have hardy constitutions and can eat almost anything without causing major physical problems. A healthy diet is recommended however.
Ostrich relies on its strong legs and feet, uniquely two-towed, with the main toe developed almost like a hoof to escape its enemies. Frightened ostrich can achieve speeds of 40 miles per hour. If cornered it can deliver dangerous kicks. The ostrich is a visible bird. To escape detection from enemies, chicks and adults may lie on the ground, necks outstretched with heads buried in the sand. This habit gave rise to the legend that they bury their head in sand when danger threatens. If the ostrich appears to you in this position it is asking you to become less visible, less vulnerable and protect yourself in some way.
The Otter
There are two kinds of Otter, the river and sea. Delightful creatures to watch in the wild otters have a strong curiosity exploring every nook and cranny they can find just to see what's there. Their curiosity reminds us that everything is interesting if looked at from different angles. They know how to float on the currents of life enjoying the beauty that it holds. Their relaxed attitude reminds us to laugh with life and not take things to seriously. They offer us the gift of laughter, trust and playfulness.
Otters are agile and fast in the water. They are often seen floating on their backs with their paws extended out of the water, sliding on their bellies playfully, or performing acrobatic maneuvers. Water has long been associated with the emotional energies in man. Otters glide through the emotional ups and downs of life with ease and can teach us how to do the same. They represent the creative, nurturing energies that live within us and show us how to honor them.
Otters are excellent parents and care for their young longer than most other marine mammals. They enjoy the company of other otters and are rarely seen alone. Those with this medicine benefit by living on or close to the water and find comfort in group interactions.
The otter is very talkative. When frightened their calls take on an eerie piercing sound similar to a baby screaming. They have few natural enemies and are not afraid of humans. During the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, otters were one of the few creatures that would allow humans to hold them without putting up a fight. As the oil was wiped from their bodies the otter would lie very still in the arms of the one caring for it, unafraid and trusting.
When otter appears in your life it is asking you to let go of worry and pain, lighten up and enjoy what life has to offer. Trust your inner knowing, develop trust for others and embrace the world with excitement and enthusiasm. Life is what we make it. The otter shows us how to create a joyful future. All we need to do is follow its lead.
The Owl
There are approximately 135 species of Owl, seventeen which are found in North America. Their secretive habits, quiet flight and various calls from whistles, screeches and hoots, have made them objects of superstition and even fear in some parts of the world. Some native tribes see the owl as a symbol of death while other tribes believe they embody the mysteries of shamanism and sorcery. Individuals with this totem are private complex people and don't like others to know what they are really thinking. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings especially in the area of personal relationships.
Owls have many abilities which set them apart from all other birds. Their wings which are extremely soft and thick, allow them to fly silently as they can swoop down on unsuspecting prey. They are able to slip in and out of places unnoticed and can teach us how to do the same.
Their eyes are large and forward facing giving them a wise appearance. They have a greater range of motion in their necks than any other animal with a spinal column. Owls turn their heads rather than their eyes, which are stationary. Their night vision is so powerful that they can see prey when the light is the equivalent of a candle burning 2500 feet away!
Their powers of vision are matched by their almost otherworldly hearing abilities. In studies done with owls that were placed in totally light free rooms, the owls were able to locate a mouse by sound alone. Those with this medicine are usually gifted with clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities. Souls who are born with this totem have chosen a path which suggests a need to refine and perfect these gifts for the aid of others. They make excellent therapists, psychologists and counselors.
Active at dawn and dusk owls are sometimes referred to as the night eagle, a messenger from the darkness and a guide through all the mysteries that it contains. It teaches us how to embrace our personal darkness without fear. Owls are sometimes thought to come to those that are about to die. This does not mean a physical death as much as it means the letting go of some part of yourself that is not serving you. Owls with their spectral senses help guide us through the dark tunnels of fear, change and uncertainty to the brilliant light shining at the other end. If the owl appears in your life thank it for its willingness to guide you through its shadowy realm to the other side of promise and joy.
The Panda
Pandas are white and black bear like mammals found in the forest areas of west central China. Their coloring holds the energy of polarity. The panda reminds us to broaden our vision and not get caught in one side or the other. For those with this totem personal challenges relating to polarized concepts are common. Past life ties associated with the light as well as the dark forces is also indicated.
The giant panda grows to a length of five feet and weighs about two hundred pounds. It feeds almost exclusively on bamboo and is able to grasp the young stems and leaves of this plant with the aid of a special thumb like structure on its front foot. In metaphysics the thumb symbolizes will power. The panda teaches us that anything can be accomplished if the desire is strong enough.
Although the panda feeds on bamboo its digestive system is that of a carnivore and so the animal is unable to digest cellulose, which is the main constituent of bamboo. Consequently, the panda must consume enormous quantities of bamboo in order to obtain from this plant the nourishment it needs. Panda medicine people often develop problems with their digestive system so extra care is advised.
Pandas have a lumbering gait on the ground but are agile tree climbers. They prefer being up high watching what’s happening on the ground below. From this vantage point the panda is able to maintain a spiritual connection with the seen and unseen forces.
Pandas live alone except when breeding, indicating a solitary lifestyle. Those with this medicine will be happiest when living by themselves. Relationships can be acquired and maintained but only if a partner respects the need for privacy and sacred space. Although relationship issues are common for those with this totem a panda medicine person will be forced to rely on their intuitive voice for nourishment and guidance. This aids them in developing a deeper understanding of who they truly are. From the perspective of spiritual growth this understanding is a fundamental requirement for the soul’s evolution.
Some might say that panda medicine is full of difficulties and others may see its true value. Whichever way you choose to perceive this ally one thing is certain. The panda is a powerful teacher. All that is needed by the student is a willingness to learn.
The Panther
The name panther is often associated with a particular species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar. The Black Panther is smaller but fiercer than lions and tigers. They are agile climbers and excellent swimmers. Because they can sprint with great speed they hold the teachings of quick decisive action.
Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when the need arises. This symbolizes an ability to shape shift realities using all parts of the body to perform a task. They can move gracefully in and out of situations as well as freeze and not be noticed. Because the panther is not a good long distant runner those with this medicine should incorporate movement therapies into their life that enhance endurance. They need to learn how to pace themselves and not push to fast or hard on any one task.
The power of the panther is the power of silence. It is extremely quiet when hunting or stalking. It knows when to make its presence known and when to become invisible. The panther holds the secrets of unseen worlds and is associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night lies the truth of creation. Those with this totem hold knowledge of a galactic origin. They have a responsibility to care take this knowledge and caution must be applied when sharing it with others. When the student is ready the teacher appears. If the student isn't ready the information received could be detrimental.
Panthers have acute sensitivity. The hairs on its body especially on the face pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this totem. It indicates a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings convey. Touch can be an important avenue to explore to awaken ones hidden gifts. The Black Panther’s coat, sleek, smooth and sensual has been linked to sexuality. When panther appears in a person’s life it might be asking you to resolve old sexual issues or to embrace your sexuality fully.
The Black Panther has great mysticism associated with it. It represents the life and power of the night. It can show us how to embrace the darkness and awaken the light within it. When you experience the presence of panther one of its most noticeable features is its unblinking stare. It appears to see right through the body. Those with this medicine use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.
Author Ted Andrews states that in Egyptian rituals a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual. It has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus. After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of the peacock. A powerful totem to have the panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.
The Parrot
The parrot is an alert bird with a good temperament. They are very intelligent and have been taught to mimic humans. A bird which can speak the human language is considered to be a link between mankind’s world and the world of nature. They serve as a bridge in which both can cross to gain a deeper understanding about one another. This understanding allows both kingdoms to live in harmony.
One of the most outstanding features of the parrot is its range of coloring. Parrots invoke a sense of hope and promise. Just looking at its brilliant feathers gives us a feeling of excitement and wonder. For those who identify with this totem opportunities to renew their dreams and visions are offered.
Parrots teach us the power of magic. Their feathers are used in healing rituals to invoke the properties of color and light. Color and light therapy have been used by many native tribes to heal the sick or injured. For those with this totem the study of its colors will reveal a lot about yourself.
Parrots can be very vocal or very quiet depending upon the situation they are in. In humans this indicates an innate ability to know when to voice ones opinion and when to be silent. Lessons associated with discernment are always present in a parrot medicine person. The parrot is a feel good bird and is a great ally in healing depression. When the parrot flies into your life it is asking you to recapture the magic of living. It is time to enjoy your life and all it holds.
The Peacock
The peacock is a bird of the pheasant family. The male is actually a peacock and the female is a peahen, both are peafowl. The most distinct features of the peacock are its feathers and its eerie call. Two species of peafowl are the blue or Indian peacock of India and Sri Lanka and the green, or Javanese peacock from Burma to Java.
These stunning birds hold an air of self confidence. Their train of tail feathers are brightly colored either a metallic green or blue and formed of the birds upper tail coverts which are enormously elongated. Each feather is tipped with an iridescent eyespot that is ringed with blue and bronze. These eyes represent their ability to see into the past, present and future and can teach those with this medicine how to awaken their clairvoyant gifts.
Peacocks have much lore and myth associated with them. Peacock feathers are believed to have protective powers and are used in Indian and Shaman rituals as an aid in healing. A tail feather is moved over a sick or injured person in gentle strokes to remove negative psychic imprints that have attached themselves to a person's energetic field. Those with this medicine are highly sensitive and proper maintenance of their personal energy field is essential. When an individual with this totem has acquired a strong and solid aura they have the potential to become powerful ritualistic healers.
In courtship displays, the cock elevates his tail, which lies under the train thus elevating the train and bringing it forward. At the climax of this display the tail feathers are vibrated, giving the feathers of the train a shimmering appearance and making a rustling sound. This display along with the eerie call of the peacock draws attention to it. They stand with dignity and demand to be noticed. Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen field.
The peacock reminds us to see the beauty in all aspects of life. Its eerie call sounds similar to a laughing screech and reminds us to laugh with life and not take things so seriously. As it presents itself with confidence and awes us with its beauty it teaches us how to keep the ego under control and to set all vanity aside. A past life associated with superiority has been linked to peacock medicine people. By observing the peacock we can learn to strut our stuff with dignity and grace.
The Penguin
The penguin is an amazing animal with unusual characteristics. If you ever see one in the wild it will be hard to forget. Highly specialized for their flightless aquatic existence their binocular vision is poor. Some penguins have no binocular vision at all. A sideways stare acts as a method of focusing on threatening objects. They see better in water than on land and their sense of smell is weak.
These unique animals exude an air of properness and good manners. Gathering in groups they walk bolt upright forming several lines denoting a sense of order and purpose. They waddle with determination and focus. Those with this medicine have the same inherent abilities. If this medicine isn't fully developed call upon the penguin to help you refine and perfect these skills.
Both male and female penguins bow to one another before entering or leaving the nest. The bow is a behavior demonstrated most often in pairs. Penguins may also walk about the area while bowing. Bowing is considered to be both a form of appeasement and a tool for maintaining social bonds. Penguin medicine people are either well mannered and polite or need to learn these abilities. This bird teaches respect to all who cross its path.
The penguins striking black and white attire suggests formality. The Emperor penguin, the largest of this aquatic bird, dressed in a tuxedo looks as if it’s ready for a dinner party. Those with this totem are careful about their appearance and enjoy life styles related to high society. They are social and feel at ease in any type of situation. This gives them leadership qualities and denotes an air of self confidence.
Penguins are master acrobats. While swimming their movements are graceful and fluid. They twist and turn in a variety of ways then shoot high out of the water landing solidly on their feet. When traveling long distances on ice the penguin toboggans on its stomach using its fins to push it along. They have been recorded at speeds up to 25 miles an hour. The penguin teaches us how to connect with our inner rhythm, honor our body and move with agility.
Because of their association with water astral projection and out of body experiences are keynote. Their movements both in water and on land indicate an ability to glide easily from one dimension to another. Penguins have the ability to consciously go out of body. They teach those with this medicine how to embrace and understand all realms of life. Individuals with penguin totems are vivid dreamers and often receive messages through the dreamtime or in a meditative state.
The colors of the penguin are also symbolic. The color black represents the hidden or the unknown and the color white reflects the light or awakened consciousness. The merging of the hidden with the known produces a balanced state of being. Penguin teaches you how to blend, merge and balance the dark with the light.
Penguin is a powerful totem to have and helps you change your reality, move between the worlds and awaken full consciousness. If this master bird appears in your life get ready for a life altering course of mystery, intrigue and transformation. Once you have explored uncharted waters there will be no turning back.
