Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Frugal Headache Remedy
by Pat VerettoYour Guide to Frugal Living
Ever have a headache? Even the best of us do at times, from stress or overexertion or who knows why?
If you don't like to take pills or medicines, (or don't like to pay for them) apple cider vinegar may be all you need to relieve it. Remember Jack and Jill, who went up the hill for water? And Jack fell down, broke his crown and mended it with vinegar and brown paper. Brown paper (brown paper bag style) soaked in apple cider vinegar and put across the forehead can often stop a headache within a few minutes.
We've been taught that things like these are old wives tales, but the fact is that brown paper soaked in vinegar CAN stop a headache.
Not only a "fall down" kind of headache, but a hangover kind of headache, as well as a headache brought on by allergies or viral infections can often be stopped by breathing the fumes of vinegar. Put equal parts of vinegar into hot or simmering water and carefully breathe the fumes. Don't put your head so close that the fumes make your nose, throat or chest hurt, but be sure to breathe it in.
The reason is not quite clear, but when people have headaches, their urine is more alkaline than normal, so it's assumed that the ph balance is out of whack, and vinegar supplies the acid to rebalance the system. Just why fumes work better than imbibing, no one seems to know.
With viral infections or allergies that cause mucous to thicken, the acidic fumes of vinegar work the same way that menthol does, with a mild irritation causing release of liquid and thinning mucous so that you can breathe. That's why sinus headaches respond well to vinegar.
If you suffer from migraine headaches, preventing them is the key. Again, no one seems to know just why it works, but from testimonies around the world, drinking a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar along with a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water twice a day, will stop migraines from developing.
Note: Apple cider vinegar is the only vinegar with these properties and un-pasteurized vinegar is best. Un-pasteurized is more expensive, but for a medicine, it's still cheap. You don't have to use it for everything as cheap, pasteurized vinegar works for other household uses.
Migraine Headache Relief
No Meds Therapy Reports 80% Effectiveness — Often Works in Minutes
By Gary CraigEFT web site
San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) -- Stanford Engineer Gary Craig introduces a new approach for migraine headache sufferers. This non-drug treatment is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and, through clinical applications, has provided an effectiveness rate of over 80%.
In essence, EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles are not necessary. Instead, gentle fingertip tapping on precise meridian energy points allow the body’s subtle energies (or Qi, as it is called in Chinese medicine) to flow unimpeded. This has proven repeatedly to provide relief from a wide variety of pains, including migraine headaches.
An estimated 303 million worldwide experience recurring migraine headaches. At any one time migraines are incapacitating 20 million people, interfering with their productivity and disrupting their personal as well as professional lives. “EFT can nearly eliminate this problem,” says Craig. “While qualified physicians should always be consulted, the rapidity and ease with which this process often works is astonishing.”
EFT Practitioner Lindsay Kenny reports on one of her early migraine headache cases as follows:
“Sherry was out of medication and out of her mind in pain, so she tried lying on the floor and tapping for relief, not knowing whether or not EFT would help. She said that relief came within minutes of tapping and that the migraine was completely gone in less than 10 minutes. She was delighted and astounded. And so was I. That was the first time I knew EFT could work on such serious ailments.”
Although EFT is a new process, it has been discovered by innovative members of the medical community. They have found that it effectively addresses the emotional causes to disease and thus provides relief where other methods fail. As Los Angeles Urologist Eric Robins says, "Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."
Over 225,000 people have downloaded Craig’s free training manual and another 5,000 to 10,000 download it each month. Known as The EFT Manual, it has been translated by volunteer practitioners into nine languages. The EFT website is the sixth most actively visited natural health site in the world.
The EFT Manual gives anyone all the basics so they can apply it right away. Click here for a free copy of the manual.
About the AuthorGary Craig is a pioneering developer of EFT, a profoundly effective emotional/mental healing approach. Visit the EFT web site .
Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been clinically effective in thousands of cases for Trauma & Abuse, Stress & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias, Depression, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. Properly applied, over 80% achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the problem.