The Peregrine Falcon
The peregrine falcon is a magnificent bird of prey. They are larger and faster then other falcons and are presently on the endangered species list. This is partly due to the buildup of chlorinated hydrocarbons in its food supply. These chemicals become concentrated in the peregrine's tissues and interfere with reproduction.
If this bird was not your birth medicine and has recently flown into your life, it can signify a need to guard your health with special attention given to environmental pollutants the glands, tissues and the reproductive organs.
All falcons are opportunists and act upon opportunity at the correct moment. They know when to act and how to commit to their actions for a successful outcome. Timing is important to the peregrine and patience is one of its virtues. Those with this totem will continually find themselves in situations where both of these skills are tested.
Peregrines stimulate a quick, graceful and agile mind using its mental faculties effectively and patiently to capture what it wants and desires the most. They are daylight hunters with bullet shaped bodies and long pointed wings that facilitate high diving speed. Strong and fast they fly high and dive with tremendous swiftness striking with clenched talons and killing by impact.
This bird is very adaptable and can withstand severe climatic changes. Peregrines build their nests high on ledges and cliffs in order to observe everything around them. They are incredibly focused and have strong concentration skills. Those with this totem would do well in any work pertaining to the mind. Meditation and disciplined spiritual studies would also be of benefit.
In the Native American traditions the peregrine falcon is associated with past life recall and can show us how to dive into ourselves without fear. It holds the medicine of precision, timing, grace, patience and acute mental perception. It teaches those with this medicine how to use their mental capabilities to the fullest, move in harmony with their own rhythm and strike with force when necessary.
The Pig
The pig is a mammal of stout body, short legs and thick skin sparsely coated with short bristles. Contrary to popular belief the pig is a very clean animal. Although their pig pens appear to be pig sties their mess is always an organized one. They don't like things within their territory to be moved or misplaced and can be quite animate about this. A friend of mine has a pig as a pet. One day when she was cleaning its pen the pig repeatedly butted her. She finally got the message! Those with this medicine need to be in charge of their personal space and will not tolerate others rearranging it.
Pigs have an uncanny intelligence and love the companionship of humans. Domestic pigs are easy to train and make excellent pets. Behavior problems can arise when a pig feels fear or distrust in any situation. Usually docile, they can become aggressive if they think their safety is being threatened. They have strong reasoning power and believe that the best defense is a good defense. Pig medicine people will not accept unjust acts of any kind. They can be overly trusting of others or have no trust at all depending on how developed the medicine is within the person. Learning to attain balance within these extremes is advised.
Domestic pigs demand punctuality and dependability especially at feeding times. A solid routine is important to this animal. Any thing that disturbs their routine creates deep emotional stress and can cause illness. A regular regimen of daily activities is beneficial for pig medicine people. Those with this totem usually have past life ties associated with undisciplined behavior. The pig teaches you how to remain focused and develop a solid secure foundation in your life.
The pig is swift in its movement. They intuitively know how to respond in any situation. They are good swimmers and have great strength. Their listening skills are acute. They actually "feel" sound frequencies and respond accurately to the vibration that it holds. Clairsentient and clairaudient abilities are two of the pigs strongest attributes.
Those with this totem are reminded to view things from a pigs perspective. When the pig appears in your life pay attention to its movement. If it is charging towards you, its time to stop procrastinating and take action in some area of your life. If a pig waddles slowly towards you its time to stop, reflect and listen to the sound of your inner knowing.
The Pigeon
Pigeons originally lived on the wild cliff faces of the European and Asian seacoasts. Used by the Chinese for hundreds of years to send messages they also carried money exchange rates between banks in Canton and Hong Kong. Pigeons have been used extensively for delivering messages in times of war. Early navigators took pigeons to sea in hopes that, if they became lost the pigeon would show them the way to land. Pigeons can fly for 550 miles in one day and can travel in bursts of speed up to 60 knots. They teach us how to preserver and keep our focus on the goal at hand.
This amazing bird holds the qualities of home, security and maternal instincts. Those with this totem often experience unsettling childhoods and will be challenged continually to acquire a solid secure foundation in all areas of their lives. The pigeon assists us in finding the stability of home that has been lost.
No matter where pigeon ends up or how it gets there, it knows the way home. The Pigeon’s gift to us is the ability to accomplish. They do not get lost because they are in tune with the natural ways of earth, and are always aware of their goals. They use all their senses equally and navigate their lives in a balanced way. If Pigeon comes to you, it is asking you to keep your sights and sensitivities clearly set on where you want to be, and start moving. Even if you don’t know exactly how to get there, by following your inner guidance you can find your way.
The Platypus
The duck billed platypus is a small semi aquatic mammal that lives in the lakes and streams of eastern Australia and Tasmania. It is notable for having a broad flat rubbery snout that contains electro receptors enabling it to detect electrical fields produced by moving muscles of its prey. When submerged in water the eyes and ears are closed by a fold of skin. The sensitive muzzle of the platypus guides it while it swims blind. Those with this totem have the ability to balance and ground energy currents as they move through the body. For people who channel or work in any form of energetic healing this can be advantageous. Platypus medicine people use their inner sight to guide them through life and are natural clairvoyants.
The platypus swims gracefully and expertly using the front feet. The hind feet in conjunction with its flattened tail are used mainly for stabilization. The tail also assists it in diving. Water has long been associated with the subconscious and the secrets it holds. Those with this totem are investigative, always searching for the deeper meaning of each situation they encounter.
The platypus finds its food chiefly in underwater mud and has an enormous appetite. They emerge for feeding in early morning or late afternoon. Foods grown below ground are often beneficial for those with this medicine.
Mating occurs in the water. Poisonous spurs on the hind legs of the male are used to hold the female. An unusual courtship precedes mating in which the male grabs the female’s tail and the pair swims in circles. In ancient myth and lore a circle signifies wholeness. Those with this totem usually have strong karmic lessons associated with completion. If this medicine is underdeveloped they find themselves unable to finish projects.
The platypus digs winding burrows with side branches in the banks of streams and lakes that it inhabits. These burrows indicate its flexibility to move in different directions effortlessly. It teaches us how to access the hidden chambers of our subconscious and move according to our personal rhythms. The platypus is a powerful totem to have. It is a unique animal in both its appearance and its abilities and can show us how to awaken our own uniqueness.
The Polar Bear
Polar bears are outstanding hunters. They are the most aggressive and carnivorous of all bears. They hold the same characteristics as other bears although the polar does have specific traits inherent to it. Those with this totem should also read the information presented on bears in general for a deeper understanding of this powerful medicine.
The polar bear weighs up to 1600 pounds and can knock a 500 pound seal out of the water with one blow. They are incredibly strong and more adaptable than other bears. This adaptability compliments their excellent survival skills. Those with this medicine have karmic challenges associated with flexibility, change and stubbornness and should ask the polar for help in overcoming these obstacles.
The polar will observe a situation completely before they act. They know how to conserve their strength as well as their energy and use both at the most appropriate time for the best outcome. This is one of the lessons that it teaches. Those with this totem would benefit by learning the art of energy management.
Polar bears have no enemies in the animal kingdom. Their only enemy is the human hunter. They are intelligent and fearless. Because of this native tribes throughout history have recognized the polar as a desirable ally and spirit helper.
The white color associated with the polar bear is very significant. It represents "purity of spirit." Since this bear is fearless and the energy of spirit only flows when fear is absent, the polar serves as a valuable ally in overcoming fear, both physical and mental.
The polar is known as the "Ice Man" in some native tribes because of its preferences for hunting on sea ice. The environment in which it appears to us is symbolic. If the polar were spotted walking on ice its message would be connected to the frozen emotions stored within oneself and the need for allowing those emotions to express themselves. If it is seen foraging for food, nourishment and replenishment of the body, mind and spirit would be its message. It is important to watch the polar bear to understand what it is trying to tell you. When it enters your life the awakening of your own true colors is at hand.
The Praying Mantis
The praying mantis has a great deal of myth and lore associated with it. Its name comes from the manner in which they hold up the forepart of the body, with its enormous front legs, as though in an attitude of prayer.
Martial art forms in China have adopted specific movements of the mantis into their practices. These movements help the student reconnect with their personal chi or energy. The discovery of how energy moves through our body, what it is projecting and where energy blocks are located can be a great aid in healing ourselves. Those with this totem would benefit from prayer, meditation and martial arts.
These amazing creatures serve the earth and her people in various ways. They consume large amounts of insects helping to maintain ecological balance. Excellent hunters with an efficient attack strategy the praying mantis always knows the right moment for attack and for retreat. Time in the linear sense is irrelevant to the mantis. They move according to their inner instincts and remind us to do the same. Moving effortlessly between worlds the mantis is associated with time travel. They help us break out of linear time and move according to our personal bio rhythms.
The praying mantis can remain motionless for an indefinite period. This ability helps them blend with their environment becoming invisible to predators. They hold the secrets of materialization and de-materialization and awaken this ability in people who hold this medicine. Perception through stillness is part of its teaching.
Patient, perceptive and focused this little totem holds a powerful message. When it appears in your life it is asking you to direct your energy, your thoughts or your actions in a different way. Asking the following questions can give you the insight necessary to motivate appropriate changes. Have I lost patience with a particular situation? Have I been too patient, and if so, has this had a detrimental affect on me? Is my perception correct regarding a situation? Have I become narrow minded? Am I focused on my objective?
The Puffin
Puffins brilliantly colored beaks of blue, vermilion and yellow plus their black and white bodies and orange legs give them a striking appearance. Because of their colorful body costumes and growling call many cultures still refer to them as sea parrots or clown birds. Excellent swimmers and divers, the puffin uses its wings to push itself along under water while using its feet as rudders. When on land or in flight however, the puffin is extremely clumsy. Those with this medicine would benefit by living near large bodies of water, particularly the ocean. Without water in their immediate environment they could have difficulty finding their equilibrium in life. Because water is associated with the intuition and all things hidden those with this medicine make excellent psychics and therapists. Several legends are connected to the puffin. When the puffin begins to take off in flight it holds its feet together suggestive of hands clasped together in prayer. Its black and white body has been associated with the black and white robes of catholic nuns. Some people believe that a puffin is actually a cross between a bird and a fish because of its superb ability to swim underwater. In many cultures this belief has justified the right to eat puffin meat on lent and Fridays. The religious connotations surrounding the puffin are numerous and those with this totem hold past life connections relating to some form of religious devotion. Maintaining a prayerful connection in this life can be helpful. Puffins rely on body language to convey messages to other puffins. They will lower their head and walk rapidly through a colony indicating that they are just passing through. This is useful because the colony is very crowded and a puffin often crosses another puffin's territory as it walks. Puffins are usually non aggressive except when mating or defending their burrows and the ownership of them. These courageous little birds will stand stiffly erect with their beak next to their body and use slow exaggerated foot movements. When standing in a crowd of other birds puffin will stomp its foot in place if it is upset about something. When puffin feels threatened it will puff up its body and open its wings to look bigger. Puffins are masters of disguise and teach those with this totem how to disguise their true feelings and use body language to their advantage. After all actions can speak louder than words! When an aggressive encounter does occur between two puffins they lock beaks and attempt to topple each other in a wrestling match by using their feet and wings in a flurry of action. Usually this gathers a crowd of puffin spectators. The combatants can become so involved in the fight they end up rolling off their rocky perch which ends the fight on an embarrassing note. Those with this totem have a tendency to get caught up in hopeless situations where there are no winners. By looking before you leap you can avoid unnecessary struggles and embarrassing moments.
The Rabbit
There are two dozen species of Cottontails in the United States, all with similar characteristics. Rabbits are vegetarians eating the inner bark of saplings and shrubs as well as leaves and fruit. They provide a perfect illustration of Nature's balance. Their rapid rate of reproduction is countered by the fact that almost every predatory animal eats them. Cottontail rabbits are quite timid, never venturing too far from the safety of their warrens. Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle with ourselves in all situations.
The rabbit is often associated with fear because of the nervous energy it expends. They move suddenly and unpredictably. They hop and leap through life asking those with this totem to pay attention to their personal movement. Growth is assured if one is moving in balance with what is in their life. If they are moving to fast or to slow an imbalance occurs and growth is stifled.
Rabbits are most visible during dawn and dusk. The sun rising and setting from horizon to horizon holds an air of mystique about it. It is a time when the invisible becomes visible and nature spirits are more pronounced. Because the rabbit and the fairy realms are active during the same time of day it has a strong connection with the magic and mystery of other worlds. To enter this world all that is required is a leap of faith.
Sensitive with keen observation skills, the rabbit has strong reflexes that help them dash to safety quickly protecting themselves from danger. They can be seen, disappear and reappear in the twinkling of an eye. Fast, agile and clever they hold the teachings of spontaneous decisive movement. Always knowing which direction to go and when. When rabbit appears it is enabling you to take advantage of opportunities that may only present themselves for brief moments.
Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where all of our personal fears lie. When the rabbit appears it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. Do you keep dashing for the safety of your old patterns every time something new or challenging presents itself? If so the rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. Accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.
The Raccoon
Primarily nocturnal, raccoons travel in small groups of one or two families foraging for fruits, vegetables, and small animals. They are excellent swimmers although they feel more at home in trees. Raccoons are often seen sloshing their hands and food in water before eating. Symbolically hands represent holding or receiving. If raccoon appears to you it might be asking you to let go of a situation, person or habit. On the other hand it could be telling you to reach out and embrace the gifts being offered to you by Great Spirit.
Raccoons are often found sitting high in trees. From this vantage point they can observe everything around them and see danger long before it arrives. Extremely curious it leaves no stone unturned. Curiosity has its advantages and its disadvantages. Following ones curiosity can open doorways into new and exciting territory, although curiosity applied without caution can lead to trouble.
These masked bandits are persistent robbers and do not tire easily. They are often spotted around camp grounds foraging for food. Because of its masked face the raccoon holds the energies of disguise, magic, and secrecy. Hiding behind its mask it can take on several identities at once and play out different roles. Seldom does it reveal its true identity. It loves adventure and leads us down a road to new discoveries. Shape shifting is part of its magic. Those with this totem do well in professions relating to the theater.
Raccoons have an air of indifference around them when caught in the act of a robbery, although if provoked they can become ferocious. Strong and muscular the raccoon can hold its ground in most all situations and teaches us to do the same.
The raccoon is a powerful ally and holds the gift of transformation. When it appears in a persons life the many faces of self are about to be revealed.
The Rat
Rats would probably not be so successful if it weren't for humans. Our living habits have provided them with homes and food and we have eliminated many of their predators. Because of this rats hold important teachings about waste, over consumption and survival for those who have this totem.
Rats can eat a quarter to a third of their body weight a day. They gnaw on things to keep their teeth, which are always growing, short and sharp. Pack Rats are famous for collecting things. They have been known to strip a sealed cabin in the woods of everything that they could carry. One species is called the Trade Rat because it leaves a stone in the place of what it takes.
Black Rats carried the fleas that led to the Black Plague. In Norway some years ago, hungry Rats infested a bird sanctuary and ate, among other things the birds. They even managed to grab seagulls and hold them down while killing them.
Those with this totem are survivors. Their tendency is to hoard what they have because they fear that they don't have enough. This fear prompts them to acquire large quantities of things and fight aggressively to maintain what they have acquired. Rat medicine people are not selfish but they can appear that way to those who do not know them well. Holding onto everything and being the pack rat is their way of feeling secure in an insecure world.
Fortunately rats adapt well to environmental changes and can survive on just about anything. They hold the teachings of resourcefulness. Their fear of not being provided for can be healed by participating in supportive group activities, meditation and prayer.
The other side of Rat is that it reflects back to us our own human capacity for greed, taking so much that others needs are denied. They will sometimes overeat and throw up rather than let food go by. They will dispossess other small animals of their homes if they can, wanting no competition for food. They truly personify humankind's imperialistic drives, which are making life on the planet more and more tenuous. If Rat has come to you, look at ways you may be participating in wasteful consumption or fear based emotions and begin to change your habits appropriately.
The Raven
Ravens have a long history of myth and lore associated with them. In some native tribes they are known as the "keeper of secrets." They hold the teachings of mysticism and magic. Ravens are linked to the void, where universal secrets are stored. Their inky black color is the color associated with darkness. The darkness is a place where unconscious fears live. Raven, a master magician, embodies the energy of transformation and shows us how to eliminate our inner demons.
Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. They are extremely intelligent and are clever mimics. They incorporate and mimic calls of other species and can teach us how to understand the language of animals. They have also been known to learn some human words.
The raven knows the mystery of life. They have an intimate association with death and rebirth. Because raven would feed on the corpses of the dead hanging on the gallons, early European settlers feared this bird and considered it to be an ill omen. In truth, however, raven should be respected not feared.
There are many stories in native cultures about this illusive black bird. Shamans know the power of an unexpected piercing sound in altering consciousness. Ravens exercise this power, emitting a variety of sounds and can aid us in shifting our consciousness into various dimensional realms. This is one reason why the raven is known as a shape shifter with magical powers. Anyone with raven as a totem can expect continual changes and spiritual awakenings throughout their life.
Raven picks its students according to their accumulated wisdom. It flies into a person’s life carrying the energy of magic and healing. If it decides to settle in and take up residence, it will stay as long as necessary to aid you in transmuting your karma then return you to the light. It will push, prod, and lead you into the discovery of your multidimensional self and reunite you with the secrets of the multidimensional universe. Those with this totem should remember to meet raven, not with fear, but rather with an appreciation for the teachings that it holds.
The Red Panda
The red panda is a smaller relative of the well known giant panda. It is slightly bigger than a large house cat, has rusty red fur, a long light and dark striped tail, a short white nose, and dark tear tracks. It is active around dawn and dusk and well adapted for climbing, spending much of its time in trees partly to escape predators. It feels safe high above the ground below and never ventures too far away from this source of security. Those with this medicine need to develop a secure foundation and always maintain trust in great spirit.
The panda is a solitary animal except during mating season. They are territorial and will fight other males that enter their area. Because the panda spends most of its day sleeping and descends to the ground in the evening to hunt for food, those with this medicine are usually night owls and do their best work after the sun goes down. Inspiring ideas and perceptive visions are received within the silence of the night.
Red pandas are slow moving agile climbers and teach us the value of slow movement and patient persistence. They hold the teachings of trust, flow and balance. The pandas range extends through Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Burma and China. Those with this totem often have past life connections in these areas as well as strong ties to Eastern beliefs and practices. The study of martial arts is beneficial.
In the wild, red pandas eat mostly bamboo leaves although they supplement their diet with berries, mushrooms, grasses, bark, bird nestings and insects. The panda depends on bamboo as a main food source. Each species of bamboo has a unique reproductive cycle. Bamboo flowers and dies once every 40 to 120 years. It can take approximately 5 to 10 years for it to regenerate to the point of being a reliable food source again. Its specialized diet, low production rate and low population density makes the red panda vulnerable. In humans this can manifest in difficult pregnancies or childbirth and dietary imbalances. Proper attention to health is important.
Because the red panda has a simple stomach and short intestine it can not get complete nourishment from its low calorie diet. They must spend a large portion of the day feeding. Those with this totem would benefit by eating small amounts throughout the day to avoid becoming hypoglycemic. A vegetarian diet is helpful. Pandas have a strong connection to plant life and those with this medicine would benefit by studying the healing properties of plants and herbs.
Red Pandas lounge around during the day and appear to be somewhat nonchalant with a carefree attitude. When they appear in our life they are asking us to play more and worry less.
The Rhinoceros
The rhinoceros is a survivor of the age of giant mammals and are basically solitary creatures. They are descendants of ancient times and bring with them the energy of comfort in ones own solitude. They teach us how to quiet a busy mind and relax within ourselves. Rhinoceros prefer their own company and know how to create and enjoy their personal space. This in itself is a powerful teaching for those that hold this medicine.
The rhinoceros is characterized by one or two horns on the snout. Its most distinguishing feature may well be the cause of its extinction. Their horns are prized by traditional Eastern cultures. They have been carved into daggers and ground into powder thought to have healing powers. They have also been used as aphrodisiacs. Their horns, composed of a mass of keratin, a fibrous protein found in hair are used for digging up roots and other edibles. Their poor eyesight compensated by their acute hearing and sense of smell teaches those with this medicine how to sniff beneath the surface and use discrimination in all the choices they make.
This amazing animal holds the energy of spiritual idealism. In part this is due to their peaceful and timid nature. Although the rhinoceros has a reputation for being dangerous, especially the black rhino, it is generally quite passive and only becomes aggressive when threatened. It is often seen going out of its way to avoid trouble.
Spiritual idealism can be a blessing or a curse depending on how it is applied in ones life. If a persons ideals are so high that the achievement of that ideal is unattainable depression can set in. Those with this medicine should remember to stay grounded in their pursuit of spiritual growth by taking things one step at a time. Patience and perseverance are the cornerstones of this medicine.
The Rhinoceros holds the secrets of survival. It is a guardian of ancient wisdom and reminds us to tread gently on earth and respect all life. In this way spiritual idealism is attained and peace on earth is established. When you call upon the rhinoceros these ideals await your discovery.
The Roadrunner
Roadrunners are ground dwelling cuckoos ranging in length from 20 to 24 inches from the tip of its tail to the end of its beak. Legend has it that the roadrunner got its name from running on the road alongside horse drawn carriages. Also known as the chaparral cock this legendary bird is famous for its distinctive appearance, its ability to eat rattlesnakes and its preferences for scooting across the American deserts as seen in Warner Brothers cartoons.
Because of its lightening quickness, the roadrunner is one of the few animals that preys upon rattlesnakes. Using its wings like a matador's cape, it snaps up a coiled rattlesnake by the tail, cracks it like a whip and repeatedly slams its head against the ground till dead. It then swallows its prey whole, but is often unable to swallow the entire length at one time. This does not stop the roadrunner from its normal routine. It will continue to meander about with the snake dangling from its mouth, consuming another inch or two as the snake slowly digests.
Although speed is its ally time is irrelevant to the roadrunner. It can do several things at once and isn't bothered with completing one thing before moving on to the next. This is partly due to its great mental agility represented by the crest on its head... Many native cultures believe a "crest" symbolizes quick and efficient thinking capabilities. Those with this medicine have the ability to think quickly on their feet, flow with rapid change and understand the proper use of speed.
The roadrunner is a large black and white mottled ground bird. It has strong feet, a long tail and an oversized bill. It can run up to 17 miles per hour. When the roadrunner senses danger or is traveling downhill, it flies, but it cannot keep its large body airborne for more than a few seconds and so, it prefers walking or running. It has a clownish gait when running or walking and reminds us to laugh with ourselves and not take things too seriously.
The roadrunner is a vocal bird producing a variety of sounds from crows, chuckles, clacking and coos. Roadrunner asks us to use sound to benefit ourselves. Distract unwanted influences or say the right thing at the right time. By listening to the roadrunner we discover the right tone to use in any situation from a low coo to a screeching chuckle. Sound as well as speed can pierce through a situation and change its energy. Shamans are known to use both to shape shift realities when necessary.
Roadrunners are uniquely suited to desert environments and inhabit open, flat or rolling terrain with scattered cover of dry brush, chaparral or other desert scrub. When spring arrives, the male roadrunner acquires food for himself and then offers choice morsels to a female as an inducement to mating. He often dances around her while she begs for food, then gives her the morsel after breeding briefly. Roadrunner teaches us the importance of honoring our personal needs first before giving to others. Some might think of this as a selfish act but in truth it is a balanced one. Although roadrunner has an ulterior motive when offering the female food (that of breeding) it carries the message of survival. Take care of yourself first and then assist others.
Because roadrunner is always thinking of ways to get what it wants it reminds those with this medicine to use the ingenuity of their minds. If a problem occurs "think" yourself out of it. Highly intelligent, roadrunner medicine people have the mental capabilities to fix or change any situation. Procrastination is not part of this medicine. Roadrunner reminds us that mental alertness, speedy action coupled with the right use of sound always produces harmonious outcomes.
The Robin Redbreast
The robin redbreast is a bird of spring, a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant new seeds for our future. Rebirth and renewal require changes in all areas of life that have become stagnant and outdated. The robin redbreast teaches us to how to make these changes with joy in our hearts. Its song is a happy one reminding us to let go of our personal drama and learn to laugh with life. If this medicine is underdeveloped those with this totem are continually challenged by the prospects of change. Difficulties arise and emotional discord can surface. Learning how to release our attachments to the old is one of the life lessons the redbreast helps us master.
This bird packs a powerful punch. It holds strong significance in ancient myth and lore. One legend had its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of spring was associated with the New Year and represented divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the spirit.