...Often works where nothing else will....Usually rapid, long lasting and gentle....No drugs or equipment involved....Easily learned by anyone....Can be self applied.
Natural Treatments for Headache Pain
from The Rea Centre Collection: A Work in Progress edited by Chet Day
There seem to be an awful lot of inquiries recently on the subject of headaches.
We have to say that if a person is concerned that the headaches are abnormal and uncharacteristic that they need to visit their own doctor for a check up.
Having said that, very few headaches actually fall into this category of seriousness as evidenced, for instance by the sales of Over The Counter headache medication, and the fact that in the USA alone, 45 million people report having regular headaches requiring analgesics.
We are uneasy about the automatic response of reaching for a packet of tablets because not only are many very powerful drugs in their own right, but…
Some OTC medications have side effects more serious than the headache;
Regular use of these products can actually create headaches;
Headaches are a symptom of something going on.
And if you take a closer look, there can be better ways of dealing with headaches than taking a pill. It's very common for people to say that they have "migraines," but this isn't quite as common as many assume, and it's far more frequently confused with other types of headache.
Headaches can be defined into some specific group types that are quite characteristic.
Chronic tension headaches can come from an overload of stress or from being fatigued, but more often they come from physical problems, from psychological and emotional issues, or from depression.
Cluster headaches come in groups of 1-4 a day in a set cluster period that may be a matter of days but can extend to months.
Hormonal headaches have a similarity to migraines in that they affect only one side of the head and frequently are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to lights and noise.
Sinus headaches can be experienced after a cold or condition that causes a sinus infection.
And the rarest are the organic headaches stemming from a skull or brain abnormality -- benign or malignant tumors, aneurisms, meningitis, brain abscess, infection, or encephalitis.
We do know that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NPL) techniques such as Koi Carp can help people zero in on causes with remarkable accuracy, so possibly can the Village once a person is familiar and comfortable with its usage.
Koi Carp can be used to relieve some headaches quite speedily because it uses time distortion, so real clock time of ten minutes can give you an hour or so at a level of relaxation that will ease away a tension headache much more effectively than aspirin or paracetamol. Instead of popping these meds, just "take five" and have a nap in the sun by the lake or in the garden.
Changing the submodalities can be useful for this sort of headache too. Helsinki covered this approach in earlier highlight posts.
Diaphragmatic breathing is another good way of relieving headaches. So too is the imaging of colors and temperatures -- which can be done in the garden part of Koi Carp or even without this background structure.
Here's how to do it: Imagine yourself in a bubble of light -- purple, violet, or blue are good ones to experiment with, and then simply imagine that the light can seep through the skin into the cells of the whole body, lifting away the pain, and changing temperature to suit the occasion, either an experience of warmth or cold.
Next. You simply imagine your right hand placed in a bucket of iced water. Really cold iced water, so of course it will feel as though it has lost all sensation and gone numb -- without the painful bit of an actual pail of ice.
When the hand is completely anaesthetized, simply rub it over the affected headache area and feel the numbing effect transferring from hand to pain, and the numbed hand restored to normal. This normally works well with one application, but there is nothing to stop you repeating it.
This "cold hand" one of the simplest of pain control techniques and is good for minor cramps, bumps and bruises as well.
There's a variant called the "inner pharmacy" that works brilliantly for some willing to play what seems to be a nonsense game. To do this one, imagine going into an old fashioned pharmacy of the mind where your subconscious stores all its remedies.
Visualize a gorgeous, old-fashioned, dark place that smells wonderful and has those old mahogany drawers and counter tops and shelves of brown, blue and green bottles containing different draughts or pills.
You just look over the shelves and pick the bottle that starts twinkling like a Xmas tree light. Either swallow one -- only one -- of the tablets inside or pour a into the medicine glass thoughtfully left on the counter for you. You can even visualize a water bottle there for those who need liquid to swallow a pill! Who says placebo effect doesn't work?