In Medieval Europe the robin redbreast was often depicted attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come. It was told how, at that fateful hour, it was the tiny robin who flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving valiantly to pluck the spines away with his beak. Unfortunately the bird succeeded only in tearing his own breast on the thorns. Ever since then it was thought that all robins wore red feathers on their bosoms as a badge of honor. The robin redbreast is a bird of divine service. Those with this totem often have past life ties to the Christ energy. They make excellent priests and missionaries.
The red coloring of the robin’s chest is linked to the Kundalini in man. This life force lives coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been attained it uncoils, rising up the spine to create heightened awareness. This process enhances psychic vision which leads us into enlightenment. Those with this medicine are dedicated spiritual seekers. Growth can be slow and arduous. With patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals are achieved.
Robins lay powder blue eggs. This is the color associated with the throat chakra in man. It is also linked to heavenly inspiration. Because the throat chakra's main function is to express the will of God and the egg is symbolic of new life, this helpful little totem teaches us how to assert the creative will of God in all we do. It leads us into new beginnings without fear by restoring faith within our hearts.
The Salamander
Salamanders most commonly occur in freshwater and damp woodlands, principally in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are generally short bodied, four legged, and moist skinned animals with bold patterns and bright colors. Patterns and colors have different meanings to different people. Examining the patterns and colors of the salamander can help us discover the intricate patterns that govern our lives. Unwanted emotional patterns can be restructured or eliminated by the study of sacred geometry and meridian alignments.
Like other amphibians the salamander absorbs water through their skin and needs a moist habitat in which to live. Those with this medicine need to be around water for their overall health and well being. Breeding often occurs in the water although certain members of this family breed on land.
The word amphibian comes from two words--"amphi" = "double" and "bios" = life. Amphibians divide their life between land and water. From a symbolic aspect, this can reflect much about what has often been taught in lore about its power. Salamanders are often regarded as the keeper of dreams. Their ability to live in water and on land can reflect that lucid dreaming is going to be stimulated.
The salamander hears and responds to low frequency tones rather then high pitched ones. These tones are primal in nature and can help us gain entry into the underworld. To strengthen ones sensitivity to such sounds playing the didgeridoo as well as drumming is helpful.
Typical salamanders undergo a larval stage that can last for a period of a few days to several years. The development of a child with salamander medicine is usually slower than other children their age. Specific periods of major transitions are common and easily pinpointed. Those with this medicine will find themselves continually learning, growing and developing their body, mind and spirit throughout the early part of their life. In their adult years knowledge gained as a child will surface.
Salamander medicine is a subtle teacher, from its patterns and colors, to its connection with the elements. Those with this totem will often find themselves living a double life. Their thoughts and actions can seem odd and unusual which gives them the power to assist others in shape shifting their reality.
The Salmon
There are several different types of salmon located on both the Pacific coast and the Atlantic. Their acute sense of smell is one of their most amazing features. This ability helps them find their way back home to spawn. They have the uncanny ability to find the one stream that they were hatched in based solely on its odor.
Salmon usually return to their place of origin every 5 to 7 years. They have solid bonds with their history. For those with this totem life changes are prominent within this time span. At the end of a cycle a new beginning emerges. Swimming upstream and overcoming all obstacles is part of what the salmon teaches us. When this medicine is underdeveloped it could be asking us to stop battling the currents of life.
Because its origins are so important to it, the salmon reminds us to honor our true heritage. Those with this medicine have strong spiritual desires and work tirelessly to manifest them. They make excellent priests, nuns, spiritual counselors and teachers. The study of genealogy is important...
Incredibly determined, a salmon will jump 10 foot waterfalls and struggle past eagles, bears and many other predators, including humans, to reach their home waters. Their drive to reach their place of origin is remarkable. They rarely eat on their journey home and have little interest in anything but getting to their destination. Once there they spawn then die.
When the salmon is seen laying eggs in the coarse sand and gravel beds of streams it suggests that the birth of a new idea is at hand. It cautions however to make sure that the new idea is not laid on a rough foundation.
The salmon shows us how to swim the sacred waters upstream, overcoming all obstacles to return to the source. Although struggle is part of its journey the salmon teaches us how to focus our energy and attention on an objective and maintain the discipline necessary to accomplish it. Sometimes it takes single minded determination to overcome obstacles and achieve a desired goal.
Salmon medicine people are hardy and can persevere when others cannot. They often choose a life full of challenges because they know that within each challenge lies the opportunity for growth.
The Sea horse
The sea horse is an amazing creature. It lives in sea grass beds, mangroves and coral reefs. They consume up to 3000 brine shrimp daily. Because they don't have teeth they swallow food whole. Many people regard the sea horse as mythical creatures perhaps because of their odd form. They have a horse like head, bony plated body, brood pouch and a prehensile tail. Sea horses have been credited with potent magical and medicinal qualities. Chinese and other Asian cultures have been using sea horses in medicine for 400 to 500 years. Believed to cure impotency and asthma, lower cholesterol, treat thyroid and heart disorders and prevent arteriosclerosis the sea horse is widely hunted. Those with this medicine are often prone to one or more of the above ailments but also have an uncanny ability to heal them.
A slow swimming fish the sea horse must rely on camouflage to escape capture from humans. It can change its color to match their background and grow long appendages so they blend in better with the algae. Storms are also a threat because they tear them from their holdfasts to be cast ashore or die from exhaustion. The sea horse teaches the art of camouflage and energy management. Because it is used in healing it also holds the energies of service and sacrifice, giving up its life for the sake of another.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the sea horse is that the male becomes pregnant when a female deposits her eggs into his pouch. The male provides oxygen through a capillary network in the pouch, transfers nutrients and controls the pouch environment to ensure that the young are born healthy. In nature the single parent family is the overwhelming rule and that parent is usually the female! This act by the male indicates a gentle strength combining both feminine and masculine characteristics when the sea horse swims into our life it asks us to examine and then balance those components within ourselves.
Another interesting fact about the sea horse is that each eye moves independently giving it a broader range of vision. It sees things differently than other creatures and offers us the gift of clear sight. Those with this medicine usually have good peripheral vision and need to honor what they think their imagination is seeing!
This fascinating creature teaches us a variety of skills that are necessary to perfect our imperfections. When we open up to its teachings we return to the creative source of all that is.
The Seagull
Seagulls generally live by the water near seaports. They are often seen diving into the water or bobbing on its surface. The seagulls connection to the water is symbolic for those with this totem. Water represents the emotional side of a persons psyche. Because the seagull is a messenger its actions should be studied in order to know what it is trying to tell you. If it dives into your life this can indicate deep seated emotions that need to be healed. If seen bobbing on the surface it’s asking you to let go of worry, go with the flow and enjoy yourself more.
Seagulls are considered untidy birds as well as scavengers. They make their nests out of vegetation and garbage. Some people consider them pests and others admire them. When the locust invasion of 1849 threatened to destroy crops in California, huge flocks of Gulls fed on the insects and stopped the invasion.
Scavengers as well as fishing birds they will eat almost anything. When several gulls find food, the one who gets there first gets to eat. They seldom fight over their dinner. Seagulls hold the teachings of fairness and respect and show those with this medicine how to create relationships based on these two principals.
Relaxed and easygoing in all of their pursuits seagulls bring us the gift of a carefree attitude. They are casual about how they build their nests and where they live. Those with this totem are sometimes untidy in their appearance and disorganized in their life. Although comfortable with these characteristics friends and family often find these habits distasteful which creates challenging living situations for those with this medicine.
For those with this totem try to remember that the complementary side of a carefree nature is the proper acceptance of responsibility. When you commit to something and others are depending on you it’s not appropriate to just fly off if the mood strikes you. It is good to temper a carefree attitude with a responsible nature and to know when each behavior is appropriate.
The Seal
Seals are at home in the water but give birth on land. During the mating season the males can engage in ferocious battles one minute and be playful and amusing the next. Seals have the agility to move from anger to complete calm. Being excellent swimmers they know how to flow with the ever changing currents. If seal pops its head into your life you are being asked to review the ebb and flow of your thoughts and emotions and maintain a point of balance.
Water is a creative element and represents the feminine imagination and intuition. When a seal appears in your life it is a signal to pay close attention to your imagination and insight both in the dreamtime and in the waking state. Much of what your imagining may have, and usually does, a strong basis in reality no matter how far fetched it appears.
Seals do not have external ears, just small openings. This signifies its kinship with their inner voice and can show those with this totem how to listen to the sound within. That sound is an inherent part of ones creative, imaginative powers.
Seals swim above and beneath the water enabling them to experience both the inner and outer worlds. They teach those with this totem how to flow, how to hear, and how to discover the deeper mysteries of their true nature. There are no limits to the creative energies stimulated by this medicine. The seal is the keeper of wisdom and shows us what is hidden deep within ourselves. They teach us how to integrate our imagination with the reasoning power of the intellect. Doing this promotes balance and harmony on all levels.
The Shark
Sharks are viewed stereotypically as dangerous. Singly, and when they are not hungry, sharks tend to be quite peaceful. They can be trained to do simple tasks such as distinguishing certain objects from others in the water, and the ringing of a bell for a meal when in captivity. In large groups however, they can become unpredictable and may frenzy. In order to remain calm and centered shark medicine people require time to themselves. If they do not have time alone they can become irritable, anxious and aggressive in their behavior.
Sharks have incredibly sensitive noses that can smell one drop of blood in 50 million times as much water. They can feel the pressure waves made by a struggling fish and are sensitive to electromagnetic currents. They teach those with this totem how to develop and refine their own sensory abilities. The study of aromatherapy would benefit those with this medicine.
The shark has no swim bladder and must swim perpetually to keep from sinking to the bottom. Water has always been associated with emotional transformation. By observing the sharks swimming patterns we learn how to rise out of our emotional discord efficiently.
Sharks have been known to inspire great terror because they have the power of the predator, fearless and unpredictable. The shark offers the power of protection to those who resonate to it. When there is something in your life that you need to frighten away call upon the shark to help you. In the course of our learning we can attract events and people that are disharmonious. Working with shark medicine gives you the power and confidence to drive off negative elements or eliminate them completely.
The Skunk
The skunk is a powerful totem with mystical and magical associations. Skunks are slow moving solitary creatures and spend most of the daylight hours underground. They dig their own dens but will also take over abandoned homes of foxes, marmots and rabbits. They hold an air of self confidence and can teach us how to develop self esteem and self respect.
Throughout history skunks have carried a reputation that is respected as well as feared. If a skunk feels threatened, it raises its tail and stamps its front feet. If that doesn't scare off the intruder, it hisses, turns around presents its tail and sprays. A skunk can spray 10 to 14 feet with accuracy. This noxious liquid irritates the eyes blocking vision temporarily. Those with this medicine need to develop inner vision and use it to see beyond what the physical eyes perceive.
The skunk smell is one that everyone can recognize. Author Ted Andrew states that those with this medicine find the use of fragrances will elicit dynamic responses in those they associate with. People will respond to the fragrances you employ. A study of aromatherapy would benefit those with this totem.
Skunk teaches us how to comprehend a warning. Many times in life our instinct can foresee trouble ahead, but our mind gets in the way and inhibits this knowledge. By watching and learning from skunk, we learn how to honor that part of ourselves which like the skunk, gives us many warnings before an actual problem or disaster develops. When a skunk appears in our life it could very well be our intuition sending us a signal of imminent danger or caution.
The stripe running from the head to the tail of the skunk is linked to the creative life force within. When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem have the ability to direct their creative energy to manifest a desired result. If underdeveloped a need to awaken consciousness and look beyond the perimeters of ones immediate world is important.
Skunks go about their business quietly and those with this medicine are advised to do the same. Unbalanced skunk people have a habit of tooting their own horn looking for recognition. Because of the intense energy the skunk holds this can create problems in communicating with others. Those with this totem are either well liked or disliked. The art of attracting and repelling are inherent skills and can benefit us if they are mastered efficiently. Remember people are going to notice you. How they notice you can be controlled by you.
The Sloth
The Sloth is a tree dwelling mammal related to the armadillo and the anteater. There are 6 living species in tropical South and Central America. They weigh about 10 pounds and are about 24 inches long. Their size is deceptive due to their thick fur which develops a thin coating of algae during wet seasons. This algae creates a greenish tint on the sloth’s fur which helps camouflage it amongst the leaves. The art of camouflage is one of the teachings the sloth holds for those with this medicine.Sloths are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for quite some time if threatened. They feel most comfortable in the water or in a tree but feel very uncomfortable when on the ground. Sloths take their sweet time digesting food and consequently, only defecate once or twice in a one week period. The defecation usually takes place at the base of tree. This event marks one of the rare occasions that sloths will venture to the ground. Sloths do not like being on the ground because when they are on a level surface they are unable to stand and walk. They can progress only by reaching forward and, when a toehold is obtained, pulling their bodies along the ground. Because of this they become easy prey for predators and often find themselves fighting for their lives. Although the sloth is a fairly docile creature and gives the impression of being half asleep don’t let false impressions fool you. This animal is a capable and competent fighter and its claws have been known to tear and shred when its survival was at stake. This is especially true for the two - toed sloths which tend to have a mean streak and are quick to bite with their self sharpening canines. Sloths can turn their heads almost 270 degrees giving them an uncanny ability to see all that is above, below and around them. They are often seen hanging upside down in the forests of South America. Because of these abilities the sloth is linked to the realm of spirit and psychic visions. Those with this totem often feel out of place on the earth and have a difficult time fitting into normal society. Like the sloth they have an uncanny ability to see clearly and hold strong visionary gifts. These gifts, however, should be nurtured in a grounded way early in life in order to fully develop and be utilized within a given life time. The tendency to escape from earth reality is common for those that hold this medicine. Strong physical exercise can help bring this tendency into balance.Sloths are solitary animals that only come together for mating. Those with this totem are loners and do not enjoy being in crowds. If their independence is threatened they become rebellious. Relationships are challenged when personal space is taken away. Sloth medicine people usually have a low rate of metabolism and don’t have the ability to ward off illness easily, therefore, the strengthening and care of the immune system can benefit the overall health.
The Snail
Snails are found in gardens, ponds and even the sea. Their soft bodies are protected by hard shells which they use as a defense. When disturbed or alarmed the snail withdraws or pulls itself back into its shell. It also retreats into itself and seals the entrance in dry weather to protect its body from drying up. Those with this medicine know how to retreat when danger is present as well as seal themselves off from others. This can be beneficial as long as the individual does not become too much of a recluse and inhibit their communication and interaction with others. Knowing when to retreat and when to act is an important teaching for those with this totem.
The snail creates a slime trail to travel on so it is easier to move over different surfaces and textures. They remind us to take the easiest path to reach our destination. When snail appears in your life ask yourself if you are taking a harder path than is necessary. Because snail retreats into its shell during adverse weather conditions those with this medicine have the ability to build walls around themselves and withdraw until a situation improves. Snail medicine people have clear perceptions and need to learn to honor those abilities in all situations.
Both male and female the snail can produce sperm and eggs at the same time. Because of this duality those with this totem have a tendency towards identity conflicts in their younger years. This conflict triggers issues of self esteem and confusion. Fortunately as the person gets older their male and female characteristics align and begin to work together in a complimentary way.
Most active at night or on cloudy days the snail uses all of its senses equally and simultaneously. Those with this totem often find they seldom have one intuitive gift more pronounced than another as all psychic abilities are utilized in any given situation.
The snail understands the value of slow movement and teaches us how to use that movement to our advantage. It holds the teachings of patience, perseverance and respect. It asks us to be mobile and fluidic as we move through life, always aware of how our actions or lack of them affect others. The trail we leave behind holds the history of whom and what we are. When snail enters your life your reputation is under review. Past situations come to the surface to be healed or balanced in some way. Snail asks us to "make right whatever we have wronged." In this way spiritual growth is attained.
The Snake
Snakes are fascinating creatures that deserve respect. Throughout history the snake has had many legends associated with it linking them to creation, fertility and transformation.
In Israel the snake was regarded as the earth mother and played a beneficial role in fertility. In Egypt the cobra was known for its ability to expand the upper neck into a disc shape by spreading its ribs which symbolized immortality. In Christian lore the snake is seen rising from the chalice of St. John wound around a cross sometimes portrayed with a woman's head to symbolize lust and temptation. In Eastern cultures a snake rising up through the spine represents the Kundalini, or life force being awakened.
One of snakes’ most noticeable characteristics is the regular shedding of its outer skin as it grows. Once the skin is shed, the old inner layer becomes the new outer layer and a new inner layer of skin begins to develop. Crawling out of its old skin is very significant for those with this medicine. It is a metaphor for how we shed old ways and habits as we grow into higher spiritual energy symbolizing the death and rebirth process. It is also associated with astral travel and out of body experiences.
The eyes of a snake are always open protected by immobile transparent scales. Prior to shedding its skin the snakes’ markings become obscure and the eyes appear opaque or blue. This gives it a trance like appearance as if it is looking right through you. Learning how to see into the hearts of others is part of what it teaches us. .
Snake has been a symbol of life and sexuality for thousands of years in many cultures. It is a totem of power, renewal and transmutation. Soundless in motion and invisible at rest snakes are unable to produce their own body heat. They are often seen lying in the hot mid day sun. The suns warmth coupled with the snakes’ behavior regulates their body temperature. Not relying on the energy of food to generate body heat, they can survive on meager diets for extended periods of time. Those with this totem need very little food to energize themselves. They are usually cold and prefer warmer climates. Their body temperatures are often lower than normal.
Snakes lack eardrums and external ear openings but have small bones in the head that conduct sound. They are able to hear low frequency sounds and sense vibrations that travel through the earth. This links them to the underworld where secrets are stored.
The snake symbolizes healing on a cellular level. Because their bodies are lightweight and flexible they have speed and agility. When they enter into your world expect swift changes to sweep through your life. These changes signify a death of the old and a birth into untapped power, creativity and wisdom. Snake is a powerful totem to have. Only those with a high degree of spiritual training be it past or present will be awarded this totem. It is the guardian of sacred places and the keeper of hidden knowledge.
The Spider
Many stories exist about the weaver, Grandmother Spider. She carried on her back the gift of fire in a basket that she wove and presented it to the people. In another story it is said that her web bound all things together and formed the foundation of earth...
These legends give the spider a link to the past and the future, birth and creation. When the spider crawls into our awareness it is asking us to rebuild the web of our life in accordance with the design the creator gave us.
Spiders differ from insects in having eight legs rather than six and in having the body divided into two parts rather than three. The number eight laid on its side is the symbol for infinity. The number two implies the union of two forces joined together. Together they equal ten. Drop the zero and you are back to the starting point of one. The hidden message of spider is unity. The study of numerology is beneficial for those who hold this medicine.
The construction of a web is linked to the geometry of creation. In the construction of an orb web the spider releases a sticky silken thread into the wind. If the breeze carries the thread to a spot where it sticks the first bridge is formed. Spider cautiously crosses the line reinforcing it with a second. This process continues until a frame is constructed in which the web can secure itself. Bridges serve as a link tying all things together and remind us of our interconnectedness to all life.
The spider shows us that the past, the present and the future are all interwoven. It awakens our intuitive creative senses and encourages us to design the fabric of our lives from our souls original intention. If you see a spider in its web, or creating a new one, pay attention. It symbolizes where you are in the weaving of your own destiny. A study of the medicine wheel and the four directions is helpful.
Because spiders are actually very delicate they embody the energy of gentleness. Spiders are not usually aggressive unless they are defending their lives. Moving forward in all situations with a gentle strength is a skill that often needs to be learned for those with this totem. In man, the bite of a poisonous spider symbolizes a death, rebirth process. Poison enters the nervous system and the body either transmutes it or falls victim to its venom and dies.
The spider signifies the tapestry of life. The web we weave is the reality we experience. Choosing the appropriate path is one of the lessons associated with this medicine.
The Squirrel
When you observe the squirrel in nature they are always busy. They seem to have an endless supply of energy. Seldom do you see a squirrel inactive. Focused on the task at hand, agile and quick, they are constantly preparing for the future by gathering nuts and seeds for later use. Although they are always prepared for what may come they have a tendency to forget where they store things. The forgetfulness of squirrel serves as a reminder to those with this medicine to slow down, pay attention and to stop running frantically in several directions at once.
Squirrels are sociable and communicative. They can be quite vocal both in work and play. Sometimes their continual chatter disturbs the silence, which creates an air of distraction and chaos. If you find yourself disturbed by their constant chatter the squirrel is telling you to speak clearly and effectively or to go within and be still, depending on the circumstances around your situation. Their gathering nature teaches those with this totem how to reserve energy and store things for future use. Honoring the future and readying yourself for change.
Squirrel embodies the quality of trust and is one of the few animals that will eat out of a person's hand. This symbolizes a need to let down your defenses and learn to trust more. The issue of trust can play out in all areas of a person's life from personal intimacy to trusting Great Spirit. Because the squirrel is always prepared those with this medicine must remember that they will be taken care of. Establishing trust where it is presently absent would compliment the power of this medicine.
Squirrel represents balance within the circle of gathering and giving out. If squirrel has scampered into your life pay attention to the wisdom it has to offer you. Preparedness and survival skills can be learned from this powerful totem.
The Swan
Graceful elegant birds the swan seems to glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind. Its persuasive beauty reminds us to move gently through the currents of life and not battle them.
Swans are one of the fastest fliers. During migration they fly in V formations at great heights. Their wing beats are slow but steady. This gives them the endurance needed to reach their destination quickly without tiring. Those with this totem have the same abilities and should observe, then apply, the movements of swan when pursuing goals.
The swans’ large wings embrace the sky collecting and storing knowledge from the heavens. Their white plumage reminds us of the wonder and innocence found in the purity of spirit. Their long slender necks serve as a bridge between the mundane and the extraordinary. Upon this bridge lies the wisdom for spiritual realization.
The swan mates for life. Courtship involves mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing. They are committed devoted partners. In personal relationships humans make commitments they cannot keep. By applying swans skills in our life we begin to honor what we have chosen. This in itself is a powerful lesson for those who hold this medicine. Honoring commitments increase ones personal integrity.
While feeding, swans do not dive into the water like other birds. They skim its surface dipping themselves in and out. In man, water is associated with the feminine principal of intuition and emotion. By following the lead of the swan we learn how to view our emotions without getting trapped by them. Our intuition helps us understand our feelings and the swan helps us process them efficiently.
Swans are sociable birds with a long life span. They live about 20 years in the wild and 50 years or more in captivity. The swan is a totem that teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge. When we look upon the swan it invokes a feeling of tranquility in us and reminds us to experience the beauty and magic of life.
The Tasmanian Devil
Active at night, the Tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in Australia. Animals of the night time have long been associated with magic. Within the blackness of night creatures from the underworld awaken. The underworld holds the power and the magic of shape shifting realities. Physical and non physical entities congregate together in ritualistic practices. Ritual when used appropriately can have profound benefits. Ritual used inappropriately can be disastrous. Those with this totem are often attracted to shamanistic practices as well as various forms of witchcraft. Although those with this medicine are powerful healers caution is advised. The right use of power is one of the main lessons you are learning.
The Tasmanian devil has a large powerful head with a wide jaw and sharp teeth. The head symbolizes higher consciousness and the jaw represents verbal communication. Because those with this medicine have past life ties associated with the misuse of power the devil offers you the components necessary to clear past life mistakes.
One of the most interesting features of this totem is its pointy pink ears that turn red when it is angry. This is due to an increased blood flow. Proper care of the circulatory system is essential for those with this medicine.
Found on the island state of Tasmania it lives in coastal scrub and eucalyptus forests. The devil is a solitary creature, relatively shy and prefers to live alone. They spend their days sleeping out of sight and conserve their energy by going into a state of 'stupor' where the body heat drops to match its surroundings. This ability is similar to the art of slowing down ones heart beat practiced by select yogi masters. Yoga breathing exercises can benefit those with this totem.
The Tasmanian devil is non aggressive unless fighting for food in which it will become very protective and kill other devil's if necessary. They prefer to eat dead animals and their powerful jaws help crush bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bones leaving nothing to pollute the environment. They remind us to honor and care for the earth on which we stand.
Devils are very loud especially in groups ranging in sounds from barks to snorts to screams. If the devil screams into your life ask yourself how you are using your energy? Do you have power issues that need to be addressed? If the devil quietly slips in the back door your personal power is probably being manipulated by another. The Tasmanian devil is a no nonsense totem pushing and prodding you into the right use of your personal power. Although a challenging totem to have the rewards it offers are great!