Your subconscious can't tell the difference, so the imaged medication will frequently work much faster than a pharmaceutical with no side effects.
How about another ancient pain control technique? Relaxation techniques are often useful, especially if you can get hold of one of those little biofeedback meters that tells you when you're "stressed" or "relaxed" so you get to feel the difference.
Additionally, you may need to eat something, or get some sleep, or check your posture and the chairs you are sitting on for extended periods.
It may sound like a ghastly idea, but a few swift minutes of vigorous exercise can set up enough biochemical changes to erase a simple headache.
So there are stacks of ideas that can be tried as an alternative to taking a tablet.
Me, I rarely get headaches, but sometimes if a day has been overloaded, by the time I get home, there is one developing, and I'll head for the carp lake for a nap in the sun. Ten minutes later I'm as right as rain.
Or I'll do some deep breathing exercises.
Foods that Trigger Migraine Headaches
Someone wanted to know what common foods can trigger off migraine attacks, and it may be worth listing them on the board too for all, since migraines are so common today. But, trigger foods are not the be all and end all of the matter, because there are stress links as well as emotional inputs, hormonal influences, and some medications as well.
The commonest foods which can cause difficulty (but sometimes what affects one person is fine for another) include
peanuts and peanut butter
caffeine in all products, not just coffee
dairy products
some beans (which includes peanut), as well as broad, lima, Italian, lentil, soy, peas
dried meats
pickled herrings
canned soups and packet soup mixes
chicken livers
ripe banana
soya products as well as the bean itself
sodium nitrate, which is used to preserve hot dogs, bacon and cured meats
the preservative benzoic acid and its associated compounds
MSG, common name for monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer which is now in almost universal use in almost all processed foods
sourdough breads
cheeses which have been aged, i.e. cheddar
red wines, beer, champagne, vermouth
And if the list seems depressingly long, there are other food triggers as well, but the good news is that most of the list comes from the highly processed and manufactured food products so aren't too difficult to identify, test, and eliminate from the diet.
Migraine Headache Relief with Emotional Freedom Techniques
By Gary CraigEFT web site
Based on the discoveries of Albert Einstein and the ancient principles of acupuncture, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) often provides proven results for migraine headache relief.
Newcomers who use this simple process by themselves achieve relief 50 percent to 80 percent of the time and, in many cases, the relief is complete and permanent. More sophisticated uses by an EFT expert may be required for some migraine sufferers.
The discovery behind this relief is that the underlying cause for most migraine headaches is not the chemical imbalance conventional western healing sciences have presumed. What migraines really are:
A disruption of the subtle energies circulating throughout the body.
Unresolved emotional issues that manifest in the body as headaches.
Unlike other energy healing methods, EFT has incorporated the emotional causes that initially disrupt the energy meridians, and is designed not only to realign those meridians, but also address the cause of the disruption so headaches don't recur.
Carol Look, an EFT practitioner with a doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy, reported as follows:
[A patient] John told me that after suffering from weekly and sometimes daily migraines since childhood, he hadn't had a single migraine since the EFT treatment, which was between five and six years ago. He still doesn't understand what went on in my office, but is thrilled with his relief.
By applying EFT properly, a patient can identify the sources of the distress, correct the meridians and allow the body to heal the pain by itself. Many headaches will vanish in seconds. Others, however, may need more attention, as there are often several emotional events contributing to the pain.
Clinical results have shown basic social and self-esteem issues developed in childhood are usually at the root of headaches. By realigning the energy meridians with respect to these basic issues -- "I'm not likeable ...," "I'm not good enough ..." or "The world is unsafe ..." -- EFT also paves the way for a refreshing new level of inner peace in addition to addressing the headaches.
Although emotional trauma can be uncomfortable to re-experience, an EFT method called the Tearless Trauma Technique allows the patient to process the memory while minimizing any emotional pain. Because many painful memories are difficult to discuss, EFT can also be effective while the patient simply tunes in to the feelings of the event without needing to describe it.