The Tiger
Tigers are magnificent animals that hold an air of independence and confidence. Solitary animals, males and females come together only during the mating season. The cubs stay with the mother into their second year partly because they are born blind. To compensate for this their inner sight is fully operational. This is symbolic for those with this medicine. Children born into this medicine are natural clairvoyants and prophets.
Mysticism and mythology surround this animal. The Chinese believe that the tigers head often carries the Chinese "mark of Wang," or king, on its forehead. This is can be seen within the patterns of its fur. One vertical line with three horizontal ones passing through it. Because of this Tiger is one of the 12 signs of Chinese astrology.
Muscular, powerful and agile the tiger can travel great distances in search of food. The distance they cover depends on how much prey there is to eat. The less prey the further their territory extends. Walking on their toes with the back part of the foot raised tigers stalk their prey or lie and wait and then spring unexpectedly on them. Tigers are nocturnal hunters and hold the teachings of focus, patience and surprise.
Tigers are also known for their healing properties. Their body parts are sought for use in traditional Chinese medicine and exotic herbal remedies. Their orange gold coloring symbolizes vitality and regeneration. Those with this medicine heal quickly.
The tiger’s sight, smell and hearing is excellent. They have round pupils and yellow irises, except for the blue eyes of the white tiger. Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of the tiger is six times better than that of humans. Tiger teaches us how to see into the world of the extraordinary.
Those with this medicine have a strong sensitivity to touch and make excellent body workers. Creating sacred space where others cannot enter, spending time alone in order to gather the energy required to move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous for those with this totem. When tiger appears get ready for adventure, challenge and change. The power, passion and vitality of tiger will activate the same components within yourself.
The Tortoise
The tortoise is a land bound creature and is exclusively terrestrial. In myth and folklore the tortoise represents determination and longevity. Tortoises have high domed shells and heavy elephant like hind legs. The weight of its shell keeps it from moving too fast. The heaviness of its hind legs gives it the strength to carry heavy loads. Those with this totem often carry the loads of others as well as the burdens of self. They make good therapists but must be careful not to take on the problems of other people.
One of the most ancient and adaptable creatures, the tortoise holds the energy of patience and perseverance. They are very sensitive to the environment in which they live and have a strong psychic connection to mother earth. Extreme changes in climatic conditions can affect their overall disposition. Tortoise medicine people need a stable environment for their overall well being. Without this stability they are prone to mood swings.
The tortoise feels vibrations within the earth and reacts strongly to them. By observing the tortoise's behavior we are forewarned of any imbalances within the earth's core before an actual change occurs. This helps us prepare for geophysical changes in a balanced way.
The tortoise is self-reliant and self determined. Its ability to survive for as long as it has is partly due to its talent to stay focused. When this medicine is fully developed within us we use these gifts efficiently. If this medicine is underdeveloped staying centered in spite of the constant distractions that appear in our day-to-day life will be our greatest challenge.
Tortoises are vegetarians and are very terrestrial. Those with this totem can benefit from a similar diet and often place a great deal of importance on a stable home environment. The tortoise carries their home on their backs and reminds us that although stability in our life is important true stability lies within ourselves.
Moving slowly through life the tortoise observes and processes everything efficiently. This movement compliments its inner wisdom. When the tortoise shuffles into your life it is ready to share that wisdom with you. All you need to do is slow down, pay attention and begin to move with patient persistence. In this way longevity, inner strength and a harmonious lifestyle are attained.
The Toucan
The toucan is a large billed bird of the tropics. Their thick bills can be up to a third of the length of their body. It is saw edged and distinctively colored. Most toucans have similar body patterns, mainly black with a bold breast color. The bill is believed to have a frightening effect on other birds, including hawks.
Although it is rare for both the hawk and the toucan to fly into your life simultaneously, it can happen. If it does ask yourself why you are frightened of the message spirit has for you.
In feeding the toucan will juggle pieces of fruit in its bill and then abruptly toss the head back before swallowing. Its theatrical movements and strong presence suggest natural talent in the acting field for those with this medicine. Its wings are short and rounded and the tail is usually long.
The characteristics of this bird have strong significance. The large colorful bill is an attention getter. Those with this totem are often colorful speakers. They have a good command of language and can use words to their advantage. They know what to say and when to say it.
On the other hand, sharp-tongued individuals will need to tone down their speech and those that have difficulty expressing themselves will need to speak up. Words have a great impact on us and care needs to be taken when we communicate. Toucan medicine people are either heard loud and clear or completely misunderstood. Balancing these extremes can be a constant challenge in their life.
Toucans are somewhat gregarious, tending to roost high in tree holes. They are one of the noisiest birds in the forest. Their repertoire of sounds includes loud barks, bugling calls and harsh croaks. Those with this medicine would benefit from sound therapies of any kind.
Because the toucan represents speech and its proper application, those with this medicine need to pay attention to how their words affect another. When the toucan flies into your life ask yourself the following questions. Are you are using your gift of communication in a constructive way? Are you saying things you shouldn't? Are you speaking without thinking first? Are you keeping quiet when you should be expressing yourself?
Toucans can be a bit unpredictable. They do what they want, when they want to. This trait can be both a blessing and a curse for those with this medicine. Appropriate action, proper speech and a strong sense of self are the teachings this bird holds.
The Turkey
Wild turkeys are opportunistic feeders with broad tastes. They eat nuts, berries green foliage, grasshoppers, lizards, salamanders and more. The turkey can fly powerfully for short distances but has difficulty maintaining that power in longer stretches. For those with this totem it is important to learn how to channel their energy in a balanced way. Quick bursts of energy can lead to undesirable results. A person can tire quickly and have no energy left for other activities. Tai Chi or other forms of martial arts would be beneficial. In addition, variety in diet is advised for optimum health.
Female turkeys lay an average of 12 eggs. One plus two equals three. Three is the number of reoccurrence and those with this medicine often have reoccurring themes or situations to deal with in life.
The medicine power of the turkey is renewal. To the native peoples, the turkey was a sacred bird because of the abundance of them and because of their good tasting meat. Wild turkeys were an abundant food source for the early European refugees, as well as the native peoples. But uncontrolled hunting virtually wiped them out in several central and northeastern states. When reintroduced, they renewed their populations very rapidly, growing too many thousands. If turkey has gobbled its way into your life, its message may be that you need to cultivate and care for those renewable resources that benefit your life.
Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were taken for granted. Those with this totem need to remember that nothing is an endless resource if it is not honored and nurtured. Remember to ask yourself if you are relying on something in your life that you always expect to be there, but are taking no steps to treat in a sacred way? This can pertain to a human partner as well as a resource. If so, learn from the turkey and realize that everything has limits.
The Turtle
The turtle is a creature of the water. Because of its great age and its slow metabolism the turtle is associated with longevity. Turtle medicine can teach new perceptions about time and our relationship to it. It can also help us grow old gracefully and in harmony with our environment. When the pace of life becomes too hectic the turtle shows us how to slow down and go with the flow.
Turtles have amazing survival skills and strategies. They sense vibrations in the water through their skin and shell. Turtle totems hold the mystery of awakening the senses on both the physical and spiritual levels and can stimulate clairaudience.
Turtles carry their homes on their back. The shell is actually the backbone and ribs of the turtle and serves as home and shelter for it. Those with this medicine should remember not to acquire more possessions then they actually need. The burden of responsibility can become a heavy weight for you to carry.
When turtle is flipped on its back it uses its strong neck to right itself. This can be a reminder to use your own head and inner knowledge to right yourself when your world gets topsy-turvy.
All turtles must come ashore to lay their eggs and they are usually buried. When the eggs hatch they make their way to the water. The link between water and land especially for the purpose of reproduction has great significance.
When turtle shows up in your life, it is time to get connected to your most primal essence. Go within your shell and come out when your ideas are ready to be expressed. The turtle cannot separate itself from its shell and we cannot separate ourselves from what we do to the earth. The way to heaven is through the earth and both are interconnected.
The Vulture
The vulture is a member of the raptor family. They feed exclusively on carrion and perform a very useful function by disposing of potential sources of disease. The Pueblo Indians saw the vulture as a sign of purification and the Greeks considered it to be a symbol of transformation. As old decayed flesh was removed new life emerged. These amazing birds are vital for the health and well being of mankind and all other life forms.
The Andean Condor is the largest of the vultures with a wingspan of up to 12 feet. In North America, the Turkey Vulture is the most common. The California Condor however is now on the verge of extinction. It once had a range from British Columbia to Florida but has now been reduced to about 60 individuals. Some native tribes believe that this reduction is the cause behind the increased number of diseases and viruses of unknown origins now affecting mother earth.
Vultures are adaptable and have a keen sense of smell which they use to locate food. Because the vulture has weak feet and short talons they cannot tear or grasp their prey as other birds do and must rely on the remains of another’s kill for their food source. Their trust in the creative force to provide for them is unshakable. This trust is one of the main teachings they offer those that hold this medicine.
Although the vulture is a somewhat homely bird in appearance they are magnificent in flight gliding through the heavens with a grace unsurpassed by most other birds. They ride the thermals and wind borne currents with little effort soaring for hours without flapping their wings. They know how to use what is available to them to the fullest extent and teach us how to be resourceful and innovative with what we have.
When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem can accomplish great things in life. Resourceful and patient they have the ability to stay focused on their goal despite influences that try to distract them. They have the ability to initiate the pure force of spirit into every thought they have and every action they perform.
Many people don't like vultures because of an impression that, since they feed off carrion, they must be unclean birds. The truth is that vultures are actually quite clean, and they perform the valuable service of eliminating the remains of decaying animals. This is one of the gifts the vulture holds for us, the cleaning up of messes. Many times we create physical and psychic messes that we don't want to deal with. The vulture can guide us to the efficient and joyful resolution of such problems. If vulture has flown into your life you are being asked to remedy a messy situation and turn it into something positive.
If however, messes seem somehow to always be around you; eventually you will end up with a reputation for attracting and creating problems. This can put you in a bad light, like the vulture. Learn from vultures’ example and clean up your act to avoid getting an unfavorable reputation.
The Walrus
The walrus is awkward and slow moving on land but very graceful in the water. They have long been a major resource of the Inuit who use their hides for coverings, and their bones and tusks for weapons. Walrus seek out physical contact with other walruses. This helps walruses retain there body heat rather than lose it to the external environment. Physical contact is also indicative of their gregarious nature. The two types of walrus, Pacific and Atlantic migrate in the spring and fall following the food. The ice flows advance and retreat tells the walrus when its time to migrate.Related to seals and sea lions the walrus has air sacs under their throats that they can fill like flotation bubbles. This allows them to bob vertically with their head above the water as they sleep giving them the advantage of keeping an eye on their surroundings at all times. Walrus are often thought of as the "watch dogs" of the water and teach us how to pay attention to the signs and signals within our environment. Information comes to us in various ways and the walrus is a master at understanding what one's surroundings are trying to convey. The walrus teaches us how to connect with mother earth, heed her warnings and to hear what she is saying!Walrus have a special strategy for digging up clams by squirting high-powered jets of water out their mouths and under the clams until they break free. This unique ability reflects their ingenuity and survival skills. Another interesting feature about the walrus is the way in which it changes color. It appears pale, almost white, while in the water for sustained periods of time. They turn a pinkish color in warm weather when tiny blood vessels in the skin dilate and circulation increases. Newborn calves are gray to brown in color. The changing color of the walrus reflects its ability to flow into ever changing realities without difficulty. Their thick skin and layers of fat help them keep warm in freezing conditions. They teach us how to protect ourselves from the physical cold as well as chilling emotions like despair or anger. The walrus teaches us how to keep the cold from creeping into our hearts and help us move through the rough emotional waters of life with ease.
The Wasp
The wasp has strong jaws and two pairs of transparent wings. Many females have a stinger at the tip of their abdomen. There are over 2000 different species of wasps alive today some of which have complex social structures. Like all insects, wasps have a hard exterior skeleton, six jointed legs and two jointed antennae. Their complex nests with many six sided cells are made with a type of paper that they make by chewing wood and plant fibers. Because of the wasp’s intricate framework as well as their connection to numbers and angles they are said to hold the secrets of sacred geometry. Those with this medicine would benefit by studying this ancient art.Most wasp species are solitary. Unlike bees, which are hive oriented, the wasp is independent and prefers to work on their own rather than in a group. Solitary wasps have little patience and will attack whatever task they are performing with a vengeance. Those with this medicine are independent thinkers and have difficulty relating to authority figures. They always do things in their own way. Individuals that hold solitary wasp medicine often receive recognition as the frontrunners of new trends or ideas later in life.Some wasps however, live in colonies and work together. These are called social wasps. They are divided into three classes: Queens, workers and males. Because wasps can be either independent or social, those with this totem often display two different yet distinct personalities, aggressive or communal. Personality shifts can create chaos for those in relationships with wasp medicine people. All wasps undergo a complete metamorphosis that contributes to the challenges of communication. Just when you think you know the person, they change and become someone else. All wasps are beneficial in some way or another. Some are pollinators while some are parasites of other nuisance insects such as caterpillars and aphids. Their diversity depends on the particular species. The wasp teaches those with this medicine how to use diversity to their advantage. Balancing all aspects of the various species is an art in itself and can take a lifetime to accomplish. By observing the wasp we can learn how to shape shift our outer image and become more connected to our inner knowing.
The Wattlebird
The Wattlebird is found in Australia, New Zealand and the South West Pacific. This bird is named after its distinctive fleshy growths hanging from its neck or throat that are on each side of its face. These growths give this bird a distinct look, which sets them apart from other birds. Those with this medicine are often attracted to things with an unusual or unique flare.The red wattle is the largest of the wattle bird family. This family includes the yellow, the brush, the wattled honeyeater and the little wattle. Wattle birds can be aggressive and although they are delightful songsters they have been known to stand their ground and frighten other birds from their feeding places by producing low harsh sounds. Excellent mimics they know how to use their voices appropriately in any situation. Similar to a ventriloquist, the wattle has an uncanny ability to throw its voice tricking us into thinking that it is either closer or farther away then we had thought. The wattle is a shaman in disguise and can teach us the proper use of sound. Since sound will either enhance ones life or destroy it those with this totem need to be very careful how they use their voice. Past life connections involving the misuse of sound are common. Wattlebirds are honey eaters and although they vary greatly in body and bill form they all have a highly developed brush tipped tongue with a horny pointed tip that is adapted for nectar and insect feeding. They are important pollinators and play a great role in keeping the Eco system in tact. Most are species of treetops and flowering branches. They have also been observed hoping around and underneath trees collecting insects when nectar-bearing flowers are not available. This gregarious bird is a powerful ally to have. It teaches us how to utilize every situation to our advantage as we sing our truth and honor our individual uniqueness.
The Wild Boar
The wild boar is one of the most fearless, aggressive and ferocious fighters of the animal kingdom. They hold the teachings of courage, assertiveness and protection. Since the boar is fearless many ancient cultures believe the boar holds magical healing powers. If fear is absent good health prevails. These fascinating creatures are deeply connected to the energies of the earth and all it holds. They are often seen rooting and foraging in the undergrowth of plants and trees and show us how to efficiently uncover things that lie beneath the surface. People with this medicine are continually asked to stand up, have faith and move forward without fear. Once fear is overcome life is experienced in a new and more joyous manner. The boar asks us to look at our fear face on and choose to let it go. If we allow this animal to guide our footsteps fear becomes a distant memory rather than a present reality. Although boars have poor eyesight their excellent hearing and sense of smell helps them remain alert and ready for anything. Boars are extremely aware of everything around them even when they appear to be totally oblivious to their surroundings. Whenever a boar enters into our life it is asking us to fine tune our senses and pay attention to what’s around us. If something is amiss boar asks us to correct it “now.” Order and efficiency in all we do is a main part of boar medicine. Very vocal and communicate with others through a series of grunts and squeals the boar demands attention and gets it. For example, when frightened or alarmed they blow loudly through their nose creating a snorting sound. When hurt they squeal and when content they ’rumble’ quietly. They show us how to use our voice to communicate our needs.Boar teaches us to use all of our senses efficiently and effectively. It assists us in strengthening and developing our character and the quality of our lives. Boar initiates transformation and self-discovery through pushing and prodding us into change. This is a powerful totem to have but not an easy one to work with. Those with this totem would be wise to follow boar’s lead without resistance. The more you resist the more wild boar will challenge you.
The Wolf
When a lone wolf is spotted in the wilderness it embodies the energy of freedom. When seen in a pack it embodies a sense of community. If wolf appears to you alone or in a pack it is asking you to acquire the same within your own life. In spite of their negative press wolves are actually friendly, social and highly intelligent.
The wolf's senses are highly developed. Their intelligence is marked with excellent hearing, sense of smell and strong feeling. They are determined as well as cunning and use these skills for the benefit of the pack. The howl of the wolf is primal and penetrating. They howl to find other pack members or to let wolves from outside of the pack know their territory boundaries. If you hear a wolf howl it might be telling you to stand your ground and defend your boundaries.
Wolf teaches you to have a balance between the needs your family has of you and the needs you have for yourself. They are totally loyal to the pack but do not give up their identity to the pack. If wolf appears in your life you are being asked to look at where you are being too dependent and where you may be too independent. In both family and community there needs to be a balance.
Wolves convey much with their bodies. If they are angry, they may stick their ears straight up and bare their teeth. A wolf who is suspicious pulls its ears back and squints. Fear is often shown by flattening the ears against the head. A wolf who wants to play dances and bows playfully. Their body language is symbolic for those with this medicine. Man also uses body language to convey messages. The study of this art can increase perception in those with this totem.
Wolves hunt in packs, relying on endurance to run down weak and older animals. They have been known to run 35 miles a day in pursuit. They are the epitome of stamina and strength. With an extremely well developed societal organization, they act together to hunt and raise their young. They do not fight unnecessarily and often go out of their way to avoid fighting. Sometimes a growl, a glance, a posture is all that is necessary to determine dominance. Wolf teaches those with this medicine to know who you are and to develop strength and confidence in what you do.
The Wolverine
The wolverine is known for its great ferocity and extraordinary strength. Indian mythology describes the wolverine as a trickster hero, a link between the material world and the spirit world. In ancient mythology the energy of a trickster is linked to the underworld where the secrets of creation live.
Baby wolverines are born blind and weigh less than one pound. This prompts all their other sensory organs to awaken quickly, their sense of smell, feeling and inner sight are heightened at an early age. Small yet insightful, the new born wolverine acknowledges and responds to all its intuitive senses from the moment of birth. They respond to life and the challenges it holds with clarity, focus and persistence giving them a deeper understanding of personal power. Those with this medicine should ask themselves if their personal power is serving them appropriately. Learning how to utilize personal power in a balanced way is one of the teachings the wolverine holds.
The wolverine’s crafty cunning nature coupled with their perseverance and focus keeps them aligned with the energies of creation. This alignment serves them in many ways. They know when to act, when to retreat, how to respond to any situation and how to become invisible. All of these abilities inherent in the wolverine are also inherent in those who hold this medicine. Wolverines are masters at shape shifting their reality to benefit them in some way and can teach us how to do the same. Shamanic studies is helpful for those who have this totem.
Wolverines are excellent scavengers although not the best hunters. They are very resourceful and know how to make do with whatever is available. They turn trash into treasure and teach us how to do the same. Alaskan natives consider the wolverine to by a symbol of the wilderness, a survivor of the elements. Its fur is commonly used for parka trim and hoods because of its durability. The guard hairs of the wolverine fur resist frost accumulation helping people survive in extreme cold weather.
Solitary creatures with tremendous physical endurance the wolverine can travel up to 40 miles a day in search of food. Because of their great strength and endurance wolverines have become the center of folklore, although its fierce reputation has been exaggerated. They rarely attack any predator larger than itself and only attack when food is needed. They show us how to go the distance and acquire that which we seek.
When this medicine is fully developed in humans the capability to survive in any situation is common. If underdeveloped challenges regarding survival are common. Because the wolverine is a shape shifter the art of survival doesn't just represent the physical realm. It also indicates the challenges associated with mental clarity, emotional balance and spiritual understanding.
The wolverine is a master teacher and embodies a variety of skills. When it appears in your life it is asking you to take a serious look at your self and your life, change anything that does not serve and utilize your personal power for the good of self and others.
The Wombat
There are three types of wombats. The common wombat, the southern hairy nosed and the northern hairy nosed wombat. All are found in Australia. Wombats have long claws adapted for digging. They live in burrows and feed at night on grasses and other plants. They teach us how to dig beneath the surface to acquire the resources needed for change.
Like the beaver the wombat’s incisor teeth are of continuous growth. They eat frequently to keep these teeth from becoming too large. Proper dental hygiene is important for those with this medicine. Over consumption of food can cause health problems in humans so a balanced diet is advised.
Strong and heavily built, with short powerful legs and strong claws the wombat holds the teachings of stability and foundation. They stand their ground in most all situations and are not easily intimidated. Industrious, determined and very smart they have a large brain and know how to use it. These traits are inherent in wombat medicine people yet not always active. Wombat asks you to wake up and use the gifts that are your birth right. Use your will constructively and don't be too pushy in your determination to achieve.
Wombats are frolicsome and will play with what seems like inexhaustible energy. They are also quite fast when they need to be. Their small ears hear sounds unknown to humans and their small eyes can see what lies between the spaces. This indicates that their psychic vision and psychic hearing are fully developed. Those with this totem often find themselves in situations where their psychic skills are tested, criticized, ignored or praised. They are reminded to honor their truth and not be intimidated by others.
Wombat reminds us to play on the road to enlightenment. It teaches us how to dig beneath the surface and use our will to attain our goals. When the wombat appears it is time to reach out and grab what is rightfully yours.
The Woodcock
The woodcock is a member of the sandpiper family. It is often found in wooded areas crouched among dead leaves well camouflaged by its brown mottled plumage. The woodcock has the uncanny ability to remain motionless until disturbed and then takes off in an explosive movement. It holds the element of surprise and teaches us to pay attention to the proper use of timing in our lives. One of the lessons associated with timing is to develop patience.
Because the woodcocks eyes are set father back on its head than other birds it has a 360 degree field of vision. Its ears are located below rather than behind the eye sockets. Those with this medicine are natural born visionaries and see things in an expanded way. They intuitively understand the deeper reasons of a situation and make excellent counselors and therapists. If this medicine is underdeveloped a know it all attitude can develop and caution is advised to avoid this.
A solitary bird most active at dusk the woodcock lives chiefly on earthworms. It attracts worms to the surface by drumming with its feet and then extracts them from the ground with its long sensitive bill which opens at the tip like a forcep. This feeding habit makes it necessary for the woodcock to migrate. They leave an area as soon as the ground starts to freeze. Drumming is linked to shamanism and the study of this art is beneficial. The tendency to wander through life without putting down roots can present challenges to those with this medicine especially in the area of relationships. More spontaneity and less structure incorporated into a relationship can produce a harmonious outcome.
The woodcock nests in early spring. Its wings are rounded and the outermost wing feathers are attenuated to produce vibratory sounds during flight. The male’s aerial song, a sweet varied whistling accompanies its courtship displays which are exquisitely graceful. Its spiraling flight upward 200 to 300 feet is followed by a fluttering drop back to the starting point. Vocal expression in the form of chanting or singing is recommended for those with this totem.
The woodcock uses all of its senses to the fullest. It responds to what it hears, sees and feels and asks us to do the same. Skillful and intelligent this little bird can show us how to awaken and refine our inner and outer worlds. All we need to do is pay attention and then act accordingly.
The Woodpecker
There are about 180 species of woodpeckers in the world. Most spend their entire lives in trees. Woodpeckers are climbers. They climb by propping their stiff pointed tail feathers against a support while shifting its leg hold. With its body close to the trunk or branch and its head bobbing, the bird hitches upwards, back down spiraling and nimbly darts sideways at incredible speeds. Because of their speed predators have difficulty catching them.
Their flight patterns are unique. Woodpeckers fly up, coast down then fly upwards again. Those with this totem often find that their path in life won’t always conform to society's standards and that their personal unique rhythm needs to be honored. Woodpeckers teach us to honor our personal truth and move through life with perseverance and inner strength. By staying grounded in our pursuits our goals can be obtained.
Woodpeckers are opportunists. They know when to fly out from a perch to catch insects in the air or on the ground. Their barbed tongues and strong chiseled beaks symbolize life lessons associated with discernment and proper use of speech for those with this totem.
In spring the loud calls of woodpeckers often augmented by drumming on hollow wood are the sounds of males holding territories. Woodpeckers defend their territory aggressively. Those with this medicine need to be in control of their personal environment and will not tolerate others trying to change it. Although personal space is very important for woodpecker medicine people control issues can sometimes be a problem and flexibility needs to be learned.