Val is an EFT client whose life changed when she applied this technique to her own migraines.
I am pleased to report that my migraines have stopped! It takes a while to realize how much these migraine attacks rule your life and what you do unconsciously to avoid situations which may bring one on. On the other hand, to realize that it would no longer be necessary to do so now -- what a relief! So I can't thank you enough for giving me a normal existence with the EFT. I have no idea how it works, but I can tell you it does, so keep up the good work.
Interestingly, EFT has addressed headaches of all kinds and often clears them up without any medications whatsoever. The results often seem miraculous but, more accurately, EFT is the vehicle that unleashes the healing miracles of the human body.
About the AuthorGary Craig is a pioneering developer of EFT, a profoundly effective emotional/mental healing approach. Visit the EFT web site .
Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been clinically effective in thousands of cases for Trauma & Abuse, Stress & Anxiety, Fears & Phobias, Depression, Addictive Cravings, Children's Issues and hundreds of physical symptoms including headaches, body pains and breathing difficulties. Properly applied, over 80% achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the problem.
...Often works where nothing else will....Usually rapid, long lasting and gentle....No drugs or equipment involved....Easily learned by anyone....Can be self applied.
Headaches Home Remedies:Submitted by Julia at 2006-05-11 20:25:20Have someone pull your hair by starting slowly at the back of the neck and grabbing as much hair in two fistfuls close to the scalp. Pull for 3 seconds and release, slowly working your way up to the forehead, releasing and grabbing the next batch of hair with both hands and so on. Then work backwards along the sides of the head to the rear. This will alleviate pain for about 10 minutes.rating: 9 (13 votes)Submitted by Tara Invidiato at 2004-09-06 18:58:09For headaches, eat a banana every time the linger headaches appear.rating: 7 (16 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Do not skip meals, especially for migraine sufferers.rating: 7 (34 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Apply a paste of ginger and water or milk to the forehead.rating: 7 (4 votes)Submitted at 2005-04-05 16:50:11Boil Vinager and water, cover your head with a towel and sniff the mix. This helps with sinus headaches.rating: 7 (12 votes)Submitted by Michelle Layman at 2004-06-11 23:07:13When you get 'brain freeze' from eating something cold, simply press your tongue on the roof of your mouth for a few seconds. You will be suprised how fast your 'brain freeze' is relieved! rating: 7 (9 votes)Submitted by Andrea at 2004-10-19 15:10:39Drinking Gatorade will relieve a headache almost immediately.rating: 7 (36 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Soak the feet in hot water and place a cold rag on the forehead.rating: 6 (16 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Apply a moist, cold towel to the forehead to alleviate pain.rating: 6 (24 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Apply a paste of one part ground cinnamon and one part water to the forehead to relieve headaches from cold air.rating: 6 (6 votes)Submitted by Trish at 2004-12-08 01:24:30When you get a headache, apply pressure to the pressure point where the bones of your thumb and index finger connect. Its easy to find.. Press hard for as along as you can, and as you do, you will notice the headache fade away.. This almost always works for me and whoever else i tell. I actually read this in a magazine for campers, cause when your camping, you dont always have pain releving drugs.rating: 6 (77 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Take a 30 minute nap in a dark room.rating: 6 (32 votes)Submitted at 2005-01-30 21:25:36Drink a cup of coffee or Mt. Dew. The caffeine in the drink will open up the blood vessels and relieve the pain. IF you look at any 'headache medicine' (not naming names here) but you will see that caffeine is a main ingredient.rating: 6 (16 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Eat a jalapeno pepper to relieve sinus headaches within minutes.rating: 6 (6 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Drink the juice of ripe grapes for migraines.rating: 5 (9 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Avoid cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, red wine, processed meat, MSG, salty foods, and caffeine.rating: 5 (10 votes)Submitted by Anil Saini at 2005-10-05 22:55:04Just drink a glass of water!.........you are hydrated and your body needs waterrating: 5 (9 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Apply a mixture