The woodpecker is known as the Earths drummer. Drumming is the heartbeat of mother earth and is associated with shamanism and the ability to move into other dimensions at will. For those with this totem the woodpecker represents self discovery. As they peck into and through trees and dead wood, hidden layers of ones psyche are revealed. Those with this medicine are good analysts and have strong mental capabilities. They make excellent psychiatrists and psychologists. Woodpeckers are active birds so caution is advised to maintain balance when reviewing any situation or issue. Too much analyzing can result in procrastination.
The Zebra
Zebras are members of the horse family. They live in small family groups consisting of a stallion and several mares with their foals. They are noted for mixing with antelope herds which offer the Antelopes protection from predators because of the zebras alertness. Those with this medicine often take on the role of a kind hearted protector of friends and family. They are excellent therapists and serve others with genuine compassion.
Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern similar to a persons fingerprint. This gives the zebra an individual identity. For those with this totem maintaining ones individuality while harmoniously interacting socially and personally is one of the messages it carries. Compromise in personal relationships can be challenging. Zebras enjoy challenge because they know that all challenges are opportunities for growth.
Questioning reality as well as illusion is common for zebra medicine people. An over analyzing intellect can be a problem for some with this totem. For others the imagination needs to be awakened. The zebras stripped patterns of black on white or white on black suggests that what you see is not always what you get. Occult knowledge both seen and unseen, dimensional shifts, new journeys and worldly endeavors are all part of its medicine.
Zebras are master magicians using the energy of light and dark to shift realities and expand a persons consciousness. They help us look beyond our preconceived ideas as they guide us into the mystery and magic of the unseen. Seeking balance in all that they do the zebra is surefooted as it stands with confidence in the middle of opposing forces and teaches those with this totem similar skills.
When the zebra appears it indicates a time of change in one or more areas of our life. Hidden knowledge is about to be revealed. It asks us to stand strong, develop trust and flow with the rhythm of a new creation.
Some excerpts about the animals are quoted from Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speaks, thank you Ted,
Below you will find information on Animal totems and types of animal totems followed by links to a questionnaire to assist you in discovering your animal totems and more about animal totem medicine.
About Animal Totems
In earlier days we understood that we were simply a part of the earth. We knew we were only one small part. Now many think humans are the greatest and most important part. But still, we are only a part of the earth, only a part of nature, only a child of Mother, only a part of Spirit. We used to know respect of Nature and killed only what we ate and used only the skins of what we killed and ate. We did not waste life nor disrespect spirits but honored and thanked them for providing us with life, nourishment, and comfort. In earlier days we gave recognition to the power of the animal spirits by wearing skins, masks, mimicking, singing praise, and prayers to specific animals. We painted the animals on our homes, caves, death chambers, and asked the Spirit to guide us to the animal that we consumed and bless the spirit of the animal we kill for we are a predator in the part of Nature and we honored the spirit of our prey. These acts allowed us to remain linked to the animal guides and to accept the power they offer us in lessons, in life, and in death. It reminded us that all animals, were our sisters, brothers, and cousins and most importantly our teachers and our friends. It reminded us that we too are animals with spirit.
The Natural Power of animal totems has not been lost. They still hold the power and the knowledge we can use. Only we must remember how to be One with Nature and all that is, has been, and will be. Cultures of the past understood the connections. We must not lose this connection now that we are 'cultured'. For what was will always be and all those cultures could not have been wrong. There is a reason that Spirit has put all of us together, has given us so many healing stones, and has given us medicine, for the body and the spirit. We are all one. Using Animal Totems will allow you to see and love the earth better, to know life better, to know yourself better, and to commune better with Mother and Spirit. You can be healthier and happier physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in understanding and honoring your animal totems.
Animals come to us because they have a lesson we need to learn a power they are willing to share with a friend. They seek to give us a gift of understanding, universal love, energy, and knowledge (ULEK). In general, animals remind us that we are part of the earth; that each creature has a place; that each creature has a skill of its own; that we have instincts given to us from Mother, wisdom born to us that we must awaken. The Animal Totem that comes to you offers you power and wisdom if you will learn to communicate with it, with respect, trust, and understanding. Developing a relationship with a live animal totem takes time, practice, patience and could be very dangerous. Having an animal totem does not mean that you are to pet the animal or even be with it physically. Having an animal totem means that you have lessons to learn and a powerful spiritual friend.
Each animal has its own special power and message, for each animal has a powerful spirit and an inherent skill. Animal Spirits choose a person to be a companion to, a friend to, not the other way around. You can not think, 'gee a bear is cute or powerful and I like what it represents so the Bear will be my Animal Totem'. No, the animal will choose you and make itself known to you. You will only need to pay attention to discover what your totems are. After you define the types of animal totems you can go to a questionnaire to learn what animals are your totems.
Mistakenly people often think of animals as non-spiritual, uncultured, and less intelligent than humans. Some people do not even think animals have Spirit. Not so - an animal is close to Spirit, is Spirit because they have never been taught differently. They know the truth of ULEK for they are ULEK. Animals are wondrous happy creatures - think of these things to remind you....
Could you, for your whole life without tools or weapons, even survive in the wild?
Could you weave a bird's nest or spider's web?
Could you catch a fish with your hands?
Would you know how to migrate without a compass? Or even when it was time to migrate?
Can you carry things ten times your own body weight?
Do you know what you can and can't eat in the wild?
Can you go through life happy like animals do?
Can you experience the moment like an animal does?
Could you get along with five to twenty other beings for your entire life and remain in the herd?
Could you for hours simply resting and in contemplate (meditate perhaps, perhaps talk directly with Spirit)?
Do you take hours a day to just be with your family and to simply play and hug like most mammals?
Types of Animal Totems
When discovering totems you must first understand if the totem is a Life Totem, A Journey Totem, Shadow Totem, or a Message Totem. All totems are powerful but the meaning that the totem brings will vary on your action depending on what type of totem has come to you.
Your Life Long Animal Totem works with you throughout your entire life or until such time that you no longer need that animal totem. It is always there when you need its powers. Always reminding you of your power and connectivity. You may have only one or a few Life totems. They may become your Life totem at any time. But the primary Life Totem will be our focus at this time. The messages that your Life Totem brings are a hard reminder from Mother. Your Life Totem is always there for you and generally reflects your inner spiritual nature. Many call your Life Long animal totem your Spirit totem. For example if your Life Totem was a Penguin you would be a person who should be very spiritual since the penguin moves better in water (the symbol of the astral plane - which is were we go when we dream) than it does on land. Being able to leap out of the water (up to six feet) represents the ability of out of body experiences. It is also important to understand which type of penguin is your animal totem since some have additional characteristics that are important to consider, like most penguins life in tropical conditions not arctic ones.
A Journey Animal Totem reflects a period of time. Not just a day but weeks, months, or maybe year s- the time it takes you to walk the path that the Animal Totem is reminding or guiding you on. During this journey you will find that this animal is always showing up in your life or that several animal totems will appear in your life all to guide you on the path. When you find one, two or three animals all of a sudden making an appearance and their nature all has the same basis then you have found the basis of your path. The difference between the Journey Animal Totem and the Message Animal Totem is a period of time. A Message animal Totem will bring itself to you quickly and impartially where a Journey Animal Totem will slip in and out of your life over the course of a period. Looking into the cycle of the animal also can give insight to the length of the journey.
A Message Animal Totem usually is bringing you a self growth, spiritual message, or a cautionary warning. It is often a wake up call or slap in the face. It will usually be a very unusual experience making it very powerful at that time and very impartial. A Message Totem is a brief period of time, a day, a week, and occasionally as much as a couple of months but can be immediate for just a few hours. Sometimes a Message totem is not bringing you a message but causing a delay in your life. This delay, such as when you are trying to leave to go somewhere, is often in assistance for you; to be sure you are not in a place at a certain time so that you avoid an accident or can catch a phone call or meet someone you are supposed to run into.
A Shadow Animal Totem are those totems that test us. They have great power for us but will put us through tests before they will let their power work with and for us, instead of against us. In all of nature there is prey and predator. In the spiritual or Shadow World there is the same. A Shadow Animal Totem is one that initially you fear. The Shadow Totem often represents inner fears that you must overcome. You may have even been attracted by the animal; a very vivid test to see if you are ready to accept the power of the animal totem. Until you face the fears of the Shadow Animal Totem it's powers will work against you, not letting you soar high. When you overcome the fear of the Shadow Animal Totem you bring it into the Light World as a Spirit animal totem and they become one of your most powerful Animal Totems. Your goal with a Shadow Totem is to learn the lessons and incorporate that animal into your life. If you are scared by something over and over then you still have not accepted the lesson that animal has for you.
Totem Medicine includes tapes and services by Holding Rainbow Warrior Woman."Your Totem" section gives you questions to answer so that you may know your totem.
Each of us have animals totems or spirits guiding us, teaching us, and protecting us.
The Nine Totems
Each person has nine animal totems that walk through life with them, teaching and guiding them.These animals are found in 7 directions around your spirit:East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.The last two animals are walking beside you at all times;your Right Side (male) and your Left Side (feminine).They are your protectors.
The East totem guides you through spiritual challenges.It guards your path to illumination.
The South totem protects the child within and reminds you when to be humble and when to trust. It also helps heal your inner child.
The West totem leads on your path to personal truths and inner answers.It shows you the path to your goals.
The North totem gives wise counsel and when to speak and when to listen.It also reminds you to be grateful for each blessing each day.
The Above totem is the guardian of the Dreamtimeand gives you access to other realms and dimensions.
The Below totem shows you how to stay on your life path and how to stay grounded to Mother Earth.
The Within totem in the protector of your sacred space.It teaches you how to find your life's joy.
The Right totem protects your Male sideand it is your Father protector. This animal carries your courage and warrior spirit.
The Left totem protects your Female sideand teaches you how to nurture yourself and about relationships and mothering.
Special Helpers and Protectors
There are also animal totems which appear when you need them and stay for only the time necessary. These are helper totems. These totems have certain characteristics that you need at that time in your life or when you are ready for the lesson that they can teach you. They flow in and out of your life as they are needed.You can also have protector totems that stay with you for either a short period of time or for many lifetimes,depending on your immediate needsand also on the challenges that you will need to face in this lifetime.These totems protect you from harm from negative influences and entities.
Your Personal Animal Totem Reading
Using the Animal Medicine Card Deck as a basis only, I will be happy to read your Nine Totemsplus any Special Protectors and/or Helpers that might be around you.I added different cards to the deck from other totems that are not Native American,such as Celtic totems, Fantasy totems, and others suggested by past readings. I connect to your totems through my guides, and then I dowse with a crystal pendulum for the correct Totem cards and their placement. I do not need a physical connection to you because my guides make a spiritual connection.
If you think you know one or more of your totems, even if it is not listed below,please email me and I will check if that animal is one of your totems when I do your reading.If the totem is not on my site, I will research it, add to my site and my Totem card deck.
At this time, I do not give telephone or in person readings.
Click here for Payment Instructions
Click here for my hand-made Animal Totem Jewelry
Understanding and Using your Personal Totems
Once you know your own totems, you must learn how to use themand learn how they fit into your life. Some of them are easier than others to connect with. For example, Grouse will come to you in dance and drumming.Others you have to work at.
As an example, let's look at several of my own totems.
I have a Mouse totem in the East which is Spiritual Challenges.I want everything fast and quick, without study or preparation.But Mouse slows me down, makes me detail oriented -- makesme study and prepare for the challenges I have in my life.
I have Bear in the Below placement and I use this totem oftento ground myself. When I need to ground before an eventor my energy is just scattered all over the place, I imagine myself withhuge, heavy bear paws digging into Mother Earth and ground myself with them.
Turkey is in the North and I had a lot of problems with this totem.Like some of you, I had preconceived notions about what my totems wereand a weak, silly Turkey was not one of them.But as I began to study Turkey and understand what it represented,I realized what a wonderful totem it was and how lucky I was to have it."Through giving to others will you reach your own goals."That one sentence changed my life and it is reason for the existence of this site.
I have Otter as my Within totem. The Power of Woman.I love being a woman. And that just about says it all. I am truly an Otter.
I have Wolf walking on the Right.Wolf gives me the courage to see myself as I truly am. To face my fears.To learn about my inner self -- and to accept what I learn.I have learned much from Wolf and from all of my totems.
So be open-minded and check out the totems before you dismiss them.I remember being amazed, when I did the research, that Snail was one of the coolest totems of all.A lowly Snail.
Think about it....
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
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