of a half teaspoon mustard seed and three teaspoons water to the nostrils.rating: 5 (2 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Boil peppermint in some water and inhale the steam to relieve sinus headaches.rating: 5 (6 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Drink chamomile and peppermint tea with lobelia extract.rating: 5 (11 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Take willow bark in capsule form.rating: 5 (4 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Drink a mixture of white vinegar and powdered wintergreen for fast relief.rating: 5 (4 votes)Submitted by Asim at 2005-05-26 06:21:44Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches. So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.rating: 5 (2 votes)Submitted at 2005-07-01 23:31:58Drinking peppermint tea almost instantly gets rid of any type of headache for me (I get migraines, sinus, and tension headaches). Also, this may seem a little weird, but, if you have a headache where it hurts the most in a particular spot (migraine), after you steep the peppermint tea, save the tea bag and hold it against that area for a few minutes. The peppermint has a cooling, almost numbing effect. The aroma of peppermint tea helps as well.rating: 5 (6 votes)Submitted by Kyleigh at 2006-03-14 19:12:22If you drink two cups of Gatorade it will relieve a headache almost immediately without the unpleasant sideffects of most traditional pain relievers.rating: 5 (2 votes)Submitted at 2006-09-10 13:17:28Usually taking a hot to warm shower or bath helps. Having a hot/warm cloth on your forehead while taking a bath really helps. rating: 5 (2 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Take passion flower in capsule form for headaches related to stress.rating: 4 (9 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Apply a paste of 10 or 15 basil leaves, 4 cloves garlic, and a teaspoon of dried ginger to the forehead.rating: 3 (3 votes)Submitted at 2005-12-18 05:03:32this is for headaches of all kinda..i find it relieves almost all pain..rub some vicks vapour rub on your forehead, temples, andd chest and breathe the fumes in. Try it it really works!!rating: 3 (4 votes)Submitted at 2006-01-06 23:23:19The number one reason for a headache is dehydration, this is why drinking anything helps. It isn't a cure all, and it isn't always the cause, but it is more than likely some water will do your body good.rating: 1 (5 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Tie a knot in a handkerchief or other piece of fabric and tie tight around the head, with the knot on the source of the pain.rating: 1 (2 votes)Submitted at 2005-11-16 21:28:49Maybe you're constipated. Take an over-the-counter enema or eat a large quantity of something you're fond of, like spaghetti. No more headache once you eliminate.rating: 1 (2 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Take cayenne, fenugreek, ginger, hops, lobelia, thyme, valerian, wild lettuce, or wood betony.rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted at 2003-11-07 17:47:18Rub cayenne, lobelia, or valerian extract on shoulders, neck, temples, and forehead.rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted at 2004-12-15 14:17:23for headaches eat an apple of any kind,apples have natural asprin in them!rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted by Cassie at 2005-09-26 02:15:36Headaches are usually due to dehydration [take fluids with a little salt and sugar] injury or low iron (due to red blood cells dying every 3 days). I find that an iron tablet or cocoa or 1/3-1/2 a block of dark chocolate, will remove my headache in 4-8 hours, as cocoa is high in iron and contains some caffeinerating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted at 2006-01-04 03:04:57Cut a lime in half, rub on forehead.rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted by Friend at 2006-05-05 18:44:45BELIEVE IT OR NOT - Having a headache, just have a big gulp of COLD MILK, see the magic.. It works for me and my husband always.rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted by Anon at 2006-06-03 19:29:56Chew on your tongue softly for a few moments then stop to see if headache has been eased. Continue this method until headache has gone. Worked for me!rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted by Simon Harris at 2006-07-17 14:20:46Try drinking 'Iron Brew' (No, its not coz it has a big pic of a head at the front of the bottle!) It actually does work....Try it for yourself!rating: 0 (0 votes)Submitted by Lancess S. Williams at 2006-10-16 20:23:47for a headache drink two cap fulls of apple cider vinegar and then one glass of water it will thin your blood and the ache will go awayrating: 0 (0 votes)